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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Irrelevant side note to Slarty's quoted community chart above: Pretty certain I was active in Shadow Vale since early 2007 when Polaris imploded.

    Yeah. Also, Smoo only ever posted scenario reviews and announcements, and Nico didn't join SV until not long before it was closed. I talked to Slarty about that, and he said the group was not based entirely on who was active on SV but on social cliques and whether or not someone fit better in another group.
  2. Not everyone reads signatures, though. (And a few people have signatures turned off entirely.)



    If someone chooses to hide signatures, and they cannot recognize another member who has a distinctive signature, I'm inclined to say that is their own fault.
  3. Also, UBB's design is plain, simple and easy to understand. BMA even told me that it takes forever to load these boards, although, there is a mobile version of it, but I can't find the login.
    If you hit the little blue button with four white squares in the upper right, it will give you several options, including a sign in option.
  4. I believe not supporting old things is Apple's go-to method.


    Meanwhile, my third-gen iPod Touch isn't getting updates anymore, and no user of a modern Mac can play BoE without emulation. Hmm.

    You are not wrong, but, to be fair, BoE would not run on modern 64-bit Windows until the community updated it after it went open-source.
  5. Microsoft makes money forcing customers to buy new OS by no longer supporting the older ones.

    Untrue. The average consumer will never upgrade the OS on their computer before they buy a new one. Microsoft still releases security patches for Windows XP, and that came out 11 years ago.
  6. "Mark" is an action verb with an understood you for the subject. "Community" is a direct object signifying what is being marked. (Invision calls forums "communities" for some reason.) "Read" is an adjective modifying "community;" in this case it is showing in what way the community is marked.

    [/middle school English teacher diagramming sentences]


    I'm not saying it doesn't sound awkward, but it is a legitimate, grammatically correct sentence.

  7. Next to the "change theme" pseudo-button, there are other links to "Mark Community Read" and "Help". Help sounds useful but I struggle to parse the midde link in any meaningful way.

    "Mark Community Read" will mark every post in every topic as read.
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