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Everything posted by springacres

  1. Perhaps because he or she is therefore that much more loyal to you personally and thus has fewer issues accepting your decisions. (On a semi-related note, I would really like to see an endgame option where you somehow make Alcander and Nicodemus work together for the rest of their lives, just because it amuses me. But that may be the sleep deprivation talking.)
  2. ^THIS. I would have liked Avadon 1 even more if it had mentioned the fates of, at the least, my individual companions. Did Jenell ever get the chance to see her Wyldrylm soldier again? Was Shima's banishment lifted? Little things like that make a game or series that much more memorable.
  3. It usually is. I bought it off Steam when it was on sale for $8, but there's a patch out now which their version has not yet gotten, so I had few qualms about plunking down another $20 to buy it through Spiderweb's store. This way, I have access to patches as soon as they're released, rather than waiting for Steam to get the patch.
  4. That's definitely weird, then. I'm pretty sure that was open when I did the quest.
  5. Not just lightning scrolls, either - if I recall, most AoE damage scrolls help at least some of the time.
  6. Do all of your characters currently have blue particles? Edit: Ninja'ed by Randomizer's much better explanation.
  7. ^This. Plus it's a quote from the author of "The Devil's Dictionary."
  8. My characters would have been happy to do this as well. Or once they'd joined the rebellion, they would have gladly offered the place as a safe house. (Same with offering the place in Dharam to Dheless for use as a safe house.)
  9. Tells you how much I know. But even so, it's sometimes worth buying a separate copy from the developer, since Steam doesn't always get their versions patched right away, whereas buying direct from a developer you can get patches as soon as they're released for your platform. (Read: Steam's version of Avadon 2 is still at 1.0S... while they're giving DOTA 2 what seems like 54789 patches a week.)
  10. I actually just bought Avadon 2 off Spiderweb, having bought it through Steam already. The reason being I wanted a game that was more likely to be up-to-date and that I could play without necessarily being online or having to logon to Steam in case Steam's servers were offline. (In fact, I wish I'd thought about buying it here first. I'd rather support independent game developers directly than go through a middleman like Steam or the Apple Store.)
  11. I would love this option. (I guessed it wasn't likely based on the one house being near the Dharam/Tawon border and the other one in the middle of the Contested Lands, but...)
  12. It might be fun in theory, but it would make little to no sense. I personally think Redbeard is as crazy a character as we're likely to see in a position of power. And even his craziness had its limits.
  13. Is this the gate on the second floor below the dungeons you're talking about?
  14. ...Which doesn't make it any less disturbing. At least to people with dirty minds. XD
  15. I'd heard rumors ages ago, but the blushing was the dead giveaway for me too.
  16. This made me giggle. Seriously, though, it doesn't seem like many of them were even open to the possibility that the scout was just interested in getting to know the PC better. But then, like I said before, I read it as "this character kind of likes/has a crush on my character and wants to know if my character feels the same way about them" and approached it from that angle. (In all fairness, I've put my own characters in similar situations before when they were shy about admitting their feelings, so I was also reading with that in mind to help me consider where the scout might be coming from.)
  17. I guess I didn't think about cultural differences playing into people's interpretations of the scout's behavior. Good point.
  18. I didn't understand where they got that impression at all. The only line of dialogue I saw that I thought could be interpreted that way, came across to me as the scout having a crush on my character but not wanting to come out and admit it for fear of rejection. Hence the "I wouldn't mind" instead of, say, "I would like it if we could patrol together."
  19. I'd forgotten that. I'll have to pay closer attention next time.
  20. Ah, that's good to know. (When a resolution leaves even a paladin-type Blademaster like mine unsatisfied...well, he shouldn't have let Alcander talk him out of killing Xenophon, that's all I'll say.)
  21. I hope that turns out to be true. Also, if it hasn't been mentioned before, I want more ninja-esque Shadowwalkers in Avadon 3, similar to the models used in Avadon 1. :3
  22. I don't know for sure, but Melantha (sp?) and Basilia both give quests, and Melantha gives several of them, so it might be safer to complete those first JUST in case.
  23. For Avadon 3, I'm hoping for more in-depth exploration of "enemy" cultures. I wouldn't mind learning more about ogres, titans, Svorgald, or even just more Lynaean history.
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