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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. I am not a Let's Play fan in general, but I suppose I'm going to have to go find that rendition now.
  2. I don't understand pineapple pizza. That said, I actually find the pineapple less problematic than the ham, and Aran only specified pineapple. ...and a post that asks me to rank itself. Woo. It sure didn't take us long to get self-referential with this, did it. Not that I'm one to talk, but still... Speedy Gonzales screenshot Solidarność screenshot Pineapple pizza Alf screenshot The post that asks me to rank itself Anchovy pizza
  3. I don't understand why there is a video game about that Polish labor union, but I'm down with labor unions. It is a little hard to tell if that is the Polish flag in front of a blue sky, or if perhaps it is the Pan-Slavic flag instead, which may have to knock this down. Also, the guy is a little weird. Alf was never a good cultural phenomenon and that particular style of old PC art is not what it could be, either. The Speedy Gonzales screenshot has some good production values, including a very nice font. Why Mexico shares an island with Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Arctic is hard to explain, unless this is actually from the rumoured futuristic Nethergate sequel. Speedy Gonzales himself is a little questionable on a lot of levels, but I'm willing to give this screenshot more credit than the game itself might deserve. As for anchovies -- hate 'em! Not a seafood fan here. They have no business ruining a perfectly good food, like pizza. Speedy Gonzales screenshot Solidarność screenshot Alf screenshot Anchovy pizza
  4. This topic is exactly as described. I will rank everything and anything. Post whatever you would like me to rank, and I will add it to the current list. For example, if people suggested Nethergate, Mussolini, and roombas, we might get: Nethergate Roombas Mussolini Because I like Nethergate better than roombas, and roombas better than Mussolini. If someone then suggested rickrolling, it would be added, perhaps as: Nethergate Roombas Rickrolling Mussolini And so on, with the ranked list growing each time a new suggestion is made. That's it -- it's a purely subjective ranking. You can make a few different suggestions in one post if you like. No real limitations on what you can pick outside of what the code of conduct already covers -- e.g., keep it friendly. Let the pointless wanking ranking begin!
  5. That is going to eat up SP quickly -- and without any investment in Intelligence your SP will be about half of what we are used to mages having. I go back and forth on whether this build would be better than a similar Int build. This might be more survivable, but the Int build would definitely be less annoying -- as you can smack stuff with multiple AoE's, rather than being restricted to single target attacks. It might work, but it will be slow going.
  6. Whoa, this is very interesting. 3%/level, or maybe 2.5%/level with rounding... either way... Cold damage is definitely a concern. Are there outdoor battles with ice drakes? For a singleton, you'd clearly still want Hardiness and Resistance (for 43 earned skill points*). That leaves 20 skill points (by level 30), either to do more with Priest Spells, something with Mage Spells (Haste, Cloak, Daze for the Ensnare effect), some Gymnastics, or something else. Tool Use maybe, since you need 10 to complete the game. Arcane Lore, thankfully, can just be replaced with Vahnatai Lore (and potentially Sage Lore) at least to the point of Haste level 3 and eventually CS/Sim level 3 if you're going Mage Spells for them -- which might honestly be worthwhile. *42 if you wait for a very late game free Spellcraft point from Great Walls.
  7. Interesting, thanks. So it looks like evasion *may* be viable for a while if you truly go all-out on it (though of course you'll still need to be able to survive at least _one_ attack). That said, I don't think it will work so well later in the game. Even though you are only level 21, you have maxed out almost all your sources of evasion: Dexterity caps at 40 (or maybe that is just raw Dexterity and you can go higher with items and traits? I can't remember if that works properly or not), and your Gymnastics is maxed unless you haven't used a trainer yet. Yeah, there is a little room to grow there, but enemies have much more room to grow. Giants are level 17-22 (with corresponding stats, multiplied for Torment) while golems are 25-26 and alien beasts and late game vahnatai are 28-30. And in side quest enemies, there are demons in the high 20's, liches and haakais at 30, and dragons at 40 -- and of course, anything that deals direct damage flavored as cold or poison. Anyway, I hope you update us on how evasion continues to work for you. Maybe it will do better than we expect!
  8. Welcome to the inconsistent equipment bonus levels of modern Spiderweb games. I too miss the days where everything Bronze was +1 and everything Steel was +3.
  9. What enemies are you fighting and what are your relevant stats (Dex, Gymnastics, Luck)?
  10. Ah. The Zkal book is not labelled with its spell in the atlas, and is missing from the spellbook list.
  11. Meena trains Bows at the best price too, 600c a point, which is much better than Vlosto. For Sniper, you'll have to put up with the higher cost.
  12. There is definitely no level 4 version of the Dispel Barrier ability. There are barriers that can't be dispelled by the spell at all -- if you try to dispel one, you should get this message in the info window: "Dispel Barrier: This barrier is too powerful to ever be affected by this spell."
  13. Aha, I see what made me think otherwise. Randomizer, you have Arcane Summon listed twice on both your atlas and your 3rd level spell list. I assume one of those is supposed to be Summon Aid, which you haven't listed at all.
  14. There is another Summon Aid level 3 spellbook, isn't there? Definitely agreed that the upgrades are pointless for them (and the spells aren't that great to start with).
  15. The right sdf codes could fix that. No, I don't know what they are. I guess this is a lesson that when the most powerful wizard in Avernum gives you a warning, you take her seriously.
  16. Humans are, unfortunately, still miles ahead of nephils and sliths in this game.
  17. @Spidweb Any chance you can tell us exactly how physical attack resistance changed? You've specified in the past that it was 5%/level, is it down to e.g. 3%/level (like magic/fire/ice resistance)?
  18. 6 Intelligence (cost is 8) + 8 Melee/Pole (cost is 8)
  19. The above is true for melee weapons. For ranged weapons, Dexterity is used in place of Strength. For spells, Intelligence is used instead. Specific weapon skills (i.e., Pole Weapons) add dice in the same way.
  20. I haven't been able to find any anywhere, and the more relevant changes seem to be in the hardcode.
  21. Actually, you only need to complete one plague quest.
  22. As opposed to discussing it in this thread? I suppose the idea is that if someone sends you a message, none of the people with different opinions will be able to chime in and say otherwise...
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