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Everything posted by Kelandon

  1. I just don't have the words to express my feelings at the moment. Suffice it to say that I understand that nigh on seven years of this must have been horrendous for those who have had to endure it.
  2. I'm really surprised no one has posted this link yet, but the place for all BoA graphics is The Louvre . It has some sliths and Empire humans for sure. Not sure about nephils. Pretty sure it does not have alternate boat graphics because, as bigblue correctly notes, there's basically no way to implement them.
  3. Kelandon


    Read the rest of the error message. Put the editor inside the BoA Data folder.
  4. Oh right, the weapon. The char I described is using a Jade Halberd, 2-32 + 3 damage, acid-dripping. Since we're working with multipliers here (with skills and spell-ups and whatever, he does, say, 3x that damage), that's a huge difference from 2-20 + 3 flaming. The extra 12 points multiply by a significant amount. EDIT: Also using Gauntlets of Might, Warrior's Ring, Strength Bracelet, and a few other misc items that shouldn't make a difference.
  5. I'm breaking my own posts-in-a-row rule here, but meh. It's for a good cause. I think this was a pretty decent fighter, if I remember correctly: Strength 13 Dexterity 10 Int 3 End 12 Melee 12 Pole 10 Bows 13 Thrown 11 Hardiness 6 Defense 12 Assassination 8 (this is rather low, for me) Mage 1 (to deflect Mung demons -- don't actually need a level in it, but I felt like it) Priest 0 Arcane Lore 5 Potion 0 Tool Use 11 Cave Lore 5 First Aid 3 (was default -- MOST USELESS SKILL EVER) Luck 5 (this may also affect something, not sure) Barter 2 Find Herbs 1 Blademaster 10 Anatomy 5 Gymnastics 6 Resistance 3 Level 34 Not sure why this char is so much better -- I had no trouble finishing off dervishes just with Bless and Haste, possibly because he just about never gets hit. Other than a slightly higher Blademaster and Assassination, this seems just about the same as yours. Eh, I should probably go back and re-do some fights to see if he really is as strong as I remember, but I'm feeling lazy right now.
  6. My point was just that the way my warriors are set up, I hit the damage cap with just Bless, without Divine Warrior.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Solberg the All-Powerful: The good people should be left alone and the demons, Nephilim, Slithzerikai, and bandits should be killed. Remember before your genocide that not all nephils or sliths are evil. Those of Gnass struggle with this misperception every day. I would wager a guess that not all demons are completely evil either, although there has been no evidence of that in the games. Hrm. Sounds like a good BoA scenario premise. And, of course, the definition of "bandit" is competely subjective; are the rebels of ASR bandits or freedom fighters?
  8. You can actually assassinate creatures that are near or even slightly above your level if you have high enough Assassination, I think. I found that I did absolutely junk damage until I got high levels of the skill -- I would get it just about as soon as possible. It was also the only skill out of Strength, Melee Weapons, Gymnastics, Blademaster, or just about any other combat skill that I would choose to bring above 10 or 12. (Still, Blademaster at 6 may be a bad idea -- I liked to get it up to 10 or so and then leave it alone.) Fast on Feet rocks, by the way. To the best of my knowledge, Gymnastics ONLY makes you harder (much harder) to hit and act sooner, but it doesn't actually supply the extra AP that it advertises. Dexterity has no effect on this from what I can tell. As a sidenote about spelling them up: unblessed warriors pretty well suck as far as I've seen, but I never found Divine Warrior necessary for anything except the extra AP that it gives. (And how cool is it to have 12 AP per turn? )
  9. This may be really, really obvious, but I'll say it anyway: you don't really need to Bless anyone who isn't going to be involved in melee combat. Hasting everyone is good if you can -- although I didn't find it tremendously necessary to Haste the spellcasters most of the time, but that's just my style of playing -- but Blessing everyone is rarely necessary.
  10. I assume that you mean the deactivated control panel in the northwest corner of the entrance town to the Golem Factory proper. Since very few things in any Avernum game will actually make the game unwinnable -- none, as far as I know -- the answer is that while you can't fix the control panel, you can still do what you're supposed to do in that dungeon. If you don't know what you're supposed to do, you may also want to check out this page , specifically 5i-6: The Golem Factory. And Solberg, that post was highly unnecessary.
  11. I found it useful to get Assassination up to about 8 or 10 at the very least, and sometimes 12 or so. Lower than that, and the chances of actually assassinating anything are too small to count on the skill being consistently helpful. I think 5 will do not do much for you. Also I never brought Melee Weapons past about 12 or 13, and usually not even that far. And really, a lot of creatures are magic-immune or fire-immune or cold-immune, so that the amount of damage that you're intending to do with Fireblast will reduce down to 0. I was always somewhat surprised when I found creatures that I could take out with spells.
  12. You know, I never questioned why giants didn't carry weapons. Silly of me, I suppose. But most other monsters only carry weapons some percent of the time -- this is also somewhat weird. Neh, I really have no point. I just wanted to write a post so I could say... BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
  13. Quote: Originally written by KillerCrono: Forgot to mention this... PC only. >_> Why? Scenarios are cross-platform. Um, and the HLPM has a battle arena. I only bring this up because you say you haven't heard of one. You're probably making a more elaborate one, though, so yeah.
  14. Uh, it's surprisingly painless. I know that ResEdit seems kind of arcane, but it's really not bad. Open up one of the .cmg files in a scenario that you already have (say, Valley of the Dying Things) and look at it. If you have any questions about how it works, consult the docs, and if it still doesn't make sense, ask us.
  15. This appears to be a wildly unnecessary topic revival. If a topic has been inactive for a good, long while -- more than a few days, as a rule of thumb -- and you have nothing new to add -- which you didn't -- don't post in a thread.
  16. Well, let's do the math. In a large town (64 by 64), there are 4096 tiles to check. Assuming the code looks vaguely like this: Code: i = 0;while (i < 64) {j = 0; while (j < 64) { // not sure what would go here j = j + 1; } i = i + 1; } The interior "while" will run 64 times, meaning that the "while," the condition, and the stuff inside the brackets (total of two calls, let's say, but it'd likely be more) get run 64 times. That's 4*64=256 calls every time that "while" runs. The exterior "while" would also be run 64 times. Each time it runs, it calls the "while" itself, the condition, the j =, the 256 calls in the interior while, and the i increment. That's 259*64=16576 calls. One additional call (to copy, rather than just record items) would push the script up to 20672 calls. Another one would bring it up to 24768. Another one and you'd be pushing the consecutive calls pretty darn close to the edge, because I think the limit is 32000. So, in other words, if you could manage to record and copy the item using four calls or less, I think you'd be able to do this. Of course, it would take a DAMN long time.
  17. Oh. Wait. You have two actions in your node. That's no good. Set the flag in your code. That is, Code: begintalknode 34; state = 13; personality = 12; nextstate = 13; condition = 1; question = "Ok, let's gain wisdom!";text1 = "_Come to me when you succeed._"; code =set_flag(0,2,1); toggle_quest(1,1);end();break;
  18. Yeah, now that you mention it, you could do that with change_spell_level. But that seems inelegant somehow. Maybe you want the player to be able to Simul the helper monsters but not the boss himself. Or something.
  19. Another thought: I think that Simulacrum-duplicated monsters use their default scripts, so if you really wanted to have an undead boss who was vulnerable to Repel Spirit but not terribly vulnerable to Simulacrum, you could give it wimpy base stats and a really powerful script. That way, if the player Simul-ed the boss, the duplicate would be a weakling.
  20. It occurs to me that we might want a third, independent thread for that sort of thing and for the add_item_to_shop request. We have one thread for new calls and one thread for bugs; maybe a third thread for additional functionality for the old calls? If I understood him correctly, Jeff said that he would do bug fixes, might add functionality to old calls, and would think about adding new calls. It seems that we're a lot more likely to get the first than the second and still less likely to get the third, so we might want to separate them.
  21. And don't give him any combat stats, really. You shouldn't have to (or be able to) fight at all. You get a couple of healing potions, too. EDIT: Eh, Edged Weapons at 5. But all you get is a Bronze Knife.
  22. Uh, kind of. You could give them a special ability or an item that would call a script that would run a move_to_new_town that would take them to the parallel town. A similar thing could be done outdoors using, er, out_move_party, which unfortunately appears only to be able to take the party within the same outdoor section, not to a new one. To make the parallel town, you could even import the old town in the editor and make whatever changes you needed. The difficult part would come if you wanted to make changes in one parallel universe affect the other universe.
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