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Everything posted by Uberdhizon

  1. I just got to Guardian Makar in the Stoneworks! How do I kill the Bound One??? I haven't gotten to the battle yet, so maybe it's easy to figure out. I'm about to try and fight it. Edit: How much leadership do I need to take control of it?
  2. I tried to jam it again, but it cracked too fast for me to get there in time. Edit- I found out that if you do it fast enough, you can jam the lever an infinite amount of times. But it's really hard. Yippee, anyway!
  3. How do I not get killed by the Guardian Roamers? Can I like pull the lever back or something? Edit: Never mind, I just figured out that I can jam a stone in. But what do I do after it cracks?
  4. I just got into that room, and I turned both of the mechanism thingymazoids down, but it kept going and I couldn't get anywhere! What do I do next?
  5. Although I agree, the game SHOULD BE that way, I think that this way of accomplishing such a goal should not be possible. It makes no sense. If this were real life, would preparing for battle against four golems make them not notice you?
  6. And Jeff has known about it, and yet it is still there? I consider it a glitch, even— nay, especially— if it happens over and over again.
  7. OK, so you know in the stoneworks, how there is the room with the golems that are still alive and will attack if you get close? I found a peaceful way to get by, although you might consider it cheating. Change to combat mode and then go through one by one. They don't attack! I'm a genius! Is this something Jeff should be informed about?
  8. Does anyone have any tips on how to infiltrate/clear/cross Gorash-kel? Any of the three would be extremely helpful. I keep getting killed by the Unbound.
  9. I would need to recharge to make more creations. I have no essence pods (I don't pick them up. I know I should, but I always forget I have them, and I can never find times to use them). But thanks, I do have some healing pods and I know Group Heal. Edit: I just made a Corrupt Thahd and killed off one of the packs. But it died almost immediately, and I can't get the essence back for another heal. I guess I'll just try and sneak around them. It seems to be the only option.
  10. But when they swarm you, it gets nigh impossible. I only have a cryoa and a plated artila, and I'm at low health. I can't get to somewhere where I can rest without getting through, and the roamers are blocking my way. Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to 'healmenow' but I don't even know if it works anymore, and besides, I haven't cheated yet, and I want to keep that up.
  11. Dang! I hate fighting those. Are you sure there's no other way?
  12. See my first post. If you're too lazy, then I'll tell you now. I want to know how to clear the zone mentioned in the subject, and hope DV will have mercy. (To DV: Do not lock this post without first seeing if I spammed.)
  13. I consider it very rude, as my question was not answered yet. What is the point of that, DV? Does everyone here hate me? Because I'm CURIOUS? That hardly seems fair.
  14. Quote: Please calm down. What do you mean by that? Just because I say 'bump' so my post doesn't disappear, you think I'm freaking out?
  15. Oh, phooey! I wanted to kill him again!
  16. Oh, but I just figured out I need a new route, so I have to go through it again. How do I clear it? Does it involve killing all of the roamers? I prefer the diplomatic approach.
  17. Nevermind. I made it through, and without using 'dbugkill.' I haven't cheated at all yet. It makes me happy.
  18. I want to get to the Sage Taygen area, so I'm trying to go the there, but there are those FREAKING ROAMERS everywhere! Any advise?
  19. OMG!!!!!! I WENT FURTHER IN AND THERE IS A WHOLE FREAKING FORT OF UNBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I can't wait to join the trajkovites (I call them that now; play GF1 for answers). I'm totally going to flirt with Litalia! If possible.
  21. You need to get the quest, and then Astoria has Baston's room unlocked. Then you go in and get the clue.
  22. I was in the Northwest fen-- and then-- *waah!!* It was the UNBOUND ONE!!!!!! IT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE-- and then-- THE LIGHTNING! And I lived! I lived!!! Until it attacked again!!! THE UNBOUND IS LOOSE IN THE NORTHWEST FEN!!!!!! BEWARE! And OK, I know what you guys told me last time, but the views are going up, and WHAT KIND OF A PERSON HAS NOTHING TO SAY TO A RAMPANT UNBOUND?
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