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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: waterplant Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: waterplant No one nose... You should leave. Now. I'm not Hosni Mubarak, in case you're wondering. If I had to be a detested world leader, I'd rather be Berlusconi than Mubarak.
  2. Woo final levelup! Will he use his newfound intelligence to end war, establish peace and ensure safety and stability for Mote? Or will he simply use it to prepare more Fire spells? Click to reveal.. (Kurex) Name: Kurex Occupation: Travelling Mage Alignment: Magnificent Bastard Race: Human Deity: Imaunte Strength: 7 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 8 (+1) Speed: 5 Health: 54/54 Stamina: 10/10 Magic (Evocation): 10 Magic (Conjuration): 5 Magic (Abjuration): 4 (+2, 7 pts) Magic (Enchantment [didn't realize Illusion got merged]): 1 Martial (Sword): 5 (+2, 9 pts) Composure: 3 Stealth: 1 Perception: 1 Perks: -Smug - When you hit an enemy, gain +1 to all composure rolls against them for 1 round.
  3. Originally Posted By: FnordCola But if skill costs increment upward, skill point gains ought to do the same. If both increment, it would be easier to simply increment neither. The whole point of diminishing returns it to be a sort of Skinnerian conditioning in order to keep you playing the game. MMORPG's do this all the time as a way of keeping you subscribing, and most other games either slow down the levelup pace or somehow decrease returns to keep you hooked. Videogames basically work on the same concept as drugs: first hit is free, and the price keeps rising steadily as your enjoyment from using it drops.
  4. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity We mods never rest in our pursuit of socks offenders. Well, darn. Ba-dum *tish*
  5. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Dantius Sonic? Sonic fans anyone? Does anyone even play the old games now? No? Okay, I'll just go cry in a corner, then. sonic 4 was okay well, compared to every other sonic game in the past 10 years anyway Wow, that games looks... shockingly like an actual Sonic game, as opposed to the 3d JRPG junk Sega has been trying to pass off as "Sonic" for the past decade. I might actually have to go check that out. It looks like fun.
  6. I prefer barbecue, preferably with a vinegar-based sauce slow grilled for at least six hours, if not twelve. Pork ribs are better, but I suppose beef would do in a pinch. More dipping sauce is essential, and of course you'll also need some cornbread for sides.
  7. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Wait, is there some SMoE-Infernal connection I am unaware of? They're both socks of a banned user. You should ban them ASAP before they instigate an evil plan to destroy the forums and strip you of the ability to post pictures in your signature, swear, or have animated GIF's as your avatar.
  8. Sonic? Sonic fans anyone? Does anyone even play the old games now? No? Okay, I'll just go cry in a corner, then.
  9. Originally Posted By: waterplant Maybe Corsicans follow their own grammatic rules. Ego sum rex Romanorum et super grammaticam! And I was very sure that that quote is, in fact, correct- it even showed up on Jstor, so it must be right!
  10. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Originally Posted By: Dantius Je prononce à regret cette fatale vérité: Le fromage doit mourir, parce qu'il faut que la peuple vive! Napoleon, your use of google translate is showing. Wikiquote, actually. I couldn't recall the exact phrasing of the original Robespierre quote, so I just looked it up. My humblest apologies for not having a flawless grasp of 18th century archaic French, as you probably do.
  11. We move topics when they drift now? Man, General's gonna be massive soon!
  12. Originally Posted By: waterplant He called you her little cheese. Mon is feminine, I believe. Ma is feminine. Mon is masculine. Mes is plural.
  13. Je prononce à regret cette fatale vérité: Le fromage doit mourir, parce qu'il faut que la peuple vive!
  14. Originally Posted By: Soju Faction —Alorael, who now has nostalgia for [...] Things were better in the old days! This sensation is normal, and will pass in time. I recommend bed rest for the next few days. If it doesn't pass by then, I'd recommend either a leeching by your local barber surgeon or powering up an old Windows 95 machine and trying to browse the Internet with Netscape Navigator.
  15. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Stick around since Avadon: The Black Fortress will be out for Macs next month. Yes; why don't you have a seat over there?
  16. Originally Posted By: Lilith Each character gets one Martial or Magic skill for free, at a base rank of 4 + 1 per experience level, and uses this as their primary combat skill. This skill cannot otherwise be invested in. Absolutely. I endorse this idea fully, on the condition that other combat/magic skills can still be invested in, otherwise ti gets boring when the only options the party has access to is "stab things with pointy metal sticks" and "whichever two magic skills the mages/priests picked".
  17. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Again, HAH. Dikiyoba. It's funny to imagine that in a few more centuries, "internet historian" will probably be a legitimate historical discipline, with classes and academic journals and professors and everything. Hell, it might only be another few decades, even. Just imagine what some of the lectures or articles would be like.
  18. Originally Posted By: The Voice of Atalantë Originally Posted By: FnordCola This would run up against problems of in-story consistency, since even the 7 creation limit in the Geneforge series is clearly far fewer than an experienced Shaper can create and maintain under direct control. This has nothing to do with D&D, but I assumed that the limit of 7 was because you were an adventurer. A sedentary Shaper with vast reserves of essence, too much to travel with, could make more. I believe Alwan's head of research in G5 had 46 (high-tier) creations, but then again he would probably be one of the most powerful Shapers in the world not on the council. A fairly simple mechanic for creation control, to me, would simply be to give up spell slots in exchange for creations. A L1 creation takes up a L1 spell slot, an upgraded L1 (like a cryoa) take up an L2 slot, a L2 creation takes up an L3 slot, and so on, until you reach an upgraded level 5 creation, like an Ur-Drakon or Eyebeast, taking up a epic slot. You could also do something where you'd roll a d% to check if any creation would go rogue, where the DC would be the sum of all the levels of the creations you controlled minus some constant based on your stats, and if you missed it, a creation would go rogue.
  19. There's like five, and each has about a tenth of the information necessary to be comprehensive, and a good deal of that information is either false, misleading, or just made up. Just FYI.
  20. Originally Posted By: Cold and alone and hungry I've actually always thought that fighting something much larger would be much like fighting a wild boar, but more so. You'd want a spear, and you'd want it to have something to keep big things from collapsing back onto you. —Alorael, who notes that Miyamoto Musashi, probably the single most famous swordsman, literally wrote the book on dual wielding. It apparently can be done and done well in real life. When you're good enough at swordsmanship that you can win a duel against a highly trained samurai whilst wielding nothing more than a broken oar, I'd imagine that you could manage two weapons at once.
  21. Originally Posted By: FnordCola The "God" vs. "god" distinction is commonly used to distinguish between monotheistic and polytheistic deities. This can get a bit fuzzy, since some polytheistic deities are about as omnipotent and omnipresent as a monotheistic God (e.g. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in many Vedic religions), but in principle it seems reasonable to have a linguistic marker that distinguishes between, say, Allah and Artemis. Well, it's fairly standard practice to presume that "God" refers to the Abrahamic god of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, not just any old monotheistic god, seeing as well over three billion people combined worship Him (capitalized pronouns like that are also a tip )
  22. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES This is an omission that I simply don't understand. Dual-wielding isn't something that weirdos on the forums wish for while complaining about Avernum 4, etc. This is something that 13-year-old boys LOVE! People really, really love dual-wielding. So why not include it? I don't like dual-wielding because it's an "innovation" that has occurred literally ONLY in video games, because it's cool, yet horribly horribly impractical- it breaks immersion because I know it's impossible. This gets me especially angry when it's people somehow dual-wielding pistols. The pistol in the left hand would almost never ever hit, and the detracted accuracy in the right would mean that you'd be using up twice the bullets and hitting at less than your original rate. Grrr.
  23. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: SpaceCadetHX I compare creations directly to tools. We create Hammers and Nails for a specific purpose. The Shapers do the exact same thing but in a different form (magical). Just because that creation can think and feel doesn't mean it is still not just a tool for a specific purpose. actually one can make a pretty reasonable argument that's exactly what it means you may for example be familiar with the views of one Manny Kant, one of the most important moral philosophers in history, who argued that all rational beings have a moral obligation to treat each other as ends in themselves, and never merely as means to an end I prefer Fried Willy to Manny Kant, actually.
  24. Originally Posted By: Triumph And so we've now reduced the "novel" to nothing more than a long story. Wow. Don't be ridiculous, we all obviously have Internet connections. That makes us experts on every conceivable subject within the realm of human knowledge. We can reduce your pithy "novel" to anything we please AND YOU ARE POWERLESS TO STOP US MUWAHAHAHAHA. *cough* Sorry. Did I say something?
  25. Isn't the Tale of Genji widely regarded as the first novel in history? That's a wee little bit older than the 18th century...
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