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Everything posted by Artemis~

  1. HP games. it was really an accident, but me and my brother just got hooked. pretty soon i was a Geneforge Addict. now i'm trying avernum.
  2. great great. even though i'm not commenting, i'm still reading everything. just remember that.
  3. no, it's giveasnack, not giveussnack. and there's igotarock, which gives you a rock. I have failed to find a use for this cheat.
  4. Well, people are going to cheat anyway, so you might as well make the best out of it. Cheating in class ins't good, but when it comes to gaming, "let 'er rip!" It also improves our gaming experience, because we dont get frustrated. stuck in an area? Use exitzone! exitzone not taking you where you wanna go? use clearthisarea! [or something like that, i'm not sure.] are you a dirty,filthy, stealing scumbag? pleaselikeme's for you! and THAT, my freinds, is the Billy Mays way of justifying cheating.
  5. uh, the billy mays theme's kinda scaring me, ackrovan.
  6. Great Great Great. ha i've always wanted a pet wingbolt.
  7. no, i'm not really near a hispanic community. to explain this better[and it may sound a bit blunt,] i'm a better educated african american in a middle-class community. You can thank my spanish class for the reference. Just give me a way to impress my French instructor, and i'd be elated. oooh, i've got one. Sharx, continuez à écrire vos histoires et il n'y aura aucun problème. Renoncez juste à votre titre de dominaor mondiale et nous serons bien. translation: "just give up your title of world dominator and we'll be fine" is the second part.
  8. ooooh. i get it now! USA! USA! USA! yeah, i went there. SIO is abreviated for the spanish term "Sionara," or "goodbye" and it's like 7:30 pm here, an explanation to my ignorance.
  9. Naughty Elves Stink Woefully. haha an artemis origional!
  10. Grr i hate those. once again, i await the next chapter the story: mainly because i'm bored out of my mind. SIO. to necromancer: iraelithe is a really cool name. i'm obsessed with andras: it's cooler.
  11. Frankly, I also have no patience for video games either. That's why i always cheat. In my opinoin, the length of your chapters are ideal: short enough to keep the reader hooked, long enough not to leave us attempting to strangle the computer moniter. I WILL ALWAYS BE THE RULER OF THIS WORLD THAT YOU HOLD DEAR.
  12. Well, you see, i started a story a couple of years ago, but i felt that it was going to fast. I couldn't find enough descriptive details to fill in the pages in my notebook, so i got overheated and threw it in the fireplace. Patience isn't something that i've been blessed with yet. But thank you for your insight. On another note: world dominations is a very realistic goal. I'm working on becoming the Antichrist. Just a thought when i was reading your profile.
  13. Perfect. i cant find any grammar, structure, or any other error or unclear concept. i have a question: how long does it take you to write a chapter?
  14. I'm getting dizzy now. Anyone who survives the 60's deserves special treatment. pong? [twitch,twitch.] [epic faint]
  15. phew it took me a while to count the s'. its pronounce eye-ray-lith i'm pretty sure. you've encouraged me to write again, not just play geneforge, cause i've played all of them.
  16. see that, Drakon Sssharxx? You've inspired a bunch of weirdos! You should feel acomplished!
  17. That's very creative, having them travel by wingbolt. on the second to last paragraph, second to last sentence [irony, i know] there should be a comma after "Don't worry," The story doenst say if the woman is traveling with him or not, but other then that, I await the next chapter.
  18. ...Is anone ELSE 40 around here? anyway, i like playing computer games better, simply because it's more convienent then going to Bestbuy and purchasing those cute little cartriges. Which is why i'm on this forum right now. That's kinda why i like Jeff's games so much, because they dont have things trying to kill you immediately: these games aren't based on reaction time, and i just like RPG's. ~Confessions of a Gamaholic~ to the comment below: That's what Alien Shooter by Sigma Games is for. XD
  19. wow. I grew up on the very first playstation, playing a cheap graphic version of Mario and Luigi. i look back, and cant remember how i ever thought it was fun.
  20. When low on insperation, read over the last chapter you wrote. I dont know why, but it helps.
  21. no, not 4. it only counts what you're wearing in G4.
  22. And cheating seems to work just fine for most of us...
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