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Arch-Mage Solberg

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Everything posted by Arch-Mage Solberg

  1. Originally Posted By: And man grew proudly You kids these days have it easy. Dag nabbit whipper snappers...why back in my day...huh...what were we talking about again sonny? (Sorry, had to do it!) This kind of reminds me of a thread I myself started about ten months ago. Post #596
  2. I too believe that everything should have a slightly different graphic. It gets rid of confusion for some players. I remember in the first Exile especially, that most things like weapons usually had the same graphic depending on type. Post #595
  3. The ruggedness of the Exile's was due to the many rock piles littered around everywhere and its lack of roads. Exile 1 did have a few roads, but only in the towns. The Avernum's pretty much got rid of the rock piles and instead of the 'paths' of Exile 1, you now have roads in the Avernum's. Also adding to Exile 1's ruggedness was the Adobe walls that signified shoddy or quickly built buildings. The Avernum's only have the brick wall decor or the plaster wall with the red strip (like at the ToM). Post #594
  4. I wasn't used to finding my way around games on the scale that Exile involved. I had only played a few Nintendo NES games (mainly the three Mario games). Exile 2: Crystal Souls was the first big computer game I ever played. Post #593
  5. This may rub some of you the wrong way, but I would like to see the world of Avernum return to simplicity. What I mean by that is when Exile: Escape From the Pit came out, the caves looked rugged. The cities looked feeble and poor, which is I guess how they were supposed to be. It really seemed like you were really strugling to survive. When Avernum 1 came out however, the caves seemed cleaner. There are roads coneecting all towns and forts instead of the rock paths. Every building is made of bricks and has floor. All I'm saying is how about getting back to the ruggedness of the original Exiles. Post #592
  6. Not trying to sound superior or anything, but when I first played the original Exiles, I never had to much trouble with understanding the storylines. For months I had just the demos of E1 and E2. Then around late July '98 I was finally able to buy those games. Within a month I had E1 beat and E2 within another. I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff but I know a little. Maybe you're rushing through trying to get stuff done and loosing track of what people are saying. Slow down, take a breath, and read the dialogue. Things will work out. Post # 591
  7. A few of the things I missed since A3 are coming back, but one thing I would really like to see is the spell 'shockwave'. Now that's a very handy spell that was sorely missed when the new Avernums came out. Post #590
  8. I don't recall what it's called, but I do remember that when you entered it, there was a gate. And you had to use a boat to get to the shrine. It had nothing to do with the storyline which is probably why it didn't make it to Avernum! Post #589
  9. I am syked(sp?) about this. I've read a few posts and seen the screenshots and I like it. Outdoors is back, baby! Finally, the look that Avernum is supposed to have (the first three did but not the last three). I can't wait for Jeff to give the announcement for Beta-testing because I want to help contribute to Spiderweb Software. I've played and beaten 11 other of his games (Exile Trilogy, Avernum's 1-6, Geneforge 1, BoE and BoA and Avadon), but I've never beta-tested. Post # 588
  10. I wonder if some of the stuff that was in the original Exile that got lost in Avernum will make an appearance. Most notably the hidden shrine north of the Nephilim Castle and south of Fort Draco. Post #587
  11. Whoa, whoa Slarty. I've got my hands in the air and I'm backing off. I meant no offence. I know that you put a lot of work into this stuff. Absolutly no criticism is coming from me. I was just writing some stuff down so that it will be ready when Encyclopedia Ermariana is back up. I was just checking to see if my info was correct. Post #586
  12. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES This I remember we all hashed out pretty specifically. A5 had a lot of conflicting information, but most of it was within a few years, so whatever date we settled on (was it 870? I don't remember) can be treated as solid. Conflicting information? Check this out from A4! Matos of Fort Monastery says when asked about how long he has been in Avernum, "All my life. Some come down here from the surface to seek their fortune, but most Avernites were born down here. I was born not too long after the Second Slith War. In fact, I'm third-generation. The Empire threw my grandfather down here originally, for one crime or another." Wasn't the Second Slith War and the Za-Khazi Run around 840 IE? And if A4 was around 855, that would make Matos (if we take what he said above and the fact of the year of A4 as truth) then he is not even 15 years old! Obviously something is amiss. Post # 585
  13. I don't believe that I would ever be able to solo a game, only because I am an item hoarder. I collect certain stackable items (such as crystals, alchemical ingredients, etc) so going solo would mean having a lot less space for sellable items. Post #584
  14. I was going to pinpoint the year of A6 but then I got to thinking are the years of A4 and A5 set in stone. I'm sure that the year of A4 was set around 855 IE and A5 around 870 IE. I don't have anything right now from A4, but below I have some stuff from A5 about when things happened. From Mayor Kilgore about how long ago the Northern Frontier was discovered. "The Northern Rapids were opened up a little over a decade ago. The exploration began immediately. The Drake Pillars were first entered a week later. Adventurers began to hunt the drakes soon after." text2 = "_And, once the drakes were mostly gone, the rush for land and wealth began at great speed._"; From Anemona talking about how long she has been imprisoned by Harkin’s Landing. "Only ten years, but they have stretched out for so long. I am ready to end my imprisonment. I am ready to die, but die in freedom. But that will not happen. I have so little to offer and none will anger the city above. So here I will rot." According to Commander Glavine, Azure Gallery was only settled about 5 years before the events of A5. "I came with the first group of settlers in the Azure Gallery. I am one of the few left. We all arrived about five years ago. It was a wild place, as wild as Avernum of the old days. But we tamed it, and claimed it." From Aramis of Highground talking about how long he’s been in the Azure Gallery. “Only three years. I came after the giants were pacified but before the mayor closed the town.” From Mayor Vikas of Exodus when asked how long he was in Exodus. "The town, three years. Me, much longer. He pats his sash. I was one of the warriors who expelled the drakes that lived here. I personally buried my blade into the neck of the last one killed." From Amelie in Ahonoria about how long she has been in Avernum. "Five years. That is when Alcander led us from the surface. He said that here we could speak our beliefs without fear of being crushed. That is worth much." I'm just gathering data for when Encyclopedia Ermariana is back online. Post #583
  15. Yes I'm double posting but the last one was days ago plus I'm providing an update. Due to outrageous spamming on Encyclopedia Ermariana, Arancaytar has (temporarily?) shutdown the site. Below is what the page says when you try to go to the site. What happen!! The Ermarian Network, or the part of it you are looking for, has been taken offline due to some serious glitch. This was done at Wed, 20 Jul 2011 04:58:15 -0700 -0800. The specific message entered at shut-down was: spam, and no time to deal with it this month For the moment, passengers are advised to stay calm, breathe into the handy paper bags that will be released from the ceiling, and do without our lovely range of services. signed, Arancaytar Post #582
  16. Some of y'all said that y'alls member numbers went up. Well I just checked mine. For years I was member #303, now I'm member #302! Down by one. Weird. Post #581
  17. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Quote: In fact, I've played and beaten all three Exiles and all six Avernums. I know I'm not the only one who's done this. Hardcore, Dedicated, Foolish. I resemble that remark. And let us not forget the wealth of adventure to be discovered and re-discovered in the Blades of Exile scenarios. Just to show my gluttony for punishment, I will attempt to complete the Avernum 5-6 Annotated maps. But I will always keep All versions of all the Exile games on my hard drive, and on my backup drive, and on my backup CD of my backup drive... (Paranoia is a healthy attribute for DataBase Administrators). Now that I have the missing version 1 of Exile I, I am going to have to replay it just to experience the story in its most original form. ((Hardcore, Dedicated, Stupid...)) Just mumbling to myself. I would also like to play the Exile games again, but for some reason they are not compatible with my new computer. Post #580
  18. I miss the pure vastness of truly going anywhere that was in Exile 1: Escape From the Pit. The graphics weren't the best, there were WAY too many spells, but that all added to the mystique of what Exile was and still is. All of that stuff kept you busy. All of the puzzles kept you guessing. And the storyline kept you coming back for more. Although the more recent Avernum's have a few problems of their own, I feel that they are still really enjoyable to play. In fact, I've played and beaten all three Exiles and all six Avernums. I know I'm not the only one who's done this. Post #579
  19. That's ok Slarty, it's not like I go around saying that I'm Jerry Bush. On the forums, I always refer myself as Solberg. In fact, I believe that this is the first time my real name has been mentioned on these forums Post #578
  20. I believe this is what you were refering to madrigan. And about the mistakes Slarty fixed. I'm sorry about those I was working with some faulty info. I'm almost done with A6 and plan to adjust those figures accordingly. Post #577
  21. This is gonna be embarrassing but I'll say it anyway. My nephew had one of those 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books lying around so I picked it up and read it. I finished it in about 70 min. His mom (my sister) bought the Rodrick Rules movie and I watched it with the kids last night. Now I want to read the other books and see the other movies. By the way, the movie was really crazy funny! Post #576
  22. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E I keep looking ofr a good Antisocial Network to join. You know, like "Not Your Space", "Outta My Face Book", "Spitter", or something like that. Those are some funny names. How would an Antisocial network work? Post #575
  23. You know what could be good to see? A training system almost like the ones that the Elder Scrolls games use. Have the traing halls in every city but have the masters spread out anywhere. You could only train up to maybe 10 in a skill before you had to see the master. Post #574
  24. Originally Posted By: Solus Coda That is what I get for staying up until 3 AM playing the game until I am bleary-eyed. I do that all the time. It fun playing in the wee hours of the morning! *did I just say "wee" Originally Posted By: Solus Coda Sorry for the obvious question! I asked that same question one time. Post #573
  25. Originally Posted By: The Mystic ... and it'll still need to be beta tested before it gets released. Put me down for that. I've been playing for years, but I've never beta-tested before. I really want a hand in that. Post #572
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