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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Quote: Originally written by Niemand: fill hollow rectangle Legacy of BoE, where it was very handy for making buildings. With walls no longer taking up a floor square, it's kind of obsolete.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Dowsing: Quote: Originally written by Nemesis: Could it just be sent out to a few designers who've already bought the game, and who know what they're doing? Now I'm not saying that the members of this community aren't trustworthy, but if Jeff tried that, I predict the source would be leaked within days. You betcha. Trustworthiness hasn't got much to do with it - if he wanted to, Jeff could ask for a Non-Disclosure Agreement, like his beta testers. The thing is that there is not much point in making something open source without, well opening it. That would basically just be asking a few people to work for him for free. Er, not that scenario designers don't already do that.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: If it's bringing in negligible money, and Spiderweb has moved on to much more advanced engines Yes, because SW has a history of releasing their old games as abandonware; just look at the Exile trilogy and BoE. Oh wait.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: But... but... I didn't kill Rentar, I let her go! Tough. I deliberately beat her without Erika's help to avoid killing off Erika. Canon still has her dead. Besides, the "judged by her people" has its own implications.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: Quote: Originally written by -X-: The word of Jeff Vogel is law. This issue is resolved. This topic is ripe for death. -X-, you can't end a topic on your own terms. Unless you're a Moderator, and last time I checked, you're not. Moderator is not enough; you also need to be a moderator in this forum. Although technically, I could edit this topic's title to "[CLOSED BY THE ARANCAYTAR]" and blank all my posts and then rant and whine until either it got locked or I got banned or possibly both.
  6. Opon Mars, you have 6 posts. Nobody cares what you think. But seriously, you might want to practice trolling a bit more so it's less obvious.
  7. The oracle hath spoken. Quote: Jeff Vogel: The mold already existed, but Erika improved it. Both have their own reasons for stretching the truth. In other words, the most likely explanation is usually the correct one.
  8. Solberg: As an unrelated side-note, is your signature a quote from A4? Because I wouldn't mind knowing what happened to Cheeseball...
  9. From an older topic : Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: You know, Erika takes credit for making the fungus glow, but someone else (I forget who) says that the fungus was already glowing before they got there. Erika may just be an egomaniac, or possibly she did some work at the Tower of Magi that enhanced the glowing effect — the message upon entering the Tower's botanical room indicates that the mages were responsible for significant crop modification. I think I have all this written down somewhere. EDIT: Ah. Specifically, Erika in A1 says, "These passages wouldn't even be lit if I hadn't created the fungi that emit light, and I don't even get credit! And don't get me started on the mushrooms!" She adds, "The mushrooms down here? That are edible, nourishing, and grow with only the slightest light? I created them!" However, Solberg says, "It was [Erika] that created the strain of mushrooms that grow quickly and are so nourishing, and other special plants as well," and adds, "Erika created the trees that grow in stone, so we could have a meager supply of wood. She summoned down several plants from above, and changed them so they'd grow down here. The one thing she didn't make was the glowing fungus on the cave ceilings. It's amazing, magical stuff, and was already here when the Empire found these caves." This was discussed for a while, but beyond the conclusions that either a) Erika is a self-aggrandizing liar, Solberg is making a mischievous jab at her greatest pride, c) the Vahnatai Did It™, and humans are arrogant as a rule or d) Jeff didn't take notes and messed it all up, we didn't really establish what had happened. Since Erika specifically complained that she is not credited, I get the sense that this is deliberate (against d). Solberg doesn't have a grudge against Erika (*she* didn't summon demons), and no reason to lie (against . Erika, however, has accomplished so much that she doesn't need to steal glory (against a). It's a trivial issue, but it's always nagged at me for some reason. So I'm asking Jeff: Who made the glowing fungus in Avernum? If it wasn't Erika, why does she claim to have done it? If it was, why does Solberg claim she didn't? Since I don't know how often he comes here outside of BoA or Geneforge these days, I'll probably email him, too.
  10. I'm afraid it might get BoGged down in mediocre works. Pun intended.
  11. I bought either BoE or BoA without a CD or hintbook (I'll have to check the CD when I get home). If I hadn't bought the other Blades game at the same time with a CD, I wouldn't have needed to give a shipping address, as I got the code by email. However, I used PayPal, and I don't know if you can do it with a credit card or similar. If your optimal way of payment isn't listed, be sure to ask by email.
  12. Didn't "all-around" refer to Blades in general? Otherwise, it'd be quite funny to be listed as his favorite designer when he didn't even play any custom scenarios... TM would be ecstatic.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: Fyora furry fantasies.** The proper term would probably be "scaly".
  14. More to the point, do any of them carry pencils?
  15. We had something like this before, though admittedly it was a while ago. Last time, this was directed primarily at real-life death and as an afterthought at PC death. Since I didn't post in the other topic 3 1/2 years ago, and it's been some time since I played, here's what I think about RL death. Also since I realized only after the fact that this was in the GF forum, not in General. ------ At the risk of sounding cheesy I'd have to say that my favorite kind of death would be in some act of heroism. Selfish reasons, really. It should ensure I a) feel tremendously good about myself just before it ends, I will be remembered as a kind of larger-than-life altruist super-hero, and c) if there does turn out to be an afterlife based on moral behavior, I could score a few last-minute points that make up for all the liberalism and the wanking. Er. Failing that, I'd like something that I can see some time away, giving me time to sort through my stuff and also the opportunity to enjoy every remaining second of my life more consciously than ever before. Worst way I could imagine is a sudden, unexpected death that would leave all my cluttered affairs, unfinished projects, unfulfilled dreams behind. And that's my portion of gruesome for today.
  16. I'd tend to agree. It's much more plausible if Vlish use hydrogen - perhaps by consuming water and splitting it? - than helium. It also makes sense that they want us to think it's helium. It keeps the people with matches away. Unless the people with matches are completely clueless about chemistry. Damn.
  17. For games that cannot be unlocked with codes (BoE and Nethergate), Jeff offers a secured FTP download. If you buy the game, he will email you the login information that you can use to download the full game from the site. I don't know if you can choose not to buy the game CD at all and save the shipping/medium cost.
  18. A4 Bows are already effectively all Adlerauge (minus the insane damage) with their infinite ammo. Which is in line with the only way to make it challenging being basically to play it Creator-style, with a singleton in Torment. --- Given that, I guess adding crossbows would be overkill, quite literally.
  19. Quote: Originally written by the Great Potato: EDIT: Aran, what happened to slarty's text dumps? They're gone! One of the dangers of a public FTP server: Anyone can delete stuff. But Slarty didn't upload these; he sent them to me, so I still have the original files (yes, I do have backups as well...). I've uploaded them again. http://stuff.ermarian.net/slartucker/dump/
  20. Wouldn't be impossible, time-wise. The School of Magery was cleansed in 844 IE. (from EE), and it was closed around 721 IE. Erika was Exiled (should this now by "Avernized"?) in 776, amd 55 years is plenty of time to go from a mere teaching position to the foremost archmage of the age. But assuming that she had to be at least 30 when Skylark was closed down (mage apprenticeships take long), That would place her birth back in the 7th century - 691 IE. She would have lived to a ripe age of 140 years before her death in 833 IE at the hands of Rentar-Ihrno. Wow...
  21. Appearances are probably deceiving. Erika has mastered transformation sufficiently to look what she wants like, I'm sure, and spells that hide age are popular among sorceresses anyway. The question why male wizards never seem to use them is similar to the question why men don't wear makeup. (besides, that "old man look" really makes you look wise and powerful) -- That doesn't mean Erika is as old or older than the others, of course. It would be uncommon for one so relatively young to gain enough power to become the effective leader of a faction - Garzahd didn't curse Solberg or Rone after all - but I suppose someone as powerful as Erika is quite uncommon anyway.
  22. Note that nothing prevents you from asking that question in English, since everybody on this board - including any Chileans - speaks that.
  23. In Soviet Russia, software make YOU run. :nod:
  24. By level 30, I'd find that easy - and it can be said that I suck at combat. If it's a dungeon battle, reload and remember where you came across the drakes. Just before you're close enough so they can see you, enter combat mode. Haste and bless all your characters - bless each one 2-3 times. Then move in and take them out with damaging spells and arrows. If they still kick you around, do the above but summon some monsters as distraction. What you should avoid is getting all your characters close up so each of them can blast you on their turn. With 7 of them, you'd be dead after a few rounds.
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