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The Almighty Doer of Stuff

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Everything posted by The Almighty Doer of Stuff

  1. Someone who likes long scenarios? Like myself? Then again, we all know you like to rush through long games skipping everything that isn't absolutely necessary to finish in as little time as possible, so perhaps we should take what you say on the subject with a grain of salt. On the other hand, if there's not enough content, waiting 20 days for something to happen can mean wandering around doing nothing, or holding down the R key to pass the days. This is called "boring" and was used in the aptly named scenario "Isle of Boredom" by The Creator(s). Of course, in this case the reward for waiting is death, so the only real issue is where to set the time limit, so that the time limit creates an appropriate challenge (if that's what it's meant to do) while not being so strict that the scenario is impossible.
  2. Yes. Jewels's website gets its name from the Exile spell.
  3. Not the land, the water. Walk into the water as though you're searching for secret passages.
  4. In Exile it's called True Sight. It's a level 1 mage spell that lets you see the 5x5 square of terrain around the caster, thus letting you see through walls.
  5. There's a secret passage in one of the walls of the wolf pen. Get used to running into walls. It's essential to completing many quests. I wish it wasn't, but many disagree with me.
  6. If it was Linda making fun of a relative, why not give the servile the relative's first name instead of her own last name?
  7. Salmon says here that Linda joined the company in 1999. Geneforge is copyrighted 2001-2002, according to the main menu. I agree with Toby-Linn. I think the servile is named after the employee.
  8. Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff Also, your first contact in ASR is Vonnegut. I believe Jeff is a fan of Kurt Vonnegut, so the character is probably named after him. Originally Posted By: Andraste You forgot to mention that Lavern and Shirley are in the towns Lennis and Squiggus. Don't remember which one is where though. These were mentioned in the thread but aren't on the list. Also, the show is called "Laverne & Shirley", not "Shirley and Laverne". One other possible cameo I found, although kind of a stretch, is in Exile 1. In Formello, the innkeeper is named Vermeers. There is a famous Dutch Baroque painter by the name of Johannes (or Jan, or Joannis at various points in his life, according to Wikipedia) Vermeer, who owned an inn. It's not in the Wikipedia article, but I believe I learned in a Renaissance To Modern Art course I took that the inn, rather than his paintings, is what kept him out of abject poverty (he was always poor though). As I said, it's probably a stretch.
  9. I thought angering one town angered them all. At the beginning of the game, when one could expect to have reason to be on Bigail, you don't have Word of Recall.
  10. Don't you need to take a ferry in a town to get off the Isle of Bigail? If you anger the Anama, can you ever get off the island? I think I had to start over once because of that, but it was a long time ago.
  11. I think in E3 it was you have to visit four other towns without visiting the angry town for it to reset and for unimportant people you killed to come back. It's probably the same for Avernum.
  12. Damage from slings is calculated using Thrown Missiles skill, I believe.
  13. Perhaps the point of contention is your assertion that things that aren't canon can be rightly ignored. That forces you to ignore a lot of things in a lot of scenarios.
  14. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Congratulations on ruining the joke by explaining it.
  15. Although that version is buggy. Try sending your registration info to Jeff if you want a bug-free version. Maybe he still has the complete BoE on an ever-changing URL like he used to.
  16. I can't find the thread that details where the pref file is, but uninstalling completely before reinstalling should fix FabledOne's problem. rclear666, which dialogue box is empty? Do you mean you're getting the option to run in a window and to always start the game in that resolution, but are unable to see the options for full-screen resolutions? I'm not sure what you're saying. Maybe someone who actually knows about the game will. I need to stop doing this.
  17. Did you fully uninstall it before you reinstalled it? Uninstalling it would presumably get rid of the preferences file that stores the preferred resolution. Alternately, you could probably just delete that file yourself, and the game would create a new one once you started it again. One of the other threads details how to do this. I'll see if I can find it.
  18. Originally Posted By: dareva Originally Posted By: Yoga Firebolt! Yoga Flamestrike! That isn't the first battle. It sounds like Dareva is talking about the fight with the four terrified serviles and the bugs. Yes, that's the one I mean. I didn't want to give things away for anyone who hadn't even been able to start a game, but I guess that was rather more vague than I needed to be. It's my own fault if I read Geneforge 5 spoilers in a thread with "Geneforge 5" in the title. I must be masochistic or something.
  19. Oh, okay. I haven't actually played the game. I'm just poking my nose where it shouldn't be.
  20. Dareva: http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=155387#Post155387
  21. Adventurers with brittle bones often are spellcasters who hide behind people with strong bones and big killing devices.
  22. Originally Posted By: Overwhelming Ah, good news! I'm gonna try the demo today! Hey, you still exist. I still have the entire series to play through, so I don't know why I'm reading this forum. It's like I'm begging for spoilers or something. Bye, then.
  23. So this is the original, unmodified (except for fixing the resources, neatening things that don't affect how the program runs (if I understand correctly) and changing the title bar) Windows scenario editor? Could you upload this somewhere? Ormus's editor currently has fatal bugs, and an unmodified editor would be swell, as it often runs on Vista. I don't suppose you could compile the main program too? Or are there more complicated problems in that program?
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