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Everything posted by Uberdhizon

  1. The way Alorael described it makes me just a little bit hesitant to go inside. But what the hey; what have I got to lose? Oh, that. Whatever.
  2. Astoria is in a very strange position for her beliefs.
  3. No, I mean that their attack hits at least two enemies.
  4. Let's face it, Click to reveal.. Other shapers can do so many cooler things than you. Edit: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! The scripts are all in separate files with gibberish names! How to proceed? More Edit: Is Alorael 'Proud Resident of Ubersurdistan' now? It only makes sense, as he's the top poster and I've never seen the name before. And also people kept wondering what the name 'Uber' could turn into. Edit Again: Yes, it is. That's what all his posts say.
  5. Worms got new graphics, didn't they? Edit: I'm a shock trooper now! Yay! I'm climbing the ladder pretty fast.
  6. Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It worked! How do I get to the scripts for the other ones?
  7. Wait, can't a Drakon attack at least two things?
  8. I searched for Geneforge 5 f (which is what it's usually called) but Spotlight couldn't find it. Do I need to re-download the demo?
  9. I just pumped my leadership up to 9, so I could get the assassin to leave me alone. I succeeded, and then I went to talk to Ghaldring, but he was [supposedly] busy. What do I do next?
  10. No one agrees with me... The proof: Quote: NO! The cake is NOT a lie! See?
  11. Kyshakks are definitely better. I have one, and it's my only creation (until I get Rotghroth).
  12. People keep saying they look through the scripts. What scripts? Do they go through the game again or something, or is it something I can easily obtain to read through? Although I do have all the GF games I don't very much want to play through them again.
  13. Sorry. My signature just gets edgy when it feels threatened. Whispered: No! Ow! Don't bite!
  14. My PC keeps getting swarmed by pests. I deduced long ago that enemies are most likely to attack the character that attacked them most recently. Usually when my guy is getting double-teamed I'll attack them one by one with my Kyshakk so they attack it instead. This, unfortunately, does not work when he's surrounded on all sides. Is there a creation who can attract enemies away from my PC and attack it? A list of creations who can attack multiple targets?
  15. Quote: please, change that. Why? And what authority do you have to make me do that? None? Too bad.
  16. Alwan is in Stormhold. Stormhold is in the Storm Plains. Astoria is not rebel, she just wants peace with the rebels. The storm plains are through Lerman's Pass or Kratoa Kel.
  17. Oh. Sorry. I changed the name before I read that. But I haven't established the new me—Uber Undbound— firmly in the community, so I can't change back yet. Anyway, my new name is Uber Unbound. It used to be Uber Ur-Drakon. Now you all know.
  18. Quote: Next you'll be assuming the Australian Liberal Party is a party of liberals! How dumb would that be! Quote: Well, there is Petro Georgiou, but he's planning to resign soon. I think that's politicalese.
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