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Everything posted by *i

  1. *i

    A4 Bugs

    Quote: Related to this, enemies apparently have access to a "Haste Group" spell that players don't. See e.g. the small Vahnatai band just west of Fort Remote. Slow the Shaper, and he'll haste his entire group, as many times as you do it. Scrolls of Haste Group don't cut it here; he has as many casts as he needs. Or maybe Haste level 6 finally hastes groups? I haven't completed the game yet and a lack of haste-all is really aggravating me; I'm up to level 5 so far with that spell. Haste only works on one member at a time at any level. Some monsters can haste all members of their "party". This is positively related to game balance; the end fights would be too easy if this were put in. Quote: I managed to walk through some gates in one of the earlier towns, after I had closed said gates. Not sure what's up with that. You know, your party is not the only group of people capable of opening a gate. If you close it, logically one would expect someone else to open it. If not, it would be very easy to starve off all of Avernum.
  2. Damn! You're on to me!! *quickly runs for the nearest escape exit* Chrono Trigger was a great game from my much younger days. I decided to borrow a few of the general concepts.
  3. Metal for Dawdy is not a bug; you can, by design, bring him as much metal as you desire and the quest never goes away.
  4. It's west of Spire, but you need to cross the river. You will not be able to do that until much later in the game. Clear out the area east of Bahgra, find the hidden tunnel to the northern waters, head back west and enter the dark lands, and then head south to reach Erika's tower. Search around and you should find another entrance that will allow you to actually get in to the Darkside Loyalist lair.
  5. Refreshing to hear several new ideas. I hope the new creations are not just new high level things, but some lower level ones as well. Above all, I hope it allows for more interesting tactical decisions on the part of the player. It might be nice if weather did impact combat somewhat. For instance, wind would make batons and javelins less accurate and rain would weaken the firebolt spell. Also, I'm glad to hear the line of sight and stealth issues will be revamped as the those algorithms in eariler games was not all that great. Anyway, hope for a good game.
  6. I didn't forget a line, I figured he just submitted incomplete code which I purposely did not complete. It would have fixed the error he was stating. The answer to your question is yes. Put your dialogue script inside of an if-then statement to check to see if a flag is zero. If it is, call the dialogue. If "yes" is selected, set that flag to one. That way if the player picks "yes" you will never see it again (unless you set the flag back to zero somewhere of course).
  7. Well, is this a statement or a question? If you want to ask what is wrong, I suggest posting the script so we can look at it.
  8. That is what I would indeed expect for your coding. The problem is that you can run_dialog(0) twice. In your conditional statement, use the variable choice instead of run_dialog. It should read: Code: beginstate 10; reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0, "text", 0); add_dialog_str (1, "text", 0); add_dialog_choice (0, "Yes"); add_dialog_choice (1, "No"); choice = run_dialog(0); if (choice ==1) { set_flag (0, 1, 1); set_state_continue(11); }break;beginstate 11; reset_dialog (); add_dialog_str (0, "text", 0);break;
  9. The game is already quite linear, no need to add another link in the chain.
  10. I take it the bugs actually started moving after releasing them? You need to go back and talk to the spider chieftain and there should be an option to finish the quest.
  11. There should be a lever somewhere in the dungeon. I believe it is right next to the Chitraches, but I'm not 100% on that.
  12. Erika's Tower is ruined now and there is a base beneath it. You could go back without too much difficulty and just do that quest.
  13. It's probably a cosmetic thing. I wouldn't worry about it.
  14. Blades of Avernum/Blades of Exile are somewhat special in their needs as far as forums go.
  15. This vote is quite pointless...GF4 will be a separate forum until either a new game is released or traffic dies down sufficiently after the Windows release. At which point, it will be absorbed. The same goes for the A4 forum. The reason: traffic is too slow on the individual boards to justify having multiple ones at the expense of being cluttered.
  16. Quote: but what's life for if not for overcoming the annoying challenges? Tedious.
  17. Those doors cannot be opened until you beat Rentar. At the end of the upper level spiral is a stairway, take that. Follow your Vahnatai allies north until you reach a gate. Head south, past the stairs you came down, fight a big area. Off to the east is a temple, head north of that to find a lever.
  18. It would make sense from the character description. However, I have not noticed it making any difference in taking damage and such. Would be interesting to compare this to humans and sliths and how they die or dust. I do find it odd that it does not take much to turn a character to dust. I think when I get killed, rarely do I just die.
  19. The barrier cannot be destroyed in A1. It is a sequel tease for A2, during which the barrier will be lowered.
  20. The other place to learn it is in the ruins of Harston in the Giant Lands east of the Abyss. However, there is no person who teaches the spell as with Bolt of Fire, etc.
  21. move_to_new_town can only be called from a state that the party actually steps on, not a START_STATE, etc. Make sure you check that you are indeed placing the party in a valid town.
  22. You do, however, need a tool use of 6 or 8, I can't remember exactly.
  23. I made Houghton survive once. Unfortunately, he dies anyway of poison inflicted by the scratch wound after the battle.
  24. Most people are in agreement, but the new spell system is here to stay. A4 does offer some compromise and brings back the area effect spells, but the actual number of spells is quite limited.
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