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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. Did anyone see this thing except for Aceron?
  2. You'd think he'd just offer to buy the rights to it for, say, thirty bucks and then sell it in place of the normal BoE. I suppose it might get more legally complicated than that, though....
  3. Same room, just south of the portcullis, secret passage, lever, and blah, blah, blah.
  4. (As always for A1, I am stealing my information from Avernum Annotated Maps .) If you mean the door right after the bridge over the chasm in the first part of the Crypt of Drath, you need the Stone Key. You can get that from the area near Motrax (in the far northeast corner of Avernum). Ask Motrax about people who came around before you, and he'll eventually tell you that some of them wandered off and died nearby. Almost due east (but to get there, you have to go south, east, and then north), you can recover the key.
  5. You can remove them (enter 0 as the second number) if you know the special item number of the Anama Ring, which I don't think anyone does offhand. Is there a list somewhere? Talking with Ahonar is a far better choice.
  6. The site works fine now, so the thread serves no further purpose. Dado, stop resurrecting old threads, and stop writing in all capital letters.
  7. Placed creatures start out as hostile, but creatures appearing from being hidden can be anything. If you want this creature to do something as soon as it appears rather than on the next turn, putting the text bubble in the creature's script is no good. I'd guess the best way to do this is to run that fairly elaborate check of the nearby squares.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Isaac: Have you been inconvenienced by the multiple steps needed to get between 3D editing and zoomed-out mode? Not really. Do you even use zoomed out mode? Yes, quite often. I paint most initial terrain in zoomed out mode. Do you ever use normal 2D editing? How often? Generally for placing walls and that's about it. Have the TAB and OPTION-TAB keyboard shortcuts been useful? Yes. Do you use OPTION-TAB more than the other, so perhaps the keys to use them should be swapped? No, not really.
  9. I don't know that anyone here actually hates the idea. Some people just think it's a waste of your time. That's all. But hey, if you can pull it off, more power to you. It's just that many people have tried before, and none have ever been heard from again.
  10. Depends. If you're on a PC, no. If you're on a Mac, you can use the 3D Editor or the BetterEditor to do things like this. The 3D Editor has a way to scroll quickly, but I'm not sure about the BetterEditor — I don't really use it.
  11. It is possible to do so, since robes go in the chest armor slot and pants go in the, er, pants slot.
  12. If you're looking for a good game to play over the next month or so and then forget about, buy A3. If you want a game that will produce good gameplay at a slightly reduced amount now but continually progressing over the next, oh, probably at least seven or eight years, buy BoA.
  13. This question has been asked and answered dozens of times before. Before you ask a question, do a quick check over old threads to see if it has been asked before (at least within the past month). The boards have a search feature to make this easier.
  14. Thread necromancy is only bad if the necromancer has nothing new to add to a topic. In this case, I'm pretty sure it was fine.
  15. Ephesos, the irritation was directed at Squirrel, not at you. If you can make a scenario, go for it. We welcome all the scenarios we can get. But the idea is 5% of the thing at most; the rest is execution. Your idea shows promise, but that means almost nothing in terms of the final product. EDIT: Squirrel, stop it.
  16. Uh, Squirrel, get a clue . And seriously, if you're going to blast someone, at least work on your punctuation. More to the point, he's not degrading newbies. He's repeating a well-established fact. Most scenarios don't get finished. Talking about one before it is finished is almost always setting one's self up for embarrassment, unless one is a proven designer who consistently finishes these things.
  17. Well, we did, but we also realized that SW would not host/acknowledge the existence of any scenario that used the technique. EDIT: Er, reading more closely, this is slightly different. Yes, one could do this and it would be fine, I think. Nice work. Not tremendously useful, but seems like it could be nice to have as an option.
  18. But the important thing is that those floating walls are fixable if you just drop the heights of the tiles that they're on.
  19. Think about what space the walls on the right are actually on. For the editor screenshot you cut off the tiles on which the walls were actually placed, but I'm guessing (based on the other screenshot) that they're at level 8 rather than level 7. Drop those walls down by one.
  20. Jeff, I (and I'm sure every other BoA player and designer feels the same way) am happy to hear that you will look at our list of bugs and consider our suggestions. The promise of a new version to fix these bugs gives me a great deal of hope for BoA's future. I look forward to seeing what you will do.
  21. Am I just completely blind and out of it? What was the point of that post? Reviving a dead topic, no less. And don't tell anyone, but I don't own any of the Exiles, either.
  22. I had to think about this for a while. Going to Fort Spire was utterly breathtaking -- walking out into the middle of the chasm -- but the city itself was not great. I had a certain fondness for Dharmon and Patrick's Tower, and the Castle was nice, but I think Formello was the most beautiful. That water running through the middle of it really does it for me. Arriving in Avit was a visually memorable experience. (Vahnatai look cool in 3D!) The Empire Archives -- ice floor -- was also visually memorable. Not sure about human lands in A2 -- maybe Dharmon or Formello again. Lorelei was by far my favorite city in A3, but I think the most beautiful was... er... I don't remember them well enough. Fort Emergence was kind of nice. Yeah, and that's far more detail in an answer to your question than you probably wanted to know.
  23. Well, yeah, but the point is that you nitpicked and were wrong.
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