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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. Oh, Diki. So strict about semantics. So I'm not allowed to qualify my use of the phrase to angle its meaning towards a character that would learn and grow? How is anything to be discussed if we can't add to the meaning of given concepts?


    If the Rapunzel in Tangled is not a damsel in distress character, what is she?


    Really Diki all I want is an honest discussion. There are so many other good things to debate here besides a perceived misuse of language.

  2. Most novels begin with a vulnerable and ignorant character who develops over time. It has nothing to do with any sort of distressed damsel trope. In fact, damsels in distress are less likely to grow because they are always relying on men to do things for them instead of learning and doing things on their own.


    So with the proof of humanity responding positively to the theme by spending money on it, the postulated hope such characters may give readers, and a proposed issue of male pride that could be discussed, you instead choose to quibble over the type of character you assume is meant by 'damsel in distress'? Why make the brash and untrue statement that a damsel in distress ALWAYS relies on a man? There are different levels of damsel characters and I can assure you that the type of character you are portraying is barely similar to what I would picture. Rapunzel in Tangled? Damsel in distress who could still hold her own.

  3. A couple of things come to mind here for me. I read the Twilight series and *braces for judgment* loved it. I read City of Bones and loved it. The Hunger Games, Iron Fey, Green Rider, Matched, My daughters bring these books home from school and we read them together, and we all enjoy them. The whole damsel in distress (who starts somewhat vulnerably ignorant and grows in knowledge and strength) thing works for me and a lot of other people or it wouldn't be a popular theme. I like male characters to be 'physically' strong and protective. I like female characters to be 'emotionally' strong and loyal. Personal preference perhaps but if the populace hated the idea, they wouldn't be buying the books en mass. I think the pattern gives people hope. Because we can relate. I am surely very ignorant in a lot of things that could be useful to know if I ever needed to survive, but I'd like to be reassured that it is possible to learn what I don't know and become competent where I am currently not.


    Plus the emotional connection made when boy helps girl is easier to swallow, I think, than when girl helps boy. There's a pride issue that must be overcome. Maybe there shouldn't be a pride issue, but it does exist.


    On a totally different note, I just realized how my main RP characters in From the Ashes are, like, almost the opposite. Female Fiora is young, powerful, and fairly knowledgeable while male Civyl is twice as old, fairly ignorant, and had his power stripped from him. Huzzah for breaking the mold without realizing it was there.

  4. @sy, yeah.. was being lazy because absolute positions are quicker to figure out than floats but I think I got it now. Shift-F5 if it still looks the same.


    @BMA I'll look at other colors. Just want something obvious without making my eyes bleed. If you were to suggest a color what would you pick.

  5. Figuratively speaking... :)


    Not quite an antonym but more like a way to emphasize a statement. Often the statement being emphasized is figurative. It's like using the word honestly. "I honestly did not think the Jets would lose this time." It's more of a cultural thing we've developed to draw more attention to what we're saying whether it is the truth or exceptional non-truth.

  6. Trying to design a new template for my BoA Scenario Pages. This is what I have so far and I would like some feedback. I know the Next button links to a missing page. Haven't created a page for Beechford yet. I'm looking for broken links, odd displays, and suggestions for scenario stats, layout, or additions. Or just a thumbs up/thumbs down in general.



  7. Then I thank you, ES, for bringing me to life for this one tiny moment. The corners of your mind are a haven to this ether that would otherwise have no form. Dream of me, ES, that I might live longer... dream of me...

  8. So. Not. Fair. How does X get a spot on the Nostalgia list?? Or was there another X that's too old for even me to remember?


    Also, *le sigh* for the days when we could openly insult each other. Good times... good times.

  9. Some people want walkthroughs and play for completionism.


    *Raises hand*


    I used to like the challenge and I used to like figuring out puzzles, but I don't have all day to spend playing anymore. If a section of a game starts taking too long I feel like I'm wasting time that could be better spent. If Nethergate hadn't had a way to cheat through the character editor I wouldn't have played it. The faster I can get through the story of an RPG the better I like it now. Mmmmmm... Minimalism.

  10. I have a fondness for the Exile series but I'm old school. 2D always looked better to me. Avernum is basically the same story with a newer engine. 3D graphics and maps with hills and trees that specials can hide behind. If you like that kind of thing.*shrugs*


    I haven't played Geneforge yet... I thought I bought it, years ago, but couldn't find it when I finally went looking... on my to-do list.


    The original Nethergate is imho not Jeff's best. Story felt flat to me especially in comparison to Exile/Avernum. Haven't played Resurrection, probably won't.


    Can't say much about what exactly will work with what but that's my two cents...

  11. —Alorael, who also has trouble with the "girls like that sort of thing" comment. Because there are some girls who do, and there are some girls who don't,


    Reading too much into it. I think we're all able to understand (with some exceptions and to varying degrees) that there are exceptions and varying degrees to every generalization without needing to dot every i and cross every t in graduate level exposition for it.


    But to pacify any troubled souls, how about 'girls like to know that others find them attractive'? As long as the 'friendly' bit is also being respectful - that's the important part - there's not a girl I know that would be against an honest compliment. Some may react negatively based on their opinion of the guy, but that doesn't necessarily mean they would rather not know.


    With the description of the 'heavy flirting day' my guess is the lady in question wouldn't mind the attention, but its all a moot point now I suppose. 'Never date the boss' is one of those cardinal rules. Unless you really don't want to keep your job, in which case you should find a different job first and then come back to show her your interest.

  12. Why not just ask her how serious she is with her boyfriend? If she says it's really serious, keep it to a friendly flirt. Girls like that kind of thing. And if the relationship sours, you'll be there. If she hesitates or doesn't know... tell her you're interested. Be straight forward. Put the ball in her court. Couldn't hurt and it's a lot better than pining in the long run. Those coulda, shoulda, woulda's are a bear.


    Also never trash the boyfriend, even if and when she does because ultimately she's the one who's choosing to be with him.

  13. Yeah, the 'ending' was actually an adaptation to meet the assignment's word count rules. It's supposed to go more into what Seth's group's preconceived notions are and what her actual abilities are before the end of the chapter. I really had to preen it down. Hmm.. I should type up the original.

  14. Haven't written much in the past year outside of Rebirth posts, but I did take Creative Writing as my final college class and had a couple of interesting assignments. My favorite submission was for the task of providing a hook for the beginning of a book. And if not a fanfic, it was at least inspired by X-men...


    Goodness... let's see if I remember how to do this.



    Fly Away



    She walks among the crowd, always looking over her shoulder, paranoid at the world; and for good reason. Sarah is being hunted and she knows it. The dirty streets of downtown Chicago are packed with businessmen and transients, taxis and buses, street art and refuse. Normally she’d feel safe here – so many faces to hide behind – but now nowhere is safe. She hurries against the flow of people staying close to the building and trying to blend in. Strands of burnt umber hair peek out the sides of her slate grey hood. Trembling hands shoved deep into her blue jean pockets, she passes an elderly woman going the opposite direction… and vanishes.

    “Still moving south…” It crackles over the short-wave radio in Seth’s hand. “She’s changed her appearance. Old lady, moving too fast.”

    He peeks around the doorway he’s hiding in. One old lady shambles north towards him while the back of an identical cornflower-tinted perm hurries away. She’s not looking so he shoots out to the next doorway down. Only the breeze of his passing is noticeable by the others – not that anyone gives the gust a second thought, his movements are too fast to see with the un-evolved eye. He could catch up to her in a heartbeat if he wanted but he needs her alone, out of the crowd.

    He looks again and the blue-white hair is gone. “Report,” he radios to his lookout.“Changed again… A business man with a briefcase… she’s crossing the street.” He scans the crowd and picks her out as the only businessman nervously looking behind him. “Gotcha.” The cross traffic blocks his view for a second and the business man is gone. Frustration boiling up, his voice draws the glances of passers-by. “Where’d she go? Where!?” The pause for an answer is only seconds but they tick by so slowly as he searches the crowd at top speed. “The bus, the bus! She’s on the bus!”


    Seth walks past the frozen crowd. This is the opportunity he’s been waiting for. Sarah can hide all she wants but she can never out run him. The bus driver glances at the rattling door but doesn’t notice the new sports-jacket-with-jeans teen that sits in his front seat and the suited businessman that sits at the back. One split second and Seth appears next to the man blocking any exit. “Hello, Sarah.”

    She morphs back to the familiar face he’s spent the past two months training as fast as he himself can move. A sliver of pride wells up in him at her progress; she is one of his favorites. But the open fear in her eyes breaks his heart. Why did she have to be so stubborn? “You shouldn’t have run away like that,” he coos.

    Deflated, she looks away. “I’ll never be able to run fast enough, will I?”

    “Not while I’m around.” He lifts her trembling chin and gives her a small smile. Don’t be stubborn. Please don’t be stubborn. “Boss wants you to come back with us.”

    She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, obstinate resolve in her voice. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

    “You won’t have to.”

    “He’ll make me!”

    “No he won’t.”

    Tearful eyes meet his as anguish steals her breath. ‘I don’t want to watch anyone get hurt, either… I don’t want to watch you hurt anyone.”

    Stubborn to the last, he wouldn’t persuade her. “You have to come back with us. You don’t have a choice.”

    “I’d rather die!!

    The willful whisper is a dagger into his heart. No! Please… Don’t make me do this. “That has been… authorized.” Change your mind! You have to! He takes her hand in his as the first tear rolls down his cheek. “Sarah, please, just come with me.”

    Longing is written on her face as she squeezes his fingers. “How about you come with me?” The breathy proposition caresses his hopes, coaxes his wishes, tempts his desires.

    But he is stubborn, too, and killing his soul for it. “I… I can’t. I don’t have a choice either.”This is the last chance. I’m begging you… save me from this. “Won’t you change your mind?”

    She shakes her head slowly, rivers shaken loose from her eyes. Sarah embraces him, cheek to cheek, and whispers into his ear. “Can you at least make it quick?” The snap of her neck punctuates her plea.

    Husky emotion comforts her last exhale, “Already done, love.” He leans her limp frame against the seat with unseeing eyes angled out the window and kisses her forehead.Goodbye, Sarah. I’m sorry.

    The bus door rattles again startling a robin that had been hitching a ride on the roof. It flies west leaving Seth to mourn what might have been. He returns to his lookout who has put away the binoculars. Neither of them notice when the girl’s body dissipates into dust. Neither of them follow the robin.



  15. Huzzah, I am done with classes. My BSIT-Software Engineering degree diploma arrived in the mail four days ago. :D


    Still be teaching basic computer skills at the learning center, at least until I find a job more in the field.

  16. I don't believe I have. Oddly I realize I was not all that divergent a reader back in the day. Found one author and read all of their books while ignoring the diversity around me. I even bought a ton of Stephen King's books, brand new, but never read them. Too scared to be scared? idk. I ended up selling them, I think. Or giving them away to someone who would read them.


    The books I read now are usually the same ones my teen girls bring home from their school library or ones my sisters pass on to me so we have something to talk about. But recommendations are good. I'll put them on the list to keep an eye out for.

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