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Garrulous Glaahk

Garrulous Glaahk (8/17)

  1. Quote: Originally written by KernelKnowledge12: Isaac did not plan to be a main developer, and will most likely help more when the graphics code gets ported. Actually I no longer have any plans to help any more (though that does not entirely rule out it occuring). I've become too much of a contributor to Battle for Wesnoth, and uninterested in BoA, to do much with its editor.
  2. On the enter-combat-end-combat bug (which incidentally prevents ending combat at all sometimes with low amounts of space), a simple (though perhaps not complete, still pretty good) fix would be to not move the party at all if when they end combat they are in a normal party order (i.e. player 1 is next to player 2, 2 is next to 3, etc., except of course dead characters don't need to be anywhere).
  3. Quote: Originally written by DreamGuy: and the menus are a pain to scroll through. Choosing among a large number of things with a mouse is always annoying, although menus are particularly bad. I'd like to be able to type the name instead (I'm a keyboard person).
  4. Well I've gotten Boost installed ( help I used). The interfaces you've been proposing look good to me, though I couldn't say how useful they would be in practice without knowing what the rest of the interface will be.
  5. Argh. I've been trying to install the Boost libraries. When it gets to compiling "xml_grammar", it eats the rest of my ~1.8 GB disk space, presumably for virtual memory, and never finishes compiling it. When I restart my computer, I can repeat the process -- not much fun. These are the shell commands I entered trying to follow some advice ( Boost-getting started , Boost Wiki-MacOSX build help ): Code: cd /Users/isaac/Applications/Programming/boost_1_32_0env PYTHON_ROOT=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3 PYTHON_VERSION=2.3 /Users/isaac/Applications/Programming/boost-jam-3.1.10-1-macosxppc/bjam "-sTOOLS=darwin" install Any advice?
  6. Well, I tested your example or "virtual inheritance", only by doing everything in static objects' constructors. I can't see how there could be anything wrong with this thing. Code: #include <iostream>class base {public: virtual void do_thing() = 0;};class derived_A : public base {public: virtual void do_thing() { std::cout << "A's do thing" << std::endl; }};class derived_B : public base {public: virtual void do_thing() { std::cout << "B's do thing" << std::endl; }};derived_A a;derived_B b;struct some_global { some_global() { base* p = NULL; p = &a; p->do_thing(); p = &b; p->do_thing(); }} g;int main (int argc, char *argv[]){ std::cout << "hello" << std::endl; return 0;} And I got: Code: A's do thingB's do thinghello But wait... Code: //...extern derived_A a;extern derived_B b;struct some_global { some_global() { base* p = NULL; p = &a; p->do_thing(); p = &b; p->do_thing(); }} g;derived_A a;derived_B b;//... crashes the program. So as far as I can tell, it should be fine as long as we avoid using it before it's constructed. Which we'd have to do the equivalent of anyway if we didn't declare it statically. EDIT: KernelKnowledge, could you remove that really long comment from your code, or break it into multiple lines? It's stretching the page. EDIT 2: Don't forget, references allow polymorphism just like pointers. (probably obvious, but... just mentioning it) EDIT 3: Or is this a compiler-dependent thing? I'm using GCC (because XCode uses that).
  7. Quote: It is true that polymorphism is not inheritance, but polymorphism is needed in virtual inheritance, which is what we are trying to implement. What do you mean, "virtual inheritance"? Like 'class derived : virtual base'? If so, I don't know a lot about that, or what difference it makes. If you mean virtual functions, those shouldn't be a problem. Quote: What's even more amazing is that the MPL is only a very small part of what can be done with templates. Read the book "C++ Template Metaprogramming" by David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy (I am currently reading this). Note: If that last part is considered advertising, I apologize. I don't dislike it as advertising. It would probably be useful to look at something like that, since I don't even know quite what is legal to do with templates in C++, and learning just that wouldn't be all that useful by itself either.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Notus: Quote: Is this really neccessary with the use of inheritance? Can't we use inheritance without changing the global variables to pointers, or am I missing something? As these basic data have a common character that is loaded from and saved to .bas file, we will probably make a superclass on these classes to handle streaming on them. If we make a superclass, these data objects cannot be declared as global (static) variables because of inheritance. They should be generated by new operator dynamically. This means we must access them through pointers. The initialization of static variables occurs on early phase of loading of an execute file. But in that phase, inheritance chain and RTTI are not established yet. Thus a static object that has inheritance aren't initialized properly. Really? I thought whatever you're talking about was handled fine, and the main problem with static variables was the order they get initialized in relation to each other. Sure, statically declared variables can't have their type determined polymorphically, but so what? You don't want to determine their type at runtime do you? Polymorphism != inheritance. (If you're still right, could you give me an example of the problem occuring?) Also, if the STL is amazing, then boost::mpl is at least doubly amazing. Templates look almost simple at first, but it turns out that many recent programming paradigms and other things can be implemented with them...
  9. I found a cross-platform C++ library that uses OpenGL: http://plib.sourceforge.net/ . I'm not sure how good it would be to use, but the abilities that it claims to have seem good.
  10. I support the modularization such as the "GUI/kernel split". I want it to be easy to, for example, write a keyboard-driven interface. I don't understand what this "for_each" would actually be supposed to do, but I don't see anything wrong with having a common base class like that. I just don't see anything you could want to do with it that couldn't be achieved better by, say, templates.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Notus: Isaac, Can we support your 3D BoA Editor on SourceForge? I'm now coding another bug fix, v1.0.2b4, patch for "Outdoor: drawing mode failure after moving section" bug. Yes, and you can put it there since you have the most bug-fixed version. Make sure it's clear what license it has. Quote: May I issue the Windows port of your 3D BoA Editor to SourceForge? It entered to debug phase finally. Though there are still a several bugs I know (and maybe tons of bugs I don't know), I hope I can start beta test on next weekend. Do that too. Quote: PS MacOSX and Xcode are CVS savvy. Setup guidance Version Control with CVS on Mac OS X http://developer.apple.com/internet/opensource/cvsoverview.html Introduction to Xcode Source Control Management http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/Xcode_SCM/Int roduction.html Client for MacOS MacCVS http://cvsgui.sourceforge.net/download.html MacCVSClient http://www.heilancoo.net/MacCVSClient/ Okay, thanks, I'll look into that.
  12. Quote: Originally written by KernelKnowledge12: You'll have to tell me the UNIX username (not the publicly shown one) you choose, then I'll give you developer access to the files. Okay, I'll PM you what I think you mean (I've made a SourceForge account). Quote: Also to get/change/commit the code you'll have to get a cvs client (if you don't have one already). If you don't know how to use cvs, well, this'll be a problem, as cvs is very hard to learn, but its not impossible. Since I used windows, I could get Tortoise CVS which is much easier to use than regular CVS, though it doesn't take advantage of advanced features. Don't know what clients there are for OS X, but the information is all on SourceForge.net. Also you can look up "The CVS Book." (Its free and online.) Hmm, oh well, I obviously use MacOSX, and I don't know how to use CVS, but I can probably figure it out....
  13. Quote: Originally written by KernelKnowledge12: Isaac: I still need your SourceForge.net user name (UNIX username) so I can give you developer access to the project. If you want to give it to me, email it or pm it. Uhhh... I need to create an account on SourceForge? (well, obviously yes... anything else?)
  14. Riposte only works VERY rarely, no matter how much skill you have in it. Like maybe 1% of the time. Such a hard-to-get special skill being nearly useless and not visibly increasing anything as your skill with it increases must be a bug. (of course I used the character editor to test this.) EDIT: maybe I'm out of date... what exactly is this a list of? and what happened to the bug that shooting friendly people didn't make them hostile?
  15. Are you sure you've done this? Quote: you need to move the editor application (.exe file) itself into the "Data" folder And if so, you should also make sure you haven't accidentally removed any of the data files.
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