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Tracer Bullet

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Everything posted by Tracer Bullet

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Tirien We're all homicidal maniacs here on the forums! Just look at how most of us play RPGs. (Kill everything that moves.) You forget it might be a pylon, so don't wait for it to move. Most unfortunately, I am a diplomat, so I missed out on 50% of the Geneforge combat.
  2. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: The Voice of Atalantë Mr. Vogel probably does not. Maybe he does. Have you asked him? Looks like I lose. But I never staked anything, so HAH.
  3. Originally Posted By: Beer and Motor Oil I haven't checked out General in ages. But now that I've seen that link, I definitely wanna get in on that, yo. Same here, sounds interesting.
  4. Originally Posted By: FnordCola I'm going to have to opt out of "everyone" here, which I'm pretty sure makes it not everyone by definition. While canisters have a tremendous potential for abuse, I also think that if regulated properly, they can do a huge amount of good. A village healer or the like with access to healing magic could save dozens of lives, and so on. And using only one or two canisters doesn't actually seem to alter one's personality much, as evinced by the fact that PCs in the Geneforge series can use around a half dozen over the course of 3-12 months or so, and not encounter any changes in dialogue or endings. They would have to be strictly regulated, of course, and even then there would probably be a black market. Then again, short of a whole lot of execution and book burning, there would probably be a black market in them regardless of their legality. Not just canisters, the whole Shaping discipline. Is Geneforge an allegory, do you think?
  5. Server Farm Agrarian Tract Euphemism strikes again!
  6. Originally Posted By: Tirien Originally Posted By: The Voice of Atalantë PS As regards the picture of Redbeard "strategizing," Did anyone notice (aside from those who help make it) the three bottles of food coloring? I'm pretty sure that those are just some random potions/poison, not food coloring. Food coloring.
  7. I think the overall trend says "Ghaldring" so he can go on the list. everyone else is only a villain either briefly or incompletely.
  8. Originally Posted By: Tirien What, no choice for "Redbeard IS Jeff"? What kind of poll is this?! I'm afraid alternate universe reincarnation was not an option when the master of Avadon clearly likes Risk and Mr. Vogel probably does not.
  9. Ghaldring, then. I'm composing a list of legendary status villains. He qualifies.
  10. Well, it was brought up...so I took it upon myself to come out and ask it straight. Much as people may laugh ( )
  11. How about shades of red? For the blood which the games so nicely lack? Unfortunately, I haven't played Avernum.
  12. True enough. So the bad guy is simply "disagreement"? Is that what you're saying? That's probably true. But some of the characters do things that are outrageous in any light, while others do what could be construed as, if not the right thing, then at least "what they had to do"
  13. Your Same Page Tool Is A Bit Odd, But Then So Is This Post. I Found It To Be Conceivably Helpful, But It Is More Trouble Than It Is Worth.
  14. And piecing together fragmented (literally and virtually) hard drives.
  15. An overriding "bad guy" to the Geneforge series? If so, who? If not, why not?
  16. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Originally Posted By: The Voice of Atalantë What ever will happen to those quaint little archaeology departments with their special brushes and plaster casts? What good will they be in a pair of centuries? There will be a museum dedicated to the more primitive techniques used in archaeology. Oh. And again: I am sure there will be new "archaeology" departments dedicated to breaking PGP's old encryption so that they can read old presidents' virtual journals.
  17. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Is it just me, or does Redbeard look suspiciously like Jeff? Absolutely not just you. It's just us. PS As regards the picture of Redbeard "strategizing," Did anyone notice (aside from those who help make it) the three bottles of food coloring?
  18. What ever will happen to those quaint little archaeology departments with their special brushes and plaster casts? What good will they be in a pair of centuries?
  19. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! If only I could afford it...
  20. These are some truly epic posts. Wow. Aside from that, my only suggestion was to "incrementalize" your numbers, i.e., multiply everything by five or ten. Then damage becomes more interesting because it's harder to be killed by a margin of 1, which is always SO frustrating.
  21. Did we all forget Tales of the Unknown?
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius There's like five, and each has about a tenth of the information necessary to be comprehensive, and a good deal of that information is either false, misleading, or just made up. Just FYI. That will make me first of my kind. A thorough Game Archaeologist for Geneforge. Any other Game Archaeologists here? (Official, please)
  23. Interesting. So certain creations would only be available with class feats?
  24. Originally Posted By: Beer and Motor Oil All of this discussion makes me want to replay the whole series again while taking notes to write a book/wiki THAT is a very good idea.
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