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Everything posted by Sudanna

  1. Look it up in the file for the town that he's in. After the dialogue where he talks to you, there should be something similar to "toggle_sdf" in there.
  2. Why is it so horribly impossible that Shaping spread peacefully? Both continents could have already been settled before Shaping was developed. Shaping was developed by a group of mages and scientists on Sucia, used haphazardly until the Shapers realized its dangerous power, and then simply spread. No wars, no wiping out natives. It was developed, used haphazardly only on Sucia, contained, and then taught? Or is that not dramatically brutal enough for Salmon's model of Shapers as Nazi-analogues?
  3. Waylander is being suspiciously argumentative lately, at least about everything Geneforge-related. He's probably just irritable about his loss in the "Are Drakons superior beings?" thread.
  4. Use the floating mage with a scythe for Nalyd. He can't find it now, but wait.
  5. No foolish Rebel deserves the praise of Nalyd. But Greta was the best developed. Ghaldring, if he was in the poll. He surprised you.
  6. Shame on you, Salmon! Apologize to the nice Shapers! Most likely, only Shaping was developed by Sucian natives. Then it spread to the other continents, the further of which was the most settled. And Salmon lies. He's like the Three-Wish fish.
  7. And Gazers don't need to worry about menial labor because they are, presumably, telekinetic. Look in the Gazers workshop north of Agent Yngrid.
  8. The duel suicide is understandable. The Drakons fought hard for their rights to be independent, and they wouldn't give that up for anything.
  9. Hmm. That's odd. Guess there's too many nostalgic oldbies unwilling to admit that the newer is better. . .
  10. Actually, the Gazers refer to themselves as "The Eyes," as in "The Eyes see all." This implies that they have either a Gazer collective, or that each of their eyes considers itself an independent entity owing allegiance to the central eye.
  11. Well, they are the likely minority, so. . . They're wrong. Hey, that's democracy, baby.
  12. Sucia only looks large because there aren't any other islands that we know about. There doutlessly are other islands, but we have no idea where they are.
  13. The Shapers do not need you to win. They already have the Rebels in almost full retreat before you came along. Nalyd once stood passively by and made sure that nothing attacked his singleton PC while the final expedition of Shapers fought the Rebel defense. The Shapers lost two Thornslingers, a Wingbolt, and a Warrior. The Rebels lost. The Drakons have huge unwieldy claws. They can barely hold anything without shredding it into confetti. Good for battle, but not life.
  14. The Drayks that haven't left outright are disgruntled and mistreated. The humans and serviles are pretty much dead. Where do you see internal strife in the Shapers? The Shapers teamed up with a Geneforge warped Servile, if you choose to play as a Servile.
  15. The thing is, the people like Master Thell would either adjust or be forced to do the work themselves. The Drakons would rather fight and die. They have the same exact need, but they don't have the capabilities.
  16. You're just trying to worm out of it because you're losing.
  17. It would be less easy, of course, but the humans and Shapers could of course manage it. The Drakons, due to their arrogance and pride, would rather fight and squabble about who does the hard work and who gets to sit back and chew on Shaper bones.
  18. And yet the Drakons virtually condemned the human Rebellion to death. They let the Geneforge sit alone and unused in a dusty back room. No human recruiting is taking place, and those that are left are given menial or useless tasks. The Drayks themselves, ancestors of the Drakons, are looked upon as amusing but worthless children. Soon enough, the Drakons will stand alone and die. Some Drayks have already rejected Drakon rule (Somewhere around Northforge, likely to the north).
  19. Kill is great, especially against Drakons. Lightning aura is alright for Chapters 2 and 3, but you want Essence. . . Bolts or something like that, after then.
  20. How does being sufficient only in Shaping not make the Drakons inferior? The Serviles do almost all of the menial labor, cleaning, cooking, farming, etc. The Drakons all hold high positions as military personnel, researchers, etc. Without the other creations, Drakons would collapse in upon themselves because of infighting over "It's your turn to take out the garbage!" With humans, the ones incapable of higher studies support those who are, and are for the most part okay with it. Of course, every peasant dreams of being a Shaper, but they usually realize that it isn't going to happen and carve out a nice little life for themselves. The Rebels are those who were either not recognized for their ability, are incapable of admitting their own shortcomings, or have been morally wronged by the Shapers(Who usually had a good reason to do what they did).
  21. Yes, if you're late in the game and you haven't splurged for all the spells for four spellcasters, then there really isn't any point to money anymore. And, Dikiyoba. . . Nalyd reveres you as a god a little bit less for your signature. *Ice begins to form at Nalyd's feet*
  22. The Unbound are controllable only by the barest extent because they were still weak when they were first Shaped. Once they gained enough strength to lash out, even the Drakons took casualties trying to placate them. By the time they had reached Shaper lands, it was all the Drakons could do to run away with their paltry remaining forces.
  23. Eh? It's probably Salmon stealth-hacking your posts after that argument you had. Or you're contracting short-term memory loss. Taking any pills or medications? Oh, wait, you wouldn't remember. . .
  24. The thing is, the Drakons had a whole unknown base to themselves before the PC came along. If you read the dialogue, you'll realize that the Shapers had absolutely no idea about where Northforge was, other than "Oh it's in the cold, inhospitable and unexplorable mountains to the west." The Drakons had years up there and what did they do? Make thing powerful and completely uncontrollable. That is the ultimate destiny of the Drakons; self-Shaping and self-Shaping until they're the Unbound times 1000.
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