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Everything posted by Sudanna

  1. You don't need either, according to the chart.
  2. What a horrible poster. Rentar isn't coming back. Jeff said as much, or at least intended to. And Erika, sadly, isn't coming back either.
  3. Yes, definitely, but if you want to be a Rebel, just hang around in the middle until you're pat the horribly difficult parts.
  4. Problem is, when you've been pro-Rebel for the entire game, Alwan won't give you the quest, Duncan won't train you, and you have to fight your way through painstakingly.
  5. Nalyd had the same problem as Sawtooth. He couldn't figure out what was causing it for the longest time, but it turns out that the little "Emergency Restart" button unregisters all of your Spiderweb games for some reason. Jeff is very nice about these things, Nalyd had to email him at least 4 times for each of his games!
  6. Well, did you still Shape? A servile modeled after the class that everyone wants. . . Good magic, o.k. shaping, weak battle, works excellently.
  7. *Grits teeth* Then why. . . the hell. . . did you post. . . here? And, victory! Waylander has given up. We're done here.
  8. Not if you're at the point where you can afford a Kyshakk.
  9. 1- The Drakonic political structure is based mainly on, well, politics. It isn't useful at all in it's own right, and serves only to delay the war. 2- Well, you have this one. Honor isn't a viable emotion, though. It is a set of protocols defining what Drakons consider "fair play." 3- This is just sadism on the part of the Drakons. 4- This. . . is. . . wrong!!! What variations of new creations have the Drakons brought into being? The Unbound? All the creativity that required was "Ooh, let's make mindless killing machines even worse than us!" 5- They have no art. They wear jewelery because it's expensive and shows their power. Plus, they were modified from Drayks, who are natural hoarders. 6- They merely maintain this appearance for propaganda purposes. If they didn't, they would merely gain another enemy, albeit a weak one. 7- They think this only because they themselves are illegal. They would no sooner hesitate to commit mass genocide of one of their own rebellious experiments than the Shapers would. Note the cryodrayks that were attacked near Northforge.
  10. Stop Resurrecting this thread!!! Don't post in any topic not currently in the "Today's Active Topics" list unless it isn't more than a day or two since the last post!
  11. Such an item is not contained in the games data files. Does anyone else play your copy of G4, and if so, do they know how to edit the game files?
  12. Haze, you really aren't helping your case here. You're an incompetent and your gimmick is annoying at best. The point of the debate is whether Drakons are better or not. An unwillingness to hide isn't superiority.
  13. The Rebels will not win. Their's is not the side of justice, anyway. And, Eragon, your signature is a misnomer.
  14. First, Nalyd went with the "Destroy Geneforge, Don't use Geneforge, Join Obeyers" ending. It's the best, but he tried all variations just to see what they were.
  15. Oh? Upon Mars, do you consider yourself equal to, say, an ant because it can feel pain? Or a paramecium, or a cat? The ability to feel pain is not a sign of equality, and the willingness to kill is no sign in one direction or the other. It is the reason to kill, and the reason to fight that matters. The Drakons fight not for equality, but for domination. They truly have no need to fight. They could have lived out the remainder of their lives on the Ashen Isle(The northern one, Nalyd forgets it's name). They fight meaninglessly and without reason. ET- Quote: Do Drakons make creations for pets? For company? No. Do they make creations to make life easier? No. Why do they make creations? War. Really FYT, ET.
  16. Well, each area can only hold a finite amount of items, after which they start to disappear. It's something like 200.
  17. See, with the Editor, you didn't need any cheats. You were just completely invincible. If you're going to cheat, go all the way. A4 didn't have an Editor in the sense that the last games did. It did have that rudimentary one that someone(Hawk King?) made. Nalyd usually runs a single maxed out party, with the rest being a good variety.
  18. Yes, he did. The Shaper's robes to shimmer. Well, not shimmer, but they glow.
  19. Yes, but the Drakons had a good long time before the Shapers even knew where it was.
  20. Your displayed name. Like Nalyd The Dead, Infernal Flamming Muffin, and Kelandon.
  21. Yes, but in different ways. And Nalyd was little when he chose that first moniker. How did you find it, anyway?
  22. The Awakened are all dead. So have fun in the slums of Misc.
  23. Well, Death has been here for more than two years, so. . .
  24. Oh, yes the cheats were relatively useless compared to the Character Editor and the Geneforge version, though the one that shows you all the units on the minimap is invaluable.
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