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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Artie Luv~ Hehe. 'Zat won't go so well with the religious. There are a handful of Hispanic Catholics who have a child named Jesus (Hey Seuss [spelling?]). Quite a few, actually. It's one of the more common names.
  2. What about naming him God? It would be an interesting social experiment, to say the least.
  3. Member 51 is a little hint that he's important, plus the fact that he has Ephesos speechless. I will now vacate this thread due to lack of knowledge of the topic at hand, even though that's never stopped me before.
  4. I replayed the section. Litalia manages to manipulate the Drakon Ambassador to get you into Quessa Uss, but she's too far away to manipulate events for you there. I stand by my assertion that she would have Ghaldring like a puppet on a string were she present.
  5. I know that he somehow gave items for screenshots in G5, since the character has shield ring, Eyebeast Eye, and Wand of Curses, without ever having opened the door to get out of Foundry Promenade.
  6. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan My Barzite Shaper managed to get 4 of them with intelligence at 2. He literally had no essence to even cast heal, but with 4 Eyebeasts, nothings really going to be a problem anyway. I don't believe its possible to have that many. There just isn't enough essence without cheating. You must mean 20. Otherwise, you would have to be at about level 400. In G2, one hit from an eyebest makes the creature lose their turn. I had three once. The challenge area, with no buffs and no healing, plus AI on, felt like Jeff wasn't even trying. The Drakon Emperor never got a single hit on me.
  7. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Quote: c.)She not only goes up against the Shapers, but also the Drakons. Remember how angry she was at the Drakons in G4 for not sharing their plans? She politically outmaneuvered GHALDRING, by playing him off Sallassar, until she got exactly what she wanted. That's impressive. No, actually, Litalia really had no hand in the incident with Salasar and Ghaldring. In fact, I doubt she had any clue as to what was really going on. All the rest of those are credible though. I could have sworn that she made some kind of oblique reference to "drakon politics" that implied that she had a hand in the whole thing. I actually find this believable.
  8. Even there, they have mad insane resistances. Some even are immune, like the Spectral Gazer in NW Samman's Isle.
  9. Litalia is probably the most powerful, and awesomest, human shaper/lifecrafter in existence. Considering that not only does she a.) actually get off her ass and do things, much to the envy of every other faction leader in the entire series, who just sit in their town and wait to get killed by the PC, but b.)She is able to single-handedly reduce the Ashen Isles to a state of chaos, and this is without help from any Drakons. She is able to outsmart and outmaneuver all the powerful shapers on the entire island, including: 1. Tactically outmatching Rahul, a brilliant Guardian, 2. Ruthlessly undermining Agatha, a powerful shaper in her own right, by playing off her ego and hunger for power, 3. Effectively immobilize Diwanya by incensing the population against him, 4. Single-handedly slaughtering an entire school of Shapers. c.)She not only goes up against the Shapers, but also the Drakons. Remember how angry she was at the Drakons in G4 for not sharing their plans? She politically outmaneuvered GHALDRING, by playing him off Sallassar, until she got exactly what she wanted. That's impressive. d.) She kept up a Reighn of Terror that wouold have turned Robespierre red with envy, uniting the creations/human side of the Rebellion by incensing the against the Trakovites. This enables her to weld a cohesive enough faction together that she could equal or even surpass the Drakons in political or military power. e.) She holds the distinction of being one of only three people in the entire Geneforge universe, along with Gottech and Trajkov, to not go insane from prolonged, intense canister exposure. She remains the ONLY one to have actually broken the habit. That's impressive. f.) She has the courage to reconsider her political beliefs, and adapt them to the rapidly changing political and social views, and actually changes sides, valuing personal loyalty over loyalty to what she views as a corrupt and morally bankrupt cause. g.) She has the courage to walk into the Shaper Citadel, the very heart of power of the most powerful faction in the world, while being the #2 on their Most Wanted Kill On Site list. That's like Alwan taking a stroll (not that he can) through Gazaki Uss to have tea with Greta and chat a bit, or Pinner going to see her elderly aunt in Zhass-Uss. h.) Oh, and did I mention that she FOUNDED the rebellion, along with Ghaldring? Were it not for her, none of this would have even happened. Litalia is a far superior character to any of your choices.
  10. I think Gazers are immune to mental effects in the earlier Geneforge games, so no, Strong Daze won't work.
  11. Is server time New York time, Chicago time, or Seattle time?
  12. I know. I summarized poorly. In a more concise version: If you have more evasion than damage protection, go for the dress. If you have more damage protection than evasion, go for the Mithril robe. Plus, the M.R. has nice bonuses and more armor protection, so it's the correct choice.
  13. Originally Posted By: Master1 I wouldn't call the Trakovites Rebels. They are rebels. Not Rebels. The difference is this: Rebels are a specific group who want to upset the Shaper rule and spread shaping to everyone (although the Drakons don't want this as much as they say); ordinary rebels just disagree with the current regime and try to bring about a change. However, the Trakovites only came about during the Rebellion, and thus might be ushered under the diverse elemtnts that form the Rebels.
  14. Geneforge guy speaking here, so things might be a little different for me. Protection from Damage stacks, so with, say 50% Damage protection, a 20% would multiply, thus giving you only 60% protection. A less to hit, however, would mean that you would get the full 20% bonus, making it a better deal. Plus, it blocks more damage. Go for the Mithril Robe.
  15. Originally Posted By: The Betamax Bandit Maybe it's the atrocious lack of spelling and grammar present in your posts? I mean the trite you post is bad enough, but at least throw in some capital letters and do a spell-check. You mean tripe. "Trite" means boring or uninteresting. God Nikki, throw in some shorter words and use a dictionary.
  16. I have submitted my report. A nice little thing, no major mistakes.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Knight Who Said Ni Can you get into Erika's Tower or to Khoth's Citadel? But Erika's dead, isn't she...? Oh god. Please no lich Erika.
  18. Viper's Touch does, in fact, do poison damage. However, I find that enchanting with the Golden Crystal is a bad idea. It does 6d5 extra physical damage, meaning that, on average, you get an extra 18 damage (3*6), plus an extra 30 to hit. However, if you're playing as a warrior, you probably already have a enormous TH percentage, so that's pretty useless. However, the runed amethyst adds 34d2 (IIRC) acid damage, per round, meaning that you get an average of 51(!) damage. That's nearly three times as good, and nearly every enemy except Rotgroths and some special bosses are vulnerable to acid. This is why I always go with the Runed Amethyst on my Puresteel blade, as it does more damage. The golden crystals I safe for enchanting armor. BTW, if you use the golden Crystal for enchanting a minor artifact, if you turn it into a major artifact, does it keep the enhancement?
  19. So there's no "final challenge" boss that will wipe the floor with you, like the Black Horror in A5 or Samman in G5?
  20. Originally Posted By: Fael Originally Posted By: Thuryl Even I think that people who use singletons are crazy. I think A5 was easier with a singleton than with a full party. Given the changes to the monster AI, though, I doubt that's the case in this version. I found it was. I've almost finished my torment singleton. It's difficult at the beginning, be the literally hundred knowledge brews you can get crafted in Muck allow you to steamroller the rest of the game.
  21. Originally Posted By: [Google Bot ] Also, invest wisely in skills. Don't split skill points between Slings and Javelins. Romans should only use the latter, and you can always invest in Roman Training to increase your damage output, too. I'll guess that this is a mispost that should be in the Nethergate forum, or was it a joke?
  22. I haven't seen any thread yet discussing strategies/locations/walkthroughs for this. Does anyone have any info?
  23. See above comments on Parry. A non-scaling Parry means that it's only 40 SP to get it to 20. Game over.
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