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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I am going to kill someone. I have just accessed G1 to load a saved game and talk to Darian. Suddenly, the "Change resolution" box pops up. That's strange, I didn't think that I got those anymore. So, I quick open up my save games menu, aaannnnddd... it's all blank. Evey single one of my nearly dozen playthroughs, in an attempt to get all the endings, have been erased. Gasping in horror, I check the main screen. Flashing in the corner, the dreaded words 'Unregistered copy" leer at me. I threw a fit. Quickly checking, G2 and G3 have become unregistered as well. Luckily, G4 and 5 are still there. Now I'll have to dig up my old laptop that I bought the game for and copy the Prefs file over to my desktop. So, I have just ruined my week, and lost my playthroughs. This sucks. I'm off to complain in tech support.
  2. Also, Darian is in the first three, and then you can use her age and Greta's age to extrapolate back to figure out the timeline. Give me a moment to check the games...
  3. Originally Posted By: Artie Luv Dantus, I'm afraid that your timeline is mistaken. We won't LIVE past 2012. ~Artemis and Armageddon. I can't wait. No young Artemis, I believe that you will find it is YOU that is mistaken. About a great... many... things!
  4. A clever means of engine abuse, and Totally Not Cheating At All. I like it.
  5. If I had to invent a new timekeeping system, I would use 30 hours in a day. Readily divisible into terminating decimals for 1-6, and easier to deal with. Also, no AM/PM, more like military time.
  6. G3 is too simple. It's just another two-dimensional Avernumlike game. Also: The boat system was a pain Being a pickaxe salesman was NOT cool There are two factions, which sucks It had a cookie-cutter plot, almost identical to the first two, and it was repetitive in places- "Oh look, I need to destroy/repair the source of rogues" The UI was a pain. I want my "End combat" button next to the combat buttons, not way in a corner They reused the G2 crafted artifacts The characters were poor. Wow, it's a mad mage out to kill me at every turn, and also I need to kill my former master. So yeah, G3 is not a good introductory game. Just play G1, as it is vastly superior in every way.
  7. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Engineering would be so much more awesome if "stopping bad guys from destroying the dam" was included in the job description. Have you read the ads in engineering journals? Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Engineering would be so much more awesome if "stopping bad guys from destroying the dam" was included in the job description. Presumably, the bad guys need engineers too, and those engineers would have to job description of "destroy the dam, preferably while the good guys are standing right underneath it". Dikiyoba. The funny thing is, I know people who have this job description, minus the second part.
  8. Spiddin's right here- in the ending text, it says that Rawal creates division between other Councillors in order to manipulate them to serve his own ends. However, this need not cause them to lose the war. The real end text that shows what would happen if there was no PC is the death text, posted below "The war continues for years more, a gruesome conflict that achieves nothing but more death and devastation" Nowhere does it say that the war ever ends. For all we know, the world of Geneforge could become nothing more than another 1984 with magic, two superstates battling on for all eternity, with some minor quibbles on the side. It's impossible to tell for sure.
  9. Originally Posted By: Keladon I mean, surely a Japanese character with a zodiac Sun symbol subscript has a place in physics. I can't wait for the day where emoticons become a legitimate variable in mathematics. And thus we see for the set, E, as it approaches infinity... The "theta" symbol is broken. For some reason, it shows up in the edit box, but not in the post. I think Nalyd had the same problem with one of his PDN's one, too.
  10. Well, yes, but just like you can trace Communism back to basically tribal eras, in hundreds of centuries BC, you can probably also trace forms of the Metric system, and counting based on the base-10 system that far back, as well. So I guess that they are old enough that it really becomes ridiculous. I still think I'm, right, though, and counting is older than sharing. After all, we're human.
  11. ...that uses the "Who's Online?" feature? I find it incredibly interesting to see what everyone's doing. I feel like some kind of spy, sent to infiltrate Spiderweb. For instance, I can tell the exact post of the exact thread that, say, Ackrovan or Dikiyoba or (even scarier) Alorael is reading right now. Creepy stuff, huh?
  12. Since I could not figure out how to write subscripts, I just used, say, T(i), when, in fact, it should be ti. Also, my double post was to complain about my post not showing up for five second. Thanks for mod power usage.
  13. Luckily, the radiance of Autodesk Corp. is holding me back from the dark side. With no version of their products for Mac, I am restrained from hurtling myself into the abyss.
  14. Since there has already been an OS topic derailment, I will but in to ask: Quote: Soul of Wit Trying out the new forum Registered: Jul 2, 2002 11:00 AM Posts: 45 Loc: Motown How the ---- does a user with 45 posts get a custom title already?
  15. Originally Posted By: Goldenking On the contrary, it appears that, if we extend the lines back, they intersect at the Point of Derailment. Furthermore, these lines are non-coplanar, existing in the Plane of Topicality and the Plane of Infinite Spam; the Point of Derailment is the specific labeled area in this instance where this thread become non-topical. However, the intersection between two planes is a line, in this case the Line of Topical Drift, wherein some points on the line are subtle, and others are as severe as the Point of Derailment. Nice try. However, you forget the fundamental axiom of the internet: When you compare the end result of a topic, t, to the initial post, t(i), you can find that the deviation of the topic can be graphed according to the equation t=abs(((t(i)*sin(t(i))/n(m)-2p^2))+P(ol)+R(el)+F(ur)+W(in)+G(frg)-M(od), where t=final content, t(i)=initial content, n(m)= number of members participating, p=average time in between posts, P(ol)=amount of politics in thread, R(el)= amount of religion in thread, F(ur)= furries in thread, W(in)=amount of OS/Internet browser heat in thread, G(frg)=Geneforge/Avernum strife, and M(od)= # of mod participants in thread, cubed. This results in a smooth sine curve wherein the level of topic drift gradulay grows, peaks, returns to topic, grows larger, peaks, etc. The cutoff point can be found by the second equation, (sqrt(M(num)+M(act)+T(act)-M(fun)-M(inv)))^D, where M(num) is the total number of mods, M(act) is the total number of active mods, T(act) is total number of active topics, M(fun) is the number of mods currently having fun, and M(inv) is the number of mods involved in said topic. Of course, the single most important factor is the D factor, which represents precisely how much crap/fake math you're willing to buy from Dantius. If you made it this far, it can be considered to be extremely high.
  16. Depends. What are you looking for? The starting builds are nice and solid, but the amount of optimization that you get from custom characters is great, albeit requiring more effort. I go for the custom route, but it's really a factor of experience. A general rule is that if you've finished playthroughs on multiple Avernum games, you know enough to build a custom party. If this is your first time, then just get the premade party- Jeff doesn't set you up to fail. Unless I misunderstood your question, and you were asking what kind of party you needed. In that case, I would recommend my Macbeth party: one fighter, swords or poles as per preference, and three witches, mages with (respectively) skills at mage spells,TU, and archery; mage spells and priest spells (he will be getting Knowledge brews later in the game); and a third, straight up mage, with some NL and AL.
  17. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Dantius The Metric system was invented during the French Revolution, IIRC. Communism didn't come around until the Russian Revolution (not counting ideals, only the practical inception). How could using the metric system be communist if it had been around ~100 hears before communism? A handful of things that are occasionally labeled communist aren't even communist at all, so I don't assume that everyone I meet on the internet knows what is and what is not communist. Anyways, many of the ideas in the Communist Manifesto had already existed previously. For example, there was a pamphlet (which I can't remember the name of) written in the early sixteenth century which endorsed commonly owned property. From Wikipedia: Quote: In 1586, the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin published a small pamphlet called De Thiende ("the tenth"). Decimal fractions had been employed for the extraction of square roots some five centuries before his time, but nobody established their daily use before Stevin. He felt that this innovation was so significant that he declared the universal introduction of decimal coinage, measures, and weights to be merely a question of time.
  18. They are skew lines- non-intersecting, and not coplanar.
  19. Actually, I believe that someone made an edit where you could walk through walls/on water/over abysses for A5. It should still work for A6. Of course, there's probably nothing there, but it should satisfy your curiosity.
  20. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Dakkanor (I can't believe you just posted that) Protip: Whenever someone who has shown that they are not off-the-wall insane uses the word "commie" or some variation, there is an extremely high chance that they are not being serious. I actually use metric quite often, but can't get used to celsius. So, in casual conversation, I will use meters and degrees Fahrenheit. I don't think you should expect us to assume that. When I first read your post, I thought you were actually saying that using the metric system is communist. The Metric system was invented during the French Revolution, IIRC. Communism didn't come around until the Russian Revolution (not counting ideals, only the practical inception). How could using the metric system be communist if it had been around ~100 hears before communism?
  21. Jeff has stated that he will remaster Avernum, with the first release in 2011 (a new game will be released in 2010). So, I will hazard a uneducated guess at the inner workings of Jeff's brain by posting what I think will be his production schedule: 2010: New game 1 2011: Avernum/Exile 1 3rd Generation 2012: New game 2 2013: Geneforge 1 2nd Generation 2014: New game 3 2015:Avernum/Exile 2 3rd Generation and so on. Of course, if I have underestimated Jeff's laziness, the schedule could be more like: 2010: New game 1 2011: Avernum/Exile 1 3rd Generation 2012: Geneforge 1 2nd Generation 2013: New game 2 2014: Avernum/Exile 2 3rd Generation 2015: Geneforge 2 2nd Generation Either way, a 2nd generation Geneforge game would be far into the future.
  22. Ummm, no. Lifecrafters should put on armor, but instead of going for damage-reducing items, you should instead go for stat-boosting items- for example, you should go for the Girdle of Genius instead of the Puresteel belt. After you have enough creations, you should not be getting hit, just blessing your creations. However, you do not have enough Essence in the beginning area (the mountains) to be able to do this. Instead, for the first few levels, you should equip the most protective armor you can get, since you will probably have to enter combat personally for the first 10 or so zones.
  23. Missile weapons have the highest damage in the entire series. However, they can only hit one enemy, making them really suck when you get swarmed by Podlings in the Storm Plains. A missile oriented build would work quite well for the first three games (especially the first), but after that, where the large packs really start to show up, missiles just don't cut it. Serviles are harder in G5 than in G4, where they really shone. I would recommend going the Lifecrafter route, and pumping Int (like 20 without items), battle shaping(10 without items), and Mental Magic(12ish without items). You should do fine. Have fun!
  24. Originally Posted By: Illoyd um...did anyone undrstand what was just said by hypnotic? explicate. Hypnotic is a brilliant genius who makes Shakespeare look like a Twilight fanfic writer. It is not for mere mortals such as us to attempt to decipher his comments. After all, he's already reinvented the English language!
  25. My calender is generally open, but it would have to be late at night, and even then, I might not arrive on time. Is this okay?
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