Originally written by Skrat: Perhaps the next storyline has already been laid. Throughout the Geneforge series, there have references to past civilizations that have been either waylaid or gone extinct. These have been referred to as being extremely powerful though much mystery surrounds them. Maybe Jeff can build a plot around a re-discovery of an old hidden race (neither Shaper or Drakon) that has been disturbed by post-war expansion. This could open doors to all kinds of creations and magical beings that are set loose upon the rest of the world and it is up to the Shapers (or Rebels) to defend us from their destruction. They could even be lead by Spectral beings....
I trust that there will be more adventures and conquests, and I will be ready to enlist!
Reminds me of Avernum. New, extremely powerful alien race, hmmm.
I haven't played G4 yet, but I think I'd be likely to agree with Stareye, something fresh would be nice.