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Everything posted by Uberdhizon

  1. Quote: Quote: I have nothing to contribute to this thread and yet I still feel compelled to post. Fixed your typo I never posted that. It said, 'Quote originally posted by Uber Ur-Drakon.' I never posted that, and looking back in this thread, no one did.
  2. I hate it when the people start talking politicalese. I don't speak that language.
  3. Golems?! I'm fine with a Gazer, even an eyebeast, but golems! Let me tell you a secret: Click to reveal.. They make me sad because I can't shape my own.
  4. Quote: now publically admit that he uses windows. What person would want to publicly admit such an embaressing secret?! I'd kill myself first. (I'm lying; I would never kill myself. I would drown myself in the broken sidewalk which I have just jumped onto from off a high building. But that's just me.)
  5. *hint hint wink wink nudge nudge* Click to reveal.. It's Geneforge 5.
  6. Wait, there's a Gazer/Eyebeast in Lerman's pass? Good thing I went through Kratoa-Kel.
  7. Quote: they like windows What kind of a person would like windows?
  8. If I were to tell you that there were parts of GF5 that I did not like, I would be a liar. But one feature that has changed my life is the option to play in a window. If Jeff checks up on these forums, let this be my personal thank-you. And yes, I did just post this because I saw he was on.
  9. I used to think GF4 was the most addictive game in the world. And then I played Spore, and it seemed as if nothing would beat it. And then I played GF5. It is now the most addictive game ever. Sign if you agree.
  10. Quote: with malicious intent Where did that come from?
  11. I don't know, I just picked it up somewhere. -Alorael, who just wants to annoy DV one last time, but will stop after this.
  12. You still haven't told me where the Trajkovite Headquarters is. -Alorael, who couldn't help but point it out.
  13. Where's Okavano Barrier? -Alorael, who admits he knows practically nothing.
  14. I can't find it!! Where is it? I want to join Litalia and kill Alwan and Ghaldring.
  15. Thank you. That's at least another 1000 gold for me. I can finally learn Create Rotghroth.
  16. I have been told that the answer to my problem with poison is to get Cure Affliction. I have been told that it costs only 80 coins. Despite all of this, the teacher in Stormhold will not teach it to me! Is this true for everyone?
  17. I have several items I have yet to find a use for, most of which are very valuable. I need advise on whether or not to sell them. Runed Ruby (2) Runed Amethyst (3) Wand of Terror Wand of Weakness (2) Wand of Slow Time Discipline Wand Swamp Boots Shaped Breastplate Charging Stone Ivory Skull Perfect Fyora Scale Ethereal Seal Flaming Sword (I would need a replacement; any suggestions?) Which ones should I sell?
  18. 28-ML-9565-ML- Moved back to the island from wince it came.
  19. Does anyone here argue that this was the coolest line ever to end GF1?
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