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Tracer Bullet

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Everything posted by Tracer Bullet

  1. How about Tales of the Unknown? Or Loderunner: The Legend Returns? Or the Castle of Dr. Brain? Or the Island of Dr. Brain? Or Romancing the Rose? Or The Quest for the Silver Dagger? Or The Wizard of Frobozz? Or...or...or...or.... As you can see, there's still a universe of puzzled adventurers out there. None of whom could possibly have slain the Three Lizards. Like I did. And many of you did.
  2. Originally Posted By: Tirien And dual-wielded flamethrowers. Flamethrowers solve almost anything. I most wholeheartedly concur, especially after a SPECTACULAR display by my Bard Taliesin and his Powder Horn--I mean, Fire Horn. How about Acid Shower? That solved most of my problems in G2. Aura of Flames, nah.
  3. I never even got a chance to try using it, and didn't know it was deadly. I blew it up in Easss's face.
  4. They are protectors of conspiracy theories and must therefore be prepared to defend themselves against assassinations by rival conspiracy theorists.
  5. Shaila, eh? I hadn't thought of that. It fits the facts, I'll give you that, but there's another possibility. Ahem. The G5 PC was found in the Drypeak mountains. Madmen have been known to unconsciously fall into old habits. Conclusion: G5 PC was a G2 character. The G5 PC has most likely used a Geneforge in the past. Conclusion: Phariton, Barzahl, and what-his-face the Awakened researcher are the best candidates. Phariton was sufficiently obscure and "faded out" well enough to be a candidate for the G5 PC and Monarch, and possibly both.
  6. Oy. Try actually knowing what you criticize before you criticize it.
  7. 'Tis most dishearteningly true that a game is of no use outside the little universe that the game creates, but what then do we turn to during moments of leisure? Surely you do not mean to ban all amusement? "Amuse": to "Not think" That is rather self-evident.
  8. I am afraid I must most heartily disagree with your first statement. The criteria for pseudoscience are correct, but I am afraid you have applied them incorrectly. What could be more correct than assuming that the way a man thinks is governed, at least in part, by the way he was brought up?
  9. "Marxism" is a scientific, materialist approach to history. It is a tool for understanding human behavior, like Occam's Razor is for general logic. Simply put, it states that ideas are dependent on the society in which they form. A tribe of hunter-gatherers will not come up with the United Nations, because there is no need or prompting for anyone to think up such a thing. It is also a social system. For a ton more on this, ask Dad.
  10. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES ... Okay, video games have officially gone too far now. One cannot remember the great games of the past without talking. Unless the game is Robot Odyssey.
  11. There's always Lode Runner and Zork to keep us company. I hate to think that in twenty years, when I'm thirty-seven, I'll be showing my...nephew...games like Geneforge and...others... and having them dismissed as "old hat". I think I'd...find something else to do.
  12. How about Paganitzu? Not exactly an RPG, but it forces creativity. especially room 17 of part 2.
  13. Tiddly pum Tiddly pum Tiddly pum Do you ever actually get anywhere?
  14. Well, try holding out for a white Christmas in Manila. Man, I hate not getting any snow.
  15. Originally Posted By: Bladel Does it makes your brain browsing through possibilities? Would we have something beside standard scheme "tanks tanking, mages and shooters give hell from the back"? Can it be tuned so that enemies have some special skills making us to seek new tactics for every battle? Somebody needs to play The Bard's Tale. (the 1986 version) Or, most likely, needs to, instead of waiting for his enemies to force him to be creative, take creative license without cause and forces his enemies to be creative as well. (This preemptive innovation strategy works out best in G2, BoA, and G4) P.S. THIS POST IS NOT SPAM!!!
  16. Thar be more than a lone pillar in the Drayk's Vale, mate. Elsewhere, too. In which order does we mess around with 'em WITHIN the zones? P.S. Where's "Warriors of the Wind"?
  17. Originally Posted By: Tirien Then again, since when has anyone done anything logical in any of the Geneforge series? Good point. I was just wondering whether you took into account the actions of Ellrah and Greta.
  18. Pfff. Guess what I got for my father for Christmas. The original Bard's Tale trilogy, Paganitzu, and several others--which, frankly, is enough for three years and well justifies looking for old games. Can't stop the classics, man.
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