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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Thanks for correcting me on G2 - I forgot about those! Shows you what I was paying attention to...
  2. Didn't G1 have an one-shot instant-reputation-changing servile like Darian did in G2 and G3? I can't remember if it was Clois or Darian or someone else, though.
  3. Actually, that's not really true. "Crafting" in the sense of handing items to a machine/person/anvil and getting something else in return exists in each game, but it is very limited in the first two -- G1 just has machines that make crystals and wands, and G2 just has people that make stuff like that plus one artifact constructed by Learned Darian. Anvils with their plethora of artifacts and enhancements exist only from G3 onward.
  4. I read Ender's Game when very young. At the time I had never heard "bugger" spoken, and I had never seen "booger" written, so I got the idea that "bugger" meant "booger" and spent the whole book picturing this race of giant boogers.
  5. Originally Posted By: Evnissyen Slarty: Because players can't play fyoras, therefore we don't have to worry about a fyora's natural (or unnatural, for that matter) resistances. (Nor can we even affect our own creations' resistances, or fit them with armor.) A creation's resistances are not relevant to a player's resistances. No, they aren't relevant to a player's resistances -- they are relevant to his attacks! Attacking a fyora with bolt of fire is less effective; attacking a wingbolt with kill, sucks. So players absolutely DO have to worry about a fyora's resistances. Frankly, I think the nerve you hit is your own.
  6. I really don't see how fire and cold are any more "the same type of resistance" than the others are. Heat and cold both cause burns, but so do acid and electricity. Why does separating energy "add to the experience" but separating cold is "obstructive" and "tiresome"? This seems a completely arbitrary conclusion. And I will ask again: Why do you want to allow fyoras to resist fire better than cold, but you don't want to allow fire-based armor to do the same thing?
  7. Less variety of language is not necessarily simpler. And that's really all we're talking about here, particularly given how bad most resistance-granting equipment is, particularly for cold and fire. The mechanics are the same for cold and fire damage as well as for energy damage, poison and acid flavored attacks (rather than the status effects) and in fact, the mechanics are exactly the same for physical attacks, other than the fact that "armor" is not called a resistance on the character sheet. But I suspect you would agree that just having ONE resistance stat for ALL damage, including physical attacks, would be too shallow. So the question is how much diversity is needed. Lumping fire and cold together seems just as arbitrary to me as keeping them separate, or lumping fire/cold/elec together, etc. But is having seven resistances really "obstructive" and "tiresome"? At any rate, I have a hard time seeing why you want to allow fyoras to resist fire better than cold, but you don't want to allow fire-based armor to do the same thing.
  8. A4 and A5 work exactly the same way the Geneforge series does, when it comes to attacking friendly creatures.
  9. I have to imagine that if canister traits were passed on to children, we'd have heard about it at least once by now. Certainly in Drypeak Valley there were canister users who had plenty of time to have kids. The drayk and drakon "reshaping" is always discussed quite distinctly from canister use, so I don't think they can be lumped together. (Particularly since the factions that first had drayks reshaping themselves did not have the technology to create canisters.)
  10. Greta does have additional background in G3.
  11. For the mac version, you need to open the appropriate files with a resource editor, such as ResEdit. You also need to open to replacement graphics (with anything). Locate the PICT resources containing the graphics you need to replace. Copy the replacement picture, select the picture you are replacing, and paste. Repeat for all the pictures and you're done.
  12. G4, On Litalia: "You can see that she has been heavily modified. She has used many canisters. Perhaps the Geneforge as well. She has the vacant stare, the glowing eyes, the waxy skin. But she is also calmer, more serene, than those so heavily remade." She says: "I did many things. Terrible things. We all did... This haste kept us from acting... As justly as we could." "I stopped using the canisters. I did not like the effect they have... Our bodies were not meant to be changed so... I am beginning to sound like a Trakovite, or a similar idiot. No. I simply stopped using the canisters. And I began to rebuild myself... I studied and relearned how to have emotions. And how to be patient. When not giving orders, I practice being a person again." "The Trakovites may be right. They may be wise, and virtuous, and ahead of their time."
  13. Why shouldn't they be? What exactly does it take away that fire and cold are separate resists? And doesn't it make sense that a drayk takes reduced damage from fireballs but a cryodrayk does not? As far as poison and acid, the difference is a bit historical. E1 and E2 only had poison. E3 introduced acid and it was very different at the time: faster-acting and typically doing very high damage. Edit: Sniped. I suppose this makes me the apocalypse.
  14. Originally Posted By: Rowen I would like to see a open area like from A1 or A3 where I could walk to amost anywhere. the only thing that gives you a since of direction was that the mosters will kill you if you go to far out to fast. But it gave me that sort of "open rpg" feel when I played them. Jeff has said that he's not doing that kind of totally open-ended approach anymore, because it's too hard to maintain game balance.
  15. Realistically, how many complete beginners are going to be using OBoE in the near future?
  16. Greta was certainly not a redundant Litalia character. First, because Greta visibly disagrees with a lot of what the Drakons are doing, but goes along with it because she sees no other choice -- resisting the Drakons would be impractical. Second, because Litalia is remarkably different in G4 than she was in G3. She is in fact the only character in the entire series to provide any serious hope of healing the effects of unbridled shaping and canister use; a rather unlikely beacon of hope.
  17. Geneforge 1 has much more vivid descriptions of what exactly the canisters do to you. As I recall, it sounds very much like what you suggest. It does say very clearly that although the effect may be similar to learning a spell by studying it (or a skill by practicing it) that the mechanism by which it happens is different.
  18. Presumably you can just test on a copy of an existing savegame?
  19. The problem is that then there is no way to identify which version has the bug and which doesn't except by opening up the scenario files and looking. If nothing else, I would increment the version number by 0.0.1 in a prominent place (or assign a new 1.0.1 number).
  20. Emphasis on CLEARLY MARKED AS AN EDITED VERSION. That goes for the description, file name, and readme, and it goes double for any site you upload it to.
  21. "... It's no use! Use the Crystal!" "You, the man of Darkness, using it does not mean anything to me, you fools!" "Cecil... Use... this...!"
  22. First off, you used the editor to give yourself 30 Luck. That's the cap Armor rating has nothing to do with your chance of being hit. Armor rating only affects damage taken. Luck does reduce your chance of being hit by 2% per point, and it increases your chance to hit enemies by the same amount. However, getting Luck anywhere near 30 is completely impractical, given how much the points end up costing. Also, other stats influence dodge and hit rates to a greater degree. So Luck is helpful, but it isn't such a great value.
  23. One possibility would be to say that Dorikas and Redmark were *both* assassinated. This would actually work fine with the story. I do think, though, that Jeff wouldn't have introduced a major character related to Erika Redmark just to have him hand out quests in one game. But we all know what's really going to happen in A6. Prazac and Bon-Ihrno are going to come back from the dead and restore world peace...
  24. You have cast Augmentation on your mage. This increases max and current HP indefinitely. However, every time you enter a town, everyone is healed and revived AND all buffs are removed, so the HP bonus goes away.
  25. That's correct. The v1.0 graphics had a smaller set of PC icons and were missing a few other things, but otherwise were very similar to the standard Exile 1 graphics -- those are the "Exile 2 standard" graphics, which in fact predate Exile 2. After Exile 3 was released, Jeff did a v2.0 of the first two games using Exile 3's graphics.
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