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Posts posted by BenS

  1. 4 hours ago, Mechalibur said:

    Creations use the same rules as before, so this isn't a massive surprise buff to Shapers. Also worth noting, Endurance has a base cost of 3 now instead of 4.

    Does Endurance only enhance hit points, as the tool tip would indicate, or does it help w/ resistances too? Or is that only from gear and whatever Mental resistance you begin w/ as a shaper of some kind? I'm early on in a Guardian play through, which is why I'm curious; I ignored it as a Shaper.

  2. I tried to get into the temple by "doing the ritual" as it were, but even touching the 8 total pylons in the correct order (found in the hint manual), I was "rejected" by the final pylon there in the temple. I can brute force my way in I suppose but wondering why the ritual failed? Granted I had (of course!) touched the pylons out of order originally as I came upon them, but thought I'd clear the slate w/ a run in the correct order, all at once. I noticed there was no interaction possible w/ the 4th (Junkyard) & 5th (Western Wastes) pylons; and I'm talking about the ones the map picks out as special, in case there are others there. Very strange.

  3. Ok, thank you very much, Mechalibur & Randomizer. I'll finish my Shaper/Normal run today, and then will start a Guardian/Normal or Veteran run soon afterwards (3rd game will be Agent). I'm edging towards a slight preference of Missile over Melee just b/c, w/ fewer creations, ranged attacks will be extra important to me. But there are of course plenty of times when something's in my face and I need to whack it; not to mention some great melee weapons. And I should be equally strong as a Shaper in magic skills.


    As for Reapers, yes, pylons are a particularly annoying opponent and I'd save those for special occasions like them & bosses.

  4. Anyone try a Guardian w/ 8 Missile W-s (to use the Reaper baton and all the others) but also at least 8 Melee W-s for up close and personal combat? Combined w/ whatever Strength & magic (probably 3 points in each school) + leadership & mechanics, of course? Or is that spread too thin (probably just a Normal run)??

  5. Well now I feel foolish for not trying to split stack (shift click); I don't think it was mentioned in the instruction manual is my (poor) excuse. As for the warehouse idea, yeah, I use the eastern edge of Pentil for that near the merchants. But I would still dearly love the ability to selectively sell items in the junk bag! Sometimes you want to have some backup items against particular enemies, and the backpack gets full so quickly and easily.

    Oh, funny...I'm a garrulous glaahk here 😁

  6. I'm loving this remake, but in the spirit of constructive criticism (and this thread), there are 2 quality-of-life things I'm missing: first and foremost, the inability to be able to cherry pick what I want to sell from my junk bag. My inventory is so relatively small I use the junk bag for extra storage, but can't sell the stuff in it w/out manually removing what I want to save for later. Very time-consuming & tedious. Less important but it was in other games...the ability to split stacks. I can't move and wield a massive amount of javelins, but if I could split the stack, I could manage just fine.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Mechalibur said:

    Just did that area on my latest playthrough - it said Agility. I think you were looking at the description like Randomizer auggested.

    Sounds like good enough confirmation for me, thanks. One thing related to this I found odd was that my Agility didn't move from 3 (I had mistakenly thought it was base 2 for Shaper) to 4 until sometime after the fact. I think I'll start looking at stats immediately after using canisters that raise them, to see if this kind of lag happens again.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Randomizer said:

    The canister name in the text is Agility, but it mentions that it increases missile weapon damage in the description,.

    I could have sworn the canister name, where you choose whether to use it or not, was actually Missile Weapons. But I don't have a save close to that point, so I can't prove it. I'll remember to double-check for my 2nd game, likely a few weeks away. Thanks.

  9. Unless there's a hidden mechanism I am unaware of (say, you can only use so many # of canisters per level), there is a bug w/ the Missile Weapons canister in the Ruined School, as I used it but did not see any change to Missile Weapons (which remained at zero) when I looked at my character screen shortly thereafter. This was last night, and I checked my character's stats this morning as well, just in case there was some weird lag; still shows zero points in Missile Weapons. The other 2 canisters in there not only worked, but are reflected in my character screen.

  10. 13 hours ago, The Rural Abjurer said:

    Dyne's Paliside has a passive ability called "Shield Ally", doesn't it?  +2 to Shield Ally.


    That kinda seems like it could explain this +10% to physical evasion that only shows up for the non-prince PCs when they are near him.

    You could well be right. I guess I had assumed it was blocking, rather than evading, physical dmg. But evasion seems better so...great.

  11. I've done some testing...and am more confused. My 4 characters are: 1) Royal PC; 2) Ukatish PC; 3) Vol PC [w/ 3 ranks in Tower of Might]; and 4) Ahriel PC. I checked their evasion stats in 5 scenarios, and this is what I get:


    [inside a Fort]

    1) 40/25

    2) 15/10

    3) 30/30

    4) 35/25


    [walk outside the gates of a Fort]--the magical evasion goes up uniformly by 15%, but physical evasion is up either 15% or 25%

    1) 55/40

    2) 40/25

    3) 55/45

    4) 60/40


    [other lands, outdoors, non-combat]--same as above (2nd scenario)


    [battle, w/ more than 6 spaces between all 4 PCs]--w/ the exception of the Vol PC, same as inside a Fort

    1) 40/25

    2) 15/10

    3) 45/45

    4) 35/25


    [indoor location, not a Fort; e.g., Refuge of the X; grouped up, no battle]

    1) 55/40

    2) 40/25

    3) 45/45

    4) 50/40

  12. To clarify, I ran my 1st game w/ 2 melee types and 2 magic types (support & magic technically). The latter 2 had a staff & wand. My reasoning was that a constant mix of physical dmg and magical dmg always meant I could be ready for any foe. Perhaps that was a little too simplistic, IDK. If I get too frustrated w/ a Veteran run doing all this, thankfully the game will let me respec my characters. No doubt the bigger challenge will be keeping the pole-weapon user alive 😉

  13. Hmm. You might have sold me on wands v. staves for my 2nd playthough. I did miss the defensive stats, including augments, when using the 2-h. staff. That said, my high evasion/Support character wielded the staff, so perhaps I didn't miss those defensive stats as much.


    For the plus side of staves, even a 50% chance against a single target foe has the benefit of costing no Energy. And that target may or may not be the next to die; could be a useful tactic to (hope to) Slow them while you focus-fire down annoying minions.


    Final decision: I think I'll try the 2nd game, now on Veteran instead of Regular, w/ 2 wands v. 1 wand and 1 staff. That extra defense should help out, as I'm going to try a 2-h. melee weapon wielder this game, knowing full well s/he's going to get spanked a lot in melee...just to try something different.

  14. Slarty, can you explain why Staves are so terrible? I think they do more raw damage than Wands, and you get up to 50% Slow effects possible, which can be more helpful than pure magical damage, right? I get that you're giving up defensive abilities (including augments) for carrying a shield or orb.

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