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Everything posted by Earth

  1. What's behind those 2 locked doors (3 and 5 lockspicks needed) north from Duke's hideout? Ran out of picks to unlock that 5 picks door so didn't bother with other either.
  2. its not normal zip-file, http://www.openthefi...t/extension/obb how to edit: http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=2339176
  3. Yes latest Avernum works in XP as long as your system passes requirements.
  4. if Exiles and 1st 3 (incls remakes) Avernums happen during same years (wishful thinking but still) then we have wandered around Avernum few 100 years. BOE and BOA might not be considered in continuity. It'll take several years until A4-6 need remaking (that depends what Microsoft and Apple do although).
  5. Araneas can prolly speak but since they see non-Araneas as enemies they don't speak to them. That Spider Queen/God/whatever in AEFTP spoke but it didn't have anything interesting to say.
  6. yea if hdd starts showing errors then better replace it since it can last 1 day or weeks before it breaks completely.
  7. yea Win 7 and last installation when I ran games was WinXP (only copied files are savegames otherwise games are fresh installations).
  8. Exiles are orig. games (freeware now I think but getting those to run on modern comps requires tweaking) and Avernum 1-3 are remakes of them and A4-6 are "new" games.
  9. have you talked to gifts leader? doubt chitrachs have much voculabury.
  10. No retinas (that's Apple's thingy) or 4k+ display (2560*1440 is max my monitor is capable). There weren't any game starting sounds either or "flash" that shows game is starting just blank screen.
  11. I think Steam-achievements need to be done while playing Steam activated. Save fransfers from SW-edition to Steam have been discussed on earlier games and doubt it has changed.
  12. 3. you have used lever and gotten Giants treasure trove and cleared sw corner?
  13. Reinstalled Avadon 1-2 and AEFTP (after 7 months hiatus) and if I set resolution to higher than 1920*1200 games (at least AEFTP) didn't start (gave only black screen) and to be able to use computer again reset was needed. Monitor and display adapter (Radeon R9) are capable to higher resolution than 1920*1200 so lookslike game issue.
  14. since you are somewhat near area I again warn you to be careful when you are about to get ambushed.
  15. vaidain: nothing which divine fire or other mega spells can handle.
  16. GC ain't just SW game: "Spiderweb Software and Chromite Software, the makers of Lost Souls and Ocean Bound, announce the upcoming release of Galactic Core, a game of exploration, strategy and carnage in the depths of space." http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/Spiderweb_Software_Announce_New_Space_Strategy_Game_For_The_Mac No idea what happened to Chromite Software. On old old forums Zeviz said that some1 had bought GC from SW but ~7.5 years old post so .......
  17. 4 mostly spoils 3 (as 3 does to 2) and latter games have some references to earlier games.
  18. he got his wish fullfilled via abandonware. does SW even have copies (registrations) of all of its games? GC isn't listed anywhere unlike Avernum 1 and 2 are (almost as old games as GC).
  19. Matt P doesn't name Dark Waters and only rapids are WWs so easish to mix up.
  20. Matt P's walkthrough says that player can go down on waterfall warrens more than once.
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