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Tracer Bullet

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Everything posted by Tracer Bullet

  1. Rrrg. I was just looking for a joke. But, since you ask, I will give you what you ask for.
  2. I need to know where to find those. The crystalline fibers are in Kyra's Refuge, right?
  3. How can I give a link to J.R.R. Tolkien, Artist and Illustrator?
  4. Tolkien's letters to Allen and Unwin Publishers. Please fogive any spelling errors, I'm half asleeep.
  5. And I am an archaeologist. And must therefore find said slith before he goes off to learn the twy stimes.
  6. Hand drawn cover art by our dear author in person. That enough for you?
  7. Same with the book. The Creator himself said so. The original cover art for The Two Towers shows--my bad-- Minas Tirith and the Barad-dur
  8. Two Towers: Orthanc and the Barad-Dur. Everyone forgets the "the"--same with "the Christ"
  9. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Actually, there were a total of five towers. Orthanc and Barad-Dur. You've stepped onto my home field. Congrats. You found my area of specialization. Oops. You stepped on a land mine. Now prepare to die.
  10. Davy Jones doesn't hold a candle to this guy.
  11. Up 'til part 4, they didn't need subtitles at all. then they thought it would be nice to put a very bland, uninformative one. Maybe just to break the monotony of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  12. I have never been partial to the infiltrator's items myself, except the charm. Otherwise, it takes up a slot in which you could have put something more useful.
  13. Want a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle? Subtitles are for the audience's benefit. Therefore they must be either informative or entertaining. Either way, it's cool.
  14. I can prove it, if you give me a month to compile a convincing argument. In the meantime, let it be said that stasis inducing compounds either function only at a subatomic level (that's this one) or you have to be fully immersed in it. Maybe the fluid has a strong surface tension that keeps it away from contact with the Shaper's gut.
  15. 10 each is hopelessly insufficient for G5. Either you should perform an honest overhaul (12 leadership, 15 mechanics) or ignore them.
  16. Were the Sholai the ones who built too many shoe shops and then cursed the ground? Or were they the ones who chased each other around poolsides with wet towels seeking enlightenment?
  17. Aye, being full-on immortal is lame. But getting to try life again and again would be nice. Get another crack at being a pop artist when your first lifetime of attempts failed. That would take anybody out of the dumps about failure.
  18. Only if you're surrounded on all sides by it would it affect you. Point two: When the creations are created, the chemical composition of the fluid changes, remember?
  19. If you're dumb enough to take a swim in an essence pool, yes, it would.
  20. Plus, if you really play the stickler, my chemical reaction would never provide enough energy for particle level transmutation.
  21. I would rather serve under Taygen than Ghaldring, and that's saying something.
  22. Then their incentive to discover interstellar travel is a pretty lame one.
  23. I like to be concise. So. One. Essence is a stabilizing compound which keeps things in suspended animation. Two. Floating in the goo, there are carbon isotopes of extremely high density. (Atomic wt. approx. 130) Three. These atoms would decay instantly except for the stabilizing goo. Four. When the compound is activated, by a change in temperature resulting in being brought outside the human body, the chemical composition of the essence changes, leaving the carbon isotopes free to decay. Five. A neutron is composed of one up quark and two down quarks. Six. Two neutrons, with enough energy, could be rearranged into one electron, with three down quarks, and one proton, with two up quarks and one down quark. Seven. This reaction, being sub-atomic, requires a great deal of energy. Eight. Said reaction could be fueled by the chemical reaction in the sustaining goo. Nine. Through this process, the heavy carbon can be transmuted into whatever compounds are necessary to create life, drawing oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen from the air. This probably is the source of the ozone smell. Any comments?
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