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Everything posted by Artemis~

  1. Quote: I LOVE YOU ACKROVAN. it's an inside joke...wash your perverted, boyish mind out with Dove.
  2. Well, I was flipping through Ackrovan's Danette's Library wiki, and noticed a link for the shaper council. "why not, I'll fill in some info..." I thought, but that kinda backfired in my face When I realized that I had no idea who the members of the shaper council were during the early geneforge years. I know that Alwan replaced somebody, but who? Just to make it easier on me, could someone help me verify the known members of the Shaper Council? Thanks. ~Artie
  3. Artemis was flippin' through this thread, and was staring blankly at her moniter for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what this meant: Quote: well sorRY! Mr. ladies man... (artemis has schoolsucksitis) lol ...is this reffering to Artemis or Ackrovan? Or both? Artemis is a female, so she cant possibly be Mr. Something-or-other...and Artemis certainly not dating Acky, and nothing was said to make him Mr. laidies whatever...or were you just acknowledging my creative PDM? DARN YOU SUNDAY MORNINGS! er...please elaborate?
  4. nonono, I mean that you've got a better understanding, and it'll be easier for you to write. That was a pretty neutral comment. Geez, now i'm going to have to declare my undying love for you. I LOVE YOU ACKROVAN. oh, and it's trivial because there are alot of opinions on the ending.
  5. Honestly, I think that this topic is so trivial that you should make it rebel, because I'm sure that you've dreamed up several aspects already.
  6. I've got 2 battle alpha's named Ude' and Cuse'. That's the names of Sadaam Huseein's sons. [seriously, who names their kids ryming titles?]
  7. [everyone turns heads to hear the convorsation going on at the other side of the room.] you're telling me that this post is 50 times more popular then my attempt at a fanfic? wow, that hurts.
  8. Chapter Thwee... This group of worms was a dangerous combination of ones that breathe fire and ones that spit thorns. I only singed a few with a firebolt spell before I realized that I would need something a bit more efficient.I quickly reached into my pack and found a spray crystal. Mingling my energies with the crystals, I harnessed it's power and released it unto the group of rouges. In moments, A firey aura surrounded each worm, and reduced them all to ashes."Touche..." Andras muttered as he walked towards the doorway. Therese wasted no time in making her way towards the stairway, and she hurled herself up the stairs and closer to freedom.I have a feeling that we wouldn't see her for a while. I shruged and followed Andras up the stairwell and to the smokey depths of upper Greenwood Academy. By the time i made my way up the stairs, I was gasping in the smoke-ridden air. Andras stopped. "Are you okay?" I grasped the wall next to the stairwell and nodded. I felt myself slipping from the conciousness, my head spinning and my breaths coming in gasps. I fell to my knees. I heard somebody say something, and then my world was engulfed in darkness. Yea, I know that was a short chapter. I'm trying to make a good transition back to conciousness. And I'm not really sure if there IS spray crystals in the school's basement... Oh well.
  9. Chapter Too... I'm really starting to doubt the compitence of my travel partner. Andras, I know, is a very odd character. I myself have minor...okay a moderate....i've got bad anger issues. So as you can imagine, I almost blew my top when I spotted the rubble at the end of the coridor, forcing us to either claw our way out or go through the shaping caves. Andras sighed. "Is it too late for us to start digging?" I inquired. Andras smiled. "Feel free. But you probably want to come with me." He turned right and waved me towards a door with a lever. I hesitated, and followed. Andras pulled the lever and the door slid open without protest, and we reluctantly stepped through. Surprisingly, Andras and I werent immediately bombarded by rouges. I stopped and took a minute to shape a couple of fyoras, of corse perfect evidence of my good training. Andras followed suit. I surveyed the area, and found that there was a tiny underground pond to the right, and our best bet of salvation was probably to the left. "Is the cave to the right worth my time?" Andras wondered aloud. Deciding otherwise, Andras rounded the corner to the right with me on his heels. Guaging the colony of rouges in the distance, I silently glided to the right wall of the cave. Andras looked puzzled. "You have a plan, huh?" I pressed my back against the wall and muttered, "Yeah, something like that." I slowly inched my way one foot at a time along the wall, until i reached the end. Stepping on a worm before it could make a sound, I motioned for Andras to catch up with me. When we were both safe in the corner, I deployed a fyora into the mass of scattered worms, ordering it to destroy what it could. When my first fyora perished, a second one replaced it. Andras cought on and soon the shaping caves were clear--for now, at least, and Andras led me to the creation judgement halls to the left. At this point, the smoke is making me VERY dizzy, which was magnefied by how startled I felt to see a figure in the dim lighting, pacing back and forth through the chamber. She was an agent, such as I, and apeared to be distressed beyond beleif. When she spotted Andras and I, She didn't bother to hide her anxiety. "Greetings," She began, accenting her words with a deep sigh. She introduced herself as Therese, and explained the situation of an infestation of rouges in the room leading to the stairway. "I cant take them all on by myself, and the school is probably going to come down at any moment now." She elaborated. I wanted to bury my head in my hands. Really? Where there rouges in this school? Is there rubble all over the place? Most importantly, is it really that freaking obvious? I want to slap this coward across her face, but there was another matter at hand. Andras said nothing, though I knew that he was thinking similar thoughts. He wordlessly motioned Therese towards the door, and pushed it open. A chorus of unruly sqeaks echoed through our ears as the battle for our freedom began.
  10. oh, my...I just realized that theres some other person [a guy] named artemis as a spiderweb software fan on facebook. Talk about stolen identity crisis...
  11. Wow Velzan, you're a genious. I'm kind of upset that this story starts in the basement, in all of the confusion. In order to maintain that confusious enviroment, I have to make everything sound a bit choppy and boring. I mean, how exciting can rubble and smoke get? Which is why I've decided to pass out when I reached the top level to get on with the story. Well, right now I'm just glad that I got it started. All suggestions appreciated: beleive it or not, my planned storyline is so screwed up from the origional, I can actually add new characters. Feel free to tell me how much my story sucks, but please AFTER the fourth chapter, as not to trample all over my fragile self-esteem. Tank yous.
  12. uh, yeah. I fear that my girly cower instinct wrote some of this chapter.The storyline is loosely based on the events in Geneforge 3, but with a whole lotta twists, and from another person's point of veiw: Artemis'. SURPRISE. I couldn't figure out how to start it off, so its kinda shaky. eh, enjoy if you can. Chapter WON Someone was shaking me awake, a nusiance in the back of my mind in my rather deep sleep. I lay on my bed for a few seconds, engrossed in the feeling that something wasn't right. However, the boom I heard and felt was unmistakeable. Surprised, I snapped my eyes opened and rolled off of the mattress. A bit dizzy from my fall, I quickly pulled my boots on and observed the condition of my room. The floor was freshly cracked and rubble loitered the floor. I swooped my pck up onto my shoulder and made my way to the door. I shoved the door open and peeked around the long corridoor. I was appropriately surprised when I spotted a figure, undistinguishable in the darkness, Headed my way. I know that i should be a bit more cautious, but things couldn't get any worse, right? Disoriented, I briskly walked towards it. I almost immediately recognised him as Andras, my next door neighbor, if you will. I had little time to be glad, remembering the confusion of the situation. "What's going on?" I could barely make out my question through a fit of coughing. Andras was just as confused as i was, i can tell; But he was alot more composed. He shrugged. "I can't tell you much. The main exit is barricated by rubble." Andras, who barely seemed to notice the smoky air, gently grasped my broze arm and guided me in the right direction to the west coridor. As we wandered through the hall, I spotted some storerooms to the south. I needn't acknowlege them, because my eyes were a step behind my most likely temporary travel partner's. Andras stopped. "You can come, or you can wait here." He said rather bluntly. I wasn't sure weather to take that as a statement of concern, or something I should be upset about. I peeked into the storeroom. Surprisingly, it was free of rouges. I cautiously stepped in. The room was as smoky as the rest of the school. Scattered about everywhere were broken Thorn Batons and Daggers, but whole ones for the most part. I bagged a bit of food that I found in some barrels, and armed myself. When I was done, I found Andras in the room next door, a door inside of the room opened. "Artemis," I heard him call from the room. I quickly shuffled to the room to find him sifting through a box, opposite of a dead body crushed by bits of the ceiling. Andras leaned over, studying the body of the young woman. He winced. He knew her. I knew he knew her. Andras threw me a healing pod and quickly left the room. I closed the door, noting the living tool expending it's last breaths in the lock. This is aweful, I thought. This is really aweful. What do I do? Where do I go? "Jeez, you need a nap." I hadn't notice Andras fall back to my side. I really hoped that I didn't look as lost as I felt. Yes, the next chapter is chapter "Too" and thats final. But i dont know how many ways you can spell three...
  13. puh-leeze. i was hooked before sharx even knew who saraph even was. Person 3) man, all this moping's got me hungry. Who's up for burger king? Persn 5, crying) MY WIFE LOVED BURGER KING! [boohooohoooooo]
  14. Dikiyoba: you sure are handy with a clicky-machine. keep it up.
  15. I just finished reading some book that i'm sure that none of you have ever heard of. The Witch's Boy. A satisfactory read, and a great way to waste away the 10 days of summer vacation i have left.
  16. hehe Diki's gonna kill us all off. I'm sure she'd make an excepion for flowers and chocolates...
  17. Person 5) Me? my wife cheated on me. This is how i release my anger. It'll get me hung, skinned, and burned, but my ideals are laid out in front of me. Person 1 to person 2) What a loser...
  18. a vlish's melee attacks are fairly effective: they hit 'em where it hurts if you know what i mean.
  19. ...i dont know what to say. by far, saraph is the most interesting character i've ever read about. a little insane, but interesting.
  21. i'll send you a smiley every now and then to let you know that i read a chapter. so, without further ado:
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