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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Don't worry, Jeff's next remake of Geneforge will be like a Bioware title, but in medieval times instead of a corrupt and incompetent space-republic/oligarchy! The working title is "Drakon Age", but that needs a little work...
  2. Originally Posted By: Guardian Nex What is the code for 4 and 5 Hold Shift-D until a dialog box pops up and then type "iampoor" without quotes.
  3. Tintin was awesome. Well, they were actually horribly racist, discriminatory, and offensive, and would never ever <span style="font-style: italic">ever</span> fly in today's world, but I guess that's just because it was a product of its time, which was what, the late 30's to the late 60's? Yeah, that wasn't exactly the most egalitarian of time periods. To clairify:
  4. Originally Posted By: Acky You old people didn't seriously think that hair style was good, did you? Let's just say that Richard Wagner and Nero would both be avid Mac-users had computers been around then, mm'kay?
  5. Originally Posted By: Triumph New version of Maptool downloaded and installed...but I couldn't find the server City of Hope to connect and test to make sure things worked. Does that mean something is wrong on my end, or that you just don't have the server available right now? I believe that the server is only active starting an hour or so before the session. Maybe it uses a prohibitously large amount of bandwith?
  6. Seeing as I am unable to actually read the article, I guess that all I can do is comment on the picture, so I'll say that 90's Jeff looks almost identical to 2010 Jeff, but with longer hair. Also, it is a wonderful testament to the powers of stereotyping that had you shown me just that picture, I would have been able to guess that that person was a Mac user in a heartbeat.
  7. I was always under the impression that Jeff has only ever wrote one actual "engine" and has only made major changes to graphics (2d -> 3D) and a few other under-the-hood tweaks. I mean, sure, it looks totally different, but I'd be willing to bet that much of the code and base programming are similar if not totally identical.
  8. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: RCCCL Originally Posted By: Ephesos Downside: All the presents are made out of giblets. How is that a downside? Vegetarians. How is that a downside?
  9. Originally Posted By: Tirien Originally Posted By: Rowen Its been snowing on and off since Monday where I am at. Its doing the same thing where I am at. And who says there is no Santa Turkey? I send him a list every year. The Great Pumpkin spurns your heretical worship of the Santa Turkey!
  10. I liked jumping off a cliff when it was still underground, it sucks now that it's mainstream. Wait, how would that even work?
  11. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Luckily, that's just a myth. Dikiyoba. Ah, good old Walt Disney. Frankly, I'm not really that surprised, although I hadn't heard that particular story before.
  12. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity [grumble] I still think duct-taping kids to the ceiling ought to be an effective deterrent. Plus it would get them out of the way. And it would stimulate the economy by promoting sales of duct tape. So far my wife won't let me try it, though. [/grumble] Well, under normal circumstances I'd recommend superglue to affix things to ceilings, but it has cyanide compounds in it, so it's probably not suitable for bonding flesh. Effective, yes, but not suitable.
  13. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Lilith ...whenever everyone shows up... Considering that this is CoH, Originally Posted By: Clint Eastwood ...You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? This one has forgotten whether or not its heat sink has reached capacity. This one respectfully inquires whether or not criminal scum considers itself fortunate.
  14. Originally Posted By: Nioca That said: Kurex, unless there's something behind the scenes going on that I'm unaware of, there is no way you are currently at full HP/STM. I've got Kurex at 10HP/1STM. And Ephesos outright said that we weren't gaining any HP back from leveling (as in current HP. Max HP is obviously going up, we just aren't getting any healing for it this time around). I'm lazy, so I just quick quoted Eph's post a couple pages back where he introduced the characters and worked on the levelup from there, and then I updated my actual character sheet on my home computer later, since I don't actually remember my HP/STA totals days later. ...Wait, I've been doing that for every AIMhack campaign I've ever been in. How have you not noticed that until now?
  15. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I've wanted to read Metamorphosis, and especially Brothers Karamazov. But these are translated works, not original English. How do these translations hold up? Is there a particular edition I should look at? The way I usually get around this is by reading multiple translations and hoping it averages out to the author's original intent (I have I think four different translations of the Art of War in my library somewhere ), but this method does sort of run up against a wall when used on huge epic novels (Reading five different translations of, say, War and Peace would probably take an appreciable fraction of a decade), so you might want to try asking around at a local library. It shouldn't be a problem with The Metamorphosis, though.
  16. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I'm not sure that that is _actually_ the best novella ever, but I sure can't think of any I like better. The tale of the Grand Inquisitor from Brothers Karamazov. A novelette as opposed to a novella, but it's still the best by orders of magnitude.
  17. At last! Click to reveal.. (Kurex) Name: Kurex Occupation: Travelling Mage Alignment: Magnificent Bastard Race: Human Deity: Imaunte Strength: 5 (+1) Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 Speed: 5 Health: 40/40 Stamina: 10/10 Magic (Evocation): 9 (+1, 9 pts) Magic (Conjuration): 5 Magic (Abjuration): 2 (+1, 3 pts) Martial (Sword): 3 Composure: 2 Stealth: 1 Perception: 1 Perks: -Smug - When you hit an enemy, gain +1 to all intimidation rolls against them for 1 round.
  18. Aaand we didn't have a session. I probably should have come out with one of these first, instead of scheduling on a whim. Ah well, there's always next time.
  19. So we'll be having one of those "if enough people show, we'll have a session" things that seems to be so popular nowadays. It starts in an hour! Don't miss it, or... uh... you might miss a session. Or not.
  20. Originally Posted By: Flipstylez I'm towards late game and I don't know where or how to get more living tools. I bought all from all the shops and now, I just defeated Kayar's Spire and Secret Laboratory and Lost Vera. But the thing is, they all have locked rooms that I need Living Tools. Does the shops re-supply after certain amount of days? It doesn't seem so... I also carry with me +1 and +2 Mechanics items so I always spend cheap on living tools. Now I'm all out... any tips? Yeah, you have to be frugal with your living tools. Remember to use Unlock whenever you can, and to get the Tool Use boosting items ASAP. If you've run out, then, well, too bad. Try going over loot from other areas to see if there's any tools you missed.
  21. Originally Posted By: FnordCola Looking them over again, I found one particular image piqued my interest: the one from the ending of the shapers and rebels negotiating a peace settlement. (Well, two images really, since there's one with the shapers looking happy and the rebels unhappy, and vice versa*.) I was trying to identify the characters shown there. One of them is clearly Nawaz of the shaper council. The others are harder, and it's possible they're not named characters at all. The shaper in the center appears to be the same character from the intro art (seen shaping a wingbolt), but whether that means he's anyone in particular, I don't know. The agent, rebel human female, two serviles, and drakon I don't recognize from elsewhere in the game. Hm. The central Shaper is probably High Councillor Shema (sp?), and the Rebel female is probably Greta (it's not Litalia, though, she wears a blue robe and has her hair in a bun. No idea who the Drakon is. Akhari Blaze? I don't think you even meet him in anything but the Ghaldring ending...
  22. Originally Posted By: Lord Andras i tried to download it on rapidshare but it says that the maximum parrall downloads have been reached and i didnt download anything else(If you can put on megaupload or megafire) Just wait a day, you'll be able to download it again. Patience.
  23. Wikileaks FTW. They have networks that can foil military grade hacking to protect the anonymity of their info sources. Well, I think one guy got caught. Not that I'm suggesting anything. I am merely pointing something out.
  24. Yeahhhh, sorry about the delay in any response. I just had the incredible pleasure of pulling off the first 90-hour work week of my life. Fun, fun, fun. Onto business: You all level up, I'll get the log out tomorrow on Veteran's Day, and does this/next Saturday at 6:00 CST [note the CST as opposed to the usual CDT] work for everybody?
  25. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires pirates pistols aren't that accurate unless shot in close range while ninjas throwing stars are accurate. Honestly, I can't image a blunderbuss being less accurate than a throwing star. Even fired with very imprecise quantities of powder in a smooth bore barrel, it would still have orders of magnitude greater accuracy and stopping power than a little sheet of metal you flung by hand. Just a quick googling reveals that a conservative estimation of musket firepower would be the ability to consistently hit a man-sized target at 50-60 yards, with some higher-end estimates up to 100 yards. I couldn't image a throwing star to be very accurate or damage beyond 25 due to things like a low velocity, wind deviations, gravity, etc. regardless of what the highly accurate and well-researched ninja documentary Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon tells me.
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