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Everything posted by Uberdhizon

  1. Or just massacre everyone and consider the game beaten. A rotdhizon would be perfect for the job, I know from experience.
  2. When you think about it, the PC from GF5 could be any of them, considering that (if memory serves) the GF1 PC disappeared.
  3. I highly doubt that the PC (it feels weird calling something so awesome a PC) in GF5 is the one from any other game.
  4. I think Ghaldring is right in not wanting a wimp to join him. He has much wisdom, but also madness.
  5. In some older games to alter your reputation you could Shift D 'Ihateserviles' or 'Iloveserviles' but I'm not sure if this works anymore.
  6. Wait, so is the cheat unusable now or is that just for PC users? If it's just for them, then yippee! We can still use it.
  7. I think that we do enough thinking in some aspects of Geneforge.
  8. Dange. I like puzzles in games. As long as they're easy enough.
  9. Oh, and I resolved the not finishing the quest thing. It seems I forgot to try to persuade Astoria.
  10. Quote: Do you have some illness that prevents you from making a decision without asking the Internet about it first? No, I just value your opinions. Is that so bad? Edit: And also, I went back to Litalia, and I didn't get the conversation option to say I released the Shredbugs.
  11. My rotdhizon just died in the Secret Laboratory. Luckily, I released the Shredbugs. Should I keep going, upgrade intelligence or battle shaping, and make a new one? Or should I go back and try to keep it alive?
  12. Thanks. The bandits are going down. Bennhold is as good as dead.
  13. I just went through the Thistlewood Bandits. I found the clue about the next quest, but I... sorta kinda didn't read it carefully... and then I forgot where the next camp is. Anyone know?
  14. I finally have a rotdhizon. My life has a purpose. Finally I can destroy everyone. Terrestia's doom is at hand! I'll destroy it so explosively that the Ashen Isles, Drypeak, AND Sucia will be in flames!!! Where should I massacre first!?
  15. Level 29. I only need 41 XP now, so I don't need help anymore.
  16. Ah. Wouldn't it be strange if the zones were actually written into the game but you couldn't reach them, just to taunt you?
  17. The lethia province is guarded by a ton of mines with the triggers toward you. It's absolutely impossible to get in. As for the Nodye gate, I don't know.
  18. Quote: Yikes. I won't be going there any time soon. I repeat: Quote: Yikes. I won't be going there any time soon.
  19. Yikes. I won't be going there any time soon.
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