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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Yeah, GK is right. There have only been two female Guardian's in the Geneforge series. They're Rawal's servant, and Zakary's personal Guardain, Nora. Hmm, thinking back, we may finally be able to know what she meant by her staying with Zakary because he helped her greatly once. Interesting, eh? The Last Archon
  2. Good job! Here's hoping it'll inspire me to get back to working on mine!
  3. Ignore Battle Creations. Your better off concentraiting on Fire and Magic. Also, try to balance your Rep. so you can get access to the Shaper Camp Gamma, where they train in Wingbolt. Wingbolts are without a doubt the most powerful creation you can get. The Last Archon
  4. Shalia is a Rebel Shock Trooper who went unstable from useing the Geneforge in G4. All of the creations you can create in G5 are the same as G4, with a few exceptions such as the Rotdhizion. One flaw about this theory though, is that the G5 PC was a great General prior to his/her memory loss. Shaila was nowhere near strong enough to be counted as a world moving leader. The Last Archon
  5. Q1: Stealth The Last Archon
  6. Somthing is seriously wrong about Parry here. I've played through this game three times now, with two warriors and a melee-oriented Servile, and I was constantly finding that Parry is vitle for protection. Blows were constantly getting parried, both Melee attacks and Missle attacks. I can at least point out half a dozen different times were Parry was the difference between life or death. My fights in Gorash-Kel with the Unbound is were it really help. About 4 out of every 10 attacks were getting parried. At first, I wasn't paying much attention to Parry, instead puting my points into Dex. for chances to miss. This didn't work, and I was constantly getting my rump handed to me on a silver pladder, broiled to perfection. Near level 34 in Storm Planes, I adjusted my Skill Point flow is parry, and I was quite safisfied (This was for my second warrior). Like I stated above, a lot of attacks were getting parried, so my Warrior could lay off on the strength and pump other skills that were getting neglected. So, this information about Parry needs to be double checked. Either my game is blessed, or someone didn't experiment enough on Parry. My Servile is still in Mera-Tev, and the points I used in Parry has been keeping his truffle-seeking nostrels out of Deaths' reaches. The Last Archon
  7. Actually, I love the knew Battle Alpha graphic's. Makes them look much more beefy and intimidating. The Last Archon
  8. A Blade to be specific. Basically a Servile Guardian without shaping or magical powers. Originally Posted By: Diki (Alternatively, there were two Shaper continents and nine Councilors. Two Councilors ruled the second continent. Once the Unbound were released and the Council realized that the rebellion might actually win, they Barred all knowledge of the second continent and other two Councilors from Terrestia. Hundreds of Agents and spies were sent out to purge all records, servant minds, and old folk who might complain about things being better in the old days when there were two continents, it took five action points to attack, and you had to walk a mile uphill both ways to get to the outhouse.) Oh, I remember those golden days as well. Back when thahds went into battle naked, when Fyora's stood upright and proudly Battle Alpha's that did not look like miniature Hulk Hogan's. Those were the day's, man. (The sad part is, your probably right.) The Last Archon
  9. If I don't cheat, it would take me about 6 hours to beat in Geneforge 2, which is the Geneforge game I am most familar with, and the one I have "mastered" the most well. If I do cheat.........Stay tune, 'cause I'm about to find out. The Last Archon
  10. I said a tad better, not a whole lot. There were times where the Battle Alpha becomes more useful than Glaahks. For G1-2, its much smarter to have a mix of creations, in this case means have a Glaahk around to stun and a Battle Alpha to beat and take hits. A beefy Battle Alpha can act as a meat shield, since it has much more health. Glaahks can not. Battle Alpha's can also cause much more innitial damage than the Glaahk. The Ghaalk does not. The Glaahk is cheaper in essence, which makes it more useful to Melee or, less commonly, Magic Casting oreinted builds, who need to be a bit tacky with the essence. The Battle Alpha is not. A Glaahk can stun a target. A Battle Alpha can not. Also, if this post comes off as somehow rude, its not intentional. The Archon loves arguing about this stuff. Honest! And just to be clear, I'm speaking in terms of the G1-2 Battle Alpha vs the G1-2 Glaakh, back when they were more or less on equal footing. This was before Battle Creations began licking Vlish Tenticles. The Last Archon
  11. Oh. My mistake. But that still leaves the confusion of Mouwad. If the two councilor's were killed during the innitial assualt on the Shapers by the Rebels, then why does she still say Nine Council members. Ooh, dear. More cannon confusion. The Last Archon
  12. There are still nine council members, according to Rawal. Let's see. There's Counciler Shaper Rawal himself. Agent Astoria, General Alwan, Sage Taygen, High Councilor Shema, Councilor Sharissa of the Nodye Coast, and Councilor Nawaz of Lethis Province. Direct quote from Rawal: The Last Archon Edit: Quote taken out for inaccuracy.
  13. Alorael: Battle creations in G1-G2 were pretty good all around. It's G3 when Battle Creations began to suck the acid clands of Artila's. Fire Creations and Magic Creations were still a tad better, but in all Battle Creations could still bring in the punch. The Battle Alpha in G1 in particular was quite effective. Rotghroth's have alway's been effective, but they were rendered almost useless with the advent of the wingbolt, which for the same amount of essence as a Rotghroth, steamroll everything in G4. The Last Archon
  14. No way. The Sucian Geneforge was created almost 250 years prior to the plot in Geneforge 5. The Last Archon
  15. Mine, I'd say the Warrior. Now he's got a fighting chance to take on the other classes. Their still a decend bit stronger, but its much, much better than it was with Geneforge 4. The Last Archon
  16. Depending on the difficulty, I would recomend going into that hellhole when you're around level 24ish. Probably more. You can recruit two pairs of golem's near the eastern and southwestern corridors, alothough the ones on the east side will run out of power after a while. The Last Archon
  17. Yep. Why are you complaining anyway? Jeff made it easier to level up for this game. That fyora's exp can go a longer way. The Last Archon
  18. Q1: Standard The Last Archon
  19. My, my, this is a quite game.
  20. Nonesense! Learned Pinner is still in her twenties and getting a tan, and Brodus just hit puperty. Ellrah just took his first steps today. You clearly have trouble with the ages of past Serviles The Last Archon
  21. Okay, I'm a little stuck. I took the quest from Learned Darian of Penta to help him kill some bandits. I located the bandits (Just barely seeing them when I edge to the coast) but I don't know how to get over there. I've already killed the bandits helping Astoria's assasins. I've seen that there are several paths leading there, but dispite me beating around the bushes, I can't get in. Any help? The Last Archon
  22. Clearly, people do not know a 50's movie classic reference when they see it.
  23. Bah! The return of the Warrior/Guardian class is upon us. The snivelling Shapers can not even survive two hits! But seriously, the Warrior is much better off than it was in G4, by a long shot. The Guardian is now the kick-bag of the Classes. Even with the loss of Parry, Dexterity can make up for it, if properly pumped. This can also save points on Missile Weapons, evening out the Skill point deficit. There's enough heavy armor to cut the hits by a fair amount, plus having the choice of two different attacks, melee and missile, help. And there's enough health. One of the drawbacks, I admit, is that you must constrain yourself with Leadership and Mechanics and the small selection of spells. But you can buy magic skills and use magic stat boasting equipment about mid way into the game if you join the Traditionalists. Edit: On another note, Delicious Vlish is a build genious andhis advice should be taken to heart. That Vlish really know's what he's doing. The Last Archon
  24. Thank you. It clearly does not know how to treat an Archon. (Though for a second, I thought I might get kicked from the game. God bless the press!) The Last Archonic Newsies.
  25. I would like to point out that the two Darkside Loyalists would probably try to identify each other quickly so they can coordinate their strikes, since they essentially have the exact same Vic. condition. The Last Archon
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