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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I haven't written any books yet. Is it bad that I'm not sure whether that's a threat or not?
  2. I probably can't make it, even though I'd love to. Why can't I make it? Wait until tomorrow to find out!
  3. Originally Posted By: GIFTCockroach Itemsgalore has no effect on PC. I was talking about weaponsgalore, actually.
  4. Originally Posted By: Gilgamaln Actually what Shaper Twilight said is true. Its "itemsgalore" not "itemgalore" though, it gives you 5 coins. Havent gotten weaponsgalore to work though... An odd icon did appear in my inventory though. A tile that takes up a few inventory spaces in looks only. This is actually correct. I got the floor-tile thing to appear, too. Bizarre. It says Melee weapon, damage 0-0. -1 strength. EDIT: I have the PC version, for the reference.
  5. Originally Posted By: cfgauss only when they're serious... edit: taking serious, not factually serious , what i said is factually serious You play chess? Sweet! I love chess. PM me if you'd like a quick game.
  6. Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon the leather and no i have completed the first four very completely and i have never seen leather armor like in Avernum never ever plus by looking at that screenshot it is solid evidence that this cheat exists so why wouldn't the G4 one exist? because Jeff likes secrets and challenges and easter eggs so it seems quite fitting that both cheats exist Keep in mind that Jeff has a character editor and can create any it that he wants, because he controls the only copy of the Geneforge editor.
  7. Originally Posted By: Øther Avernum armor? Are you talking about the breastplate, or the leather? Either way, they appear in both series. I think he's being sarcastic...
  8. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Ephesos Do not taunt happy fun mod. ...for real, folks. We've crashed the board with huge chunks of text before, don't try it again. In algebraic notation, that would be less than a page, MS-word default settings. Just so you know. And knowing is half the battle!
  9. Originally Posted By: cfgauss Don't tempt me to start posting what I do... (Slowly turns around in chair) Are you threatening me, master Jedi? Six feet to my left I have a complete set of the Feynman Lectures on Physics right next to two college calculus books. Below that I have two shelves of chess books. I can and will post a complete analysis of the exchange variation in the Four Pawns Alekhine!
  10. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon so what i'm asking is did it exist and if it didn't work why wouldn't it? There are surely more ridiculously obvious hoaxes out there, but Dikiyoba can't think of any that don't involve the Xian skull. the cheat "imsoawesome" used in A6 allows you to cast X's anvil spell.
  11. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I could be corrected by a real German-speaker, but I believe that this mutated quote should read Denn alle Themen, sie sind wie Gras, Und alle Herrlichkeit des Spinnennetzes wie des Grases Blumen. Das Gras ist verdorret, und die Blume abgefallen. Themen (topics) is plural, where the original (Fleisch, 'flesh') was singular. And where the genitive form of Mensch (human being) is Menschen, the genitive of Spinnennetz (spiderweb) is Spinnennetzes. For all topics, they are like grass, And all the glory of the Spiderweb as the flowers of the field. The grass is withered and the flower fallen away. The original was New Testament Greek; perhaps Kelandon can deliver the Ur-Text. I did NOT misspell my German, I took that from a direct transcript of the Brahms requiem, plus two words added by Google translator. (themen and spinneretz). I also think that the "original" text would be from the Vulgate, not the Greek version, but seeing as I'm not a biblical scholar in any manner, I should probably leave that claim alone.
  12. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith ¿esruC kcoL spaC eht si tahW The only thing I never understood about the Geneforge series is how quickly your PC learned new skills from other people. Canisters I can understand, but learning from an instructor how to craft a new form of life in just a couple of minutes? That one is a little difficult to swallow. Observe. It took me years and hundred of thousands of dollars to learn how to draw and understand this: Now I could read that if seconds or even draw one of those in a few hours. I can image that Shaping would be very much similar.
  13. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Randomizer is going global? Have we recently acquired any further randomizing members? Is it all a big conspiracy? WHAT IS GOING ON???!!! It's all very simple. Randomiser is Randomizer's doppelganger (or perhaps Randomizer is Randomiser's doppelganger). Dikiyoba has had reports of Dikiyoba's doppelganger over the years, but alas, Dikiyoba has never had the opportunity to meet up with them. I prefer the simpler explanation that Randomiser is a split personality due to a malfunction in Randomizer's bot. Aran should be along to fix everything shortly. Nothing to see here, move along...
  14. Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon note note: also i hate the Avernum series and love the Geneforge series i now have completed the first four in the series always getting the canister junkie ending though See, I found the canister junkie endings growing less and less satisfying as the series went on. In G1, you're just a badass demigod who does what he wants (insert Mr. T. references as needed here). In G2, you're still pretty awesome, and you're second only to Barzhal. (think Vader in this case). But as you become more and more watered down, in G3 there's a pretty hefty hierarchy between "you" and "ultimate leader of the rebellion". In G4 there is a multispecies barrier in terms of power between you and the top- pretty much the only human who's remotely near Ghaldring in power is Litalia, and by the time G5 whirls around, you're paralyzed by factional infighting to the point where canister junkies are just a minor freakshow on the side, instead of the driving force behind the plot. I wonder if you could make the argument that the powers-that-be in the Geneforge universe deliberately watered down the powers of the canister as time when on in order to prevent the insanity that was seen at the beginning of the series...
  15. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Timing is irrelevant in this case. You could spam 50 new threads and still acquire the same amount of posts from spamming 50 old threads. Timing is paramount, actually. If you posted in 50 threads 30 seconds after the most recent post by dint of ctrl+r'ing the board index, and responding with short affirmations of what has already been posted, that would be spam. If, however, you waited thirty minutes before responding to each topic, and spaced out your responses so that you posted no more than once every five minutes or so, and make them so that they are maybe a few hundred words or so (or paragraph, that works wonders, too) you MAGICALLY become an "active member of the community". (see what I did there?)It's a truism that holds across all message boards on the internet, except the ones where the posting rate is so frequent that it is impossible to discern "spam" from "not spam". I'm looking at you, Wikipedia! It's really wondrous how this stuff works.
  16. Originally Posted By: VCH gENFOREG iS tERRIBLE sPREADING THE cAPS lOCK cURSE IS strictly PROHIBITED BY THE cOc. EDIT: Actually, I checked, and nowhere in the CoC is the wod "caps" or "lock" mentioned. But I distinctly recall that the exact words that I typed above (case and all) were mentioned somewhere in an official context. Perhaps the FAQ or one of the older CoC's?
  17. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan That post is completely hypocritical Dantius. [snip] Wait.... Well, at least I waited nearly forty minutes before spamming instead of jumping in after a mere 3 minutes 10 seconds.
  18. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES RANDOMIZER INTERLOPER BANE BLADE CLEAVER EF (checks watch) Wow, it took nearly two days for Slarty to wander in and spam. So much for the over/under being placed at seven minutes. (wanders off to write check)
  19. Originally Posted By: 1 n33d n0 1n7r0duc710n Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: boggle what is bad taste in games? WOW? Richard White? Nethack? Geneforge? 0_o G-forge is the best, never heard of the other games though You've never heard of World of Warcraft? 0.o
  20. Originally Posted By: Triumph uddenly and precipitously descended into untranslated garbage. Isn't that the point of the game? Any rate, winner gets declared tomorrow.
  21. Originally Posted By: boggle what is bad taste in games? WOW? Richard White? Nethack? Geneforge?
  22. Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon so what should do with the rest of the posts? should i simply copy all the instructions from my documant containing all the instructions on to a new topic because there is only four more that i can edit so could post all those seperately when thats done i'll make two more topics: one with the entire collection of my instructions which gets locked and linked with the strategy central page and the other one is for new ideas from other people is that a good or bad idea? Oh god no. Stick to one topic. I'd recommend editing your first post to show instructions, and then copy all you new information into that post in spoiler tags, for example Click to reveal.. (Redshell Clawbug) STEP 1.FIND gf4itemschars SCRIPT IN THE SCRIPTS FOLDER IN THE DATA FOLDER IN GENEFORGE 4 STEP 2.COPY OR BACK IT UP STEP 3.OPEN IT STEP 4.FIND begindefinecreature 100;// pc created clawbug // base for all clawbug imports STEP 5.FIND cr_name = "Clawbug"; REPLACE "Clawbug"; WITH "Redshell Clawbug"; STEP 6.FIND cr_base_level = 10; REPLACE 10; WITH 20; STEP 7.FIND cr_max_health = 35; REPLACE 35; WITH 90;\ STEP 8.MAKE cr_bonus_aps = 2; STEP 9.MAKE cr_graphic_coloradj = 272; STEP 10.MAKE cr_resistances 2 = 100; STEP 11.MAKE cr_resistances 5 = 100; STEP 12.FIND cr_abil_num 0 = 80; REPLACE 80; WITH 83; STEP 13.TEST GENEFORGE 4 and then PM a mod and ask him/her to clean up all the excess posts. Then, just edit that post as you make new creations. No new topics, though. That just creates unnecessary clutter.
  23. PROTIP: Instead of spamming dozens of posts, just create one post, and edit it as new instructions emerge. It's much simpler, and you won't make any mods that wander into this wretched hive of scum and villainy angry at you.
  24. I will be in good old Arkansas. Dubious possibility of attendance, and even more dubious possibility of being able to participate.
  25. Start with A1 and go straight through, once you play the second trilogy you'll have a hard time going back tot he old engine.
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