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Everything posted by Uberdhizon

  1. I still think that a rotghroth doing 1-9 damage is a glitch; I've never seen anything doing that much.
  2. Quote: rots with 5% chances to hit, single digit damages, etc. I'm not just saying this as spam, but that seems like a glitch.
  3. Sweet. Do you leave Alwan first, or do you join both at the same time?
  4. Quote: mind controlled" every day by politicians, teachers, and other authority figures, Biting a pupil is the best way to mind-control if you're a teacher. Sorry, just couldn't resist saying that.
  5. Oh, I was anticipating bloodshed... *downcast look*
  6. Sweet. I'll try it out. And also: I tried BoA for editing, but it was just a tad complicated, and I had too many windows open so I shut down my computer and gave up. BoE might be a better idea.
  7. Yeah. That's what I found out. I just wanted Create Drayk and Group Heal, but I got them all.
  8. Exactly how much does it cost? Hopefully less than GF5 did...
  9. Ok, I'll try it. Maybe I'll get the new version.
  10. I for one don't think it matters at all. If you're going to kill someone, do it right. Who cares after that?
  11. Thank you. Any advise on the dimension of section/ number of sections thingy at the start? I'm just going to have one zone/town/place. Also: I tried to use the Starter Town, but this weird yellow lettering appeared an I couldn't read it.
  12. I can still click and things happen. There's just no cursor. And the 'OK' button to load a file is gone, too, so I can't even TRY to play the game.
  13. So I get the full editor but I can't play my stuff? Maybe I'll call for beta testers or something. Edit: I just tried it, but nothing's happening. It just says 'No scenario loaded' and I can't do anything. Advice?
  14. I just downloaded the demo to check it out, and I couldn't find the scenario editor. Is it a different program, or do you have to buy the game to use it?
  15. I just tried it in full screen. No mouse.
  16. They never even started the old one up... tsk, tsk, tsk.
  17. What about pleaseforgiveme or letsbefriends ? I'm not sure if these are GF5 cheats, though...
  18. I don't get it, either. And I could try to tell my brother that, but he thinks he knows what he's doing, and no one could convince him otherwise. Are you sure it would save my file???
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