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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Since there's no updated list of titles in the FAQ, would some mod or admin who's in the loop be so kind as to post a list for us miscellaneous body parts of Avadon?
  2. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba In completely unrelated news, ooh, shiny new titles. It looks like the feature to only show custom titles instead of both titles got turned off somehow. Dikiyoba will have to fix that. *blinks* Hand of Avadon? WTF is this? EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER NOW.
  3. Perhaps a refinement of terms is in order, then? hint: third result is for a site called "wikipedia". click it. read the article.
  4. Cleavage gives a backstabbing bonus? Conan the Barbarian makes SO much more sense now!
  5. From Wikipedia's article on Theocracy, which paraphrases the CIA world factbook: Quote: Iran maintains religious courts for all aspects of law and have religious police to maintain social compliance. while its government is described as a "theocratic republic".[6] Iran's head of state, or Supreme Leader, is an Islamic cleric appointed for life by an elected body called Assembly of Experts.[6] The Council of Guardians, considered part of the executive branch of government, is responsible for determining if legislation is in line with Islamic law and customs (the Sharia), and can bar candidates from elections, and greenlight or ban investigations into the election process. So even Iran describes itself as a "theocratic republic". Since we know the "republic" bit is a sham since the rigged elections a little ways back, that only leaves "theocratic".
  6. Originally Posted By: Android That´s still completely beside the point. I wouldn't dare draw many conclusions from economic situations in a country. We're drawing the conclusion that Iran is a poor place to live based on the fact that it is a repressive theocracy (like I stated above), and now on the new piece of information that it apparently in dire economic straits. If those don't make it a bad place to live in, what does? Lack of infrastructure? Disease and high mortality? War? Lack of culture? There must be some factor or combination of factors that would qualify a country, as Nalyd so eloquently put it, "crap to live in".
  7. Originally Posted By: Android That news article tells of oppression of protesters, not of the day to say lives of Iranians. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8060167.stm This tells a bit more though. >25% inflation and 20.3% unemployment in those under 25, plus a debt at 18% of the GDP (yes, I know the US is way worse on that number), plus "imprudent public-sector spending, subsidies, corruption and inefficiency.", hardly make that article complimentary of Iran. FYI, I don't study engineering, I actually work as a structural engineer. Take that, massive-layoffs-in-the construction-sector!
  8. I didn't say it was a bad place to live in because it's technologically backwards, I said it's a bad place to live in because it's a repressive theocracy. Besides, Ahmadinejad is a laughable figurehead. The real power in Iran is held by Khamenei, who is not elected and runs the country through religious decrees (fatwas), so it's not a dictatorship, it's a theocracy. EDIT: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I just learned that Ahmadinejad was trained as a civil engineer. This officially excuses him of all crimes and policy mistakes and makes him THE BESTEST WORLD LEADER EVER.
  9. It's fairly objective that the shapers do, in fact, do those things. The moral dilemma, like most (if not all) real life dilemmas, stems from the following views: I. I value a well-ordered and stable society, so it is acceptable for the ruling power to stem individual liberty and freedoms to ensure social order (Shapers) vs. II. I value individual free action and self-determinism, and am willing to accept the consequences of a more chaotic and less efficient society if I receive these things (Rebels) See also: Every major political, social, and religious issue that has ever arisen over the past millenia.
  10. Originally Posted By: Asher People seem a little disbelieving. Is there maybe a way I can upload a save-file somewhere so that people can see for themselves? I would suggest that if you wanted to see if it is possible.. make a character as an Agent, don't make any pets until you get into the second region and then only ever make one pet. Kill EVERYTHING hostile that gives XP on the whole map, no matter how little. Do every quest you can possibly do without switching alliances to Rebel. Sell everything you can that you don't need. I'm pretty sure... by doing that you'll get to level 50. Unless somebody knows how to play without having a pet back them up. I think it's impossible to get past level 52 though.. mainly because there is nothing left to kill. 52 is reasonable endgame as a solo character. I think the level cap is 61000 XP or level 62, and it's very rare to get anywhere above 54-55ish, but 52 sounds perfectly normal for someone who dies all the sidequests, kills the Unbound, and wiped out most every hostile on all the maps.
  11. That'd be a good joke item- something that does ridiculous amounts of cold damage, but only works against undead. Or that does massive fire damage against dragons. With all the resistances, it'd only wind up doing normal damage, but the player would freak out when they saw "+1000 damage to dragons" on the side of the wand.
  12. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES That's an awfully broad statement to make. Actually, both of them are, but especially the one about "crap to live in." One is totalitarin theocracy ruled by an elite cabal of religiouys zealots, and the other is run by a totally opaque authoritarian cabal of communist oligarchs that crush free speech and dissent. As such the countries fall under the umbrella of "crap to live in", unless you are a member of said cabals, in which case it's pretty sweet.
  13. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha what? how at all would the word "the" be exciting? and the T would be more climatic! Of all letters in the English language, "the" appears with the greatest frequency- approximately 1/19th of the time, if Wolfram Alpha is to be believed. Hence, if I selected a random word from anywhere, it would be more likely to be "the" than any other word. Edit: 1/16th, not 1/19th. My bad.
  14. Originally Posted By: Carington x2 —Alorael, who rejects your meme. No dwarves in Avadon. I knew that had to come from somewhere! I should have recognized it sooner, since I'm playing DA:O-A right now, too. Incidentally, DA:O-A is just about the worst acronym for a game ever. KotOR gives it a run for its money, but at least that sounds like a actual word as opposed to just gibberish.
  15. Originally Posted By: meAzuma Originally Posted By: Dantius It's a logical assumption, since X and EX sound phonetically identical, and there's no X anywhere in Avernum. Lies, there is so much a X in Avernum as there is in Exile. They both like anvils too. Well, if you're taking that line of argument, there's twice as much X in Avernum as in Exile!
  16. There's a psuedoannotated A3 map that shows herbs, spell circles, caches, and special encounters, but it's nowhere near as comprehensive as the A1 or A2 maps.
  17. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha and how does those names evan remotely relate to my mangekyo sharingan? The moon and sun goddesses, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, are the names of the two abilities the mangekyo gives, the illusion and the black fire. At least, it was in the version I saw. WHERE DO YOU LEARN ALL THIS? your like a mobile library. what do you mean black fire? There are now specific wikis across the web for literally every singe insipid piece of entertainment out there. And they all go into ridiculous depth- Wookipedia, the Star Wars version, has well over eighty thousand articles. Eighty thousand! That's probably more articles than there were words in the first three movies! I'm sure with a little hunting around, you could find more than enough information.
  18. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Geneforge doesn't really have any examples of what intelligent, independent creations given the ability to shape would do. Yes it does. They engineer and perpetuate a repressive society centered around themselves and their sect and hoard all power for themselves while crushing all dissent. These creations are called "humans".
  19. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Recently though I've used E/A rather than X, because people always assume X just means Exile. It doesn't. It's a logical assumption, since X and EX sound phonetically identical, and there's no X anywhere in Avernum.
  20. Originally Posted By: Carington x2 —Alorael, who thinks the climax should probably be refined down to a single word. He's hoping it's an preposition, or maybe an article! Probabilistically speaking, it's "the".
  21. Originally Posted By: Øther Tunic: Like pants for your chest! Thank you so very much Jeff. You've just sold another game. I really like some of the other ones from (Avernum?): Many great adventurers also wore pants. Belts are often enchanted, and they serve the added benefit of keeping your pants up, too! (from Geneforge) Alas, not all trash bins in Terrestia contain vital information. Somebody should compile a list of all the oblique humor Jeff has had in his games.
  22. Originally Posted By: null We could just go with the second letter since the first is taken. V. Bonus points for specifying any sequels with Roman numerals, and forever confuse the world. I think V would work best. I'm still confused whether Exile is referred to as E or as X, though, since I've seen both used interchangeably.
  23. What movie are we talking about? The girl in The Last Crusade was a female Nazi, not Russian. Sheesh, next thing you'll be discussing the Star Wars prequel fanfilms like they were produced by Lucas himself!
  24. Mountain of Shadows was a massive forum RP that went on for like 50 pages in three threads about five years back. Read it through sometime, it's pretty cool.
  25. Dantius

    i don't like it

    Well played, good sir. Well played .
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