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Everything posted by Aran

  1. What does "realse" mean? Edit: Somehow I failed to see half a page of posts.
  2. Quote: Originally written by felix: It is in GF2 and in the first area And there is nothing wrong with the other parts of the game except for that See? It is Shanti. A mental image of an agent with a white beard and red coat is beginning to form... o_O
  3. Given that the mentioned character "stops", it might be an NPC travelling with you. The closest match is "Shanti". Long shot, but you know how some people spell.
  4. May I just add that Project Dikiyoba is the coolest name for any scenario project I have ever seen. Also that turning that script into a scenario would be kind of difficult. Certainly not what I'd be able to do, in my first scenario...
  5. Nothing prevents you from killing children in the Exile and Avernum games. Faulty reasoning.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Can I get a spell-check on topic 612? That's a spell-check on topic 612. Thanks. Well, what do you expect in the forum of a game whose target demographic consists of nine-year-olds? Edit: Quote: Base to Eph: 612? What's the forum number? We need the forum number! Over.
  7. I'd be fine with Blades of Geneforge, although what I'm really hoping for it Nethergate 2. Or a new series entirely. But that is wishful thinking.
  8. Yes, but a commonly accepted policy in SW games is not to gut non-hostile NPCs until they attack, insult your mother or strongly disagree with you.
  9. Akhronath also came up with a magic language he called Soruharva, incidentally. I have always figured he had a greater vocabulary for it than the bit he published on his site, because he translated Tolkien's "Ai laurie lantar lassi surinen" poem into the language and many of the words used aren't listed. Meant to mail him some time, but never really got around to it. Anyway...
  10. I think the only addition is some conjecture on sentence building, as well as a sample sentence. The other stuff is all Drakey's (though I think he worked with another Blades designer whose name I forgot; this may date back to the 90's). Assuming you believe in it (the vocabulary is, after all, fan-lore), it's useful for analyzing certain Vahnatai names from the series. Which served as the basis for the conjecture though, so it's not particularly informative. You will find that "Glantris" does not mean "Fountain of Sapphires" because tris means sapphire and glan means fountain, but that glan means fountain and tris sapphire because "Glantris" was chosen to translate to "Fountain of Sapphires". As far as making up Vahnatai speech (whole sentences) for a scenario, you'll find you're mostly on your own. Rather than rely on the players' ability to translate, it is advisable to indicate what you meant to say. It just wouldn't do for a player to have to look up "s'daah mat sis'pil'ghel" and conclude that their Vahnatai companion called their mother a big hippo.
  11. Actually, for him to send it to you by email, he'd just need to be able email you, not vice versa. I have Thralni's email, but I don't like publishing other people's addresses when they can do it themselves... I'm also interested in that Fugue, Thralni (you have my email).
  12. Avernum 2. Many people like Avernum 4, apparently, and I'm not saying you shouldn't get both - especially if you played Geneforge and liked it - but Avernum 2 beats its successor hands down in story, immersion, game play and just plain avernum-ness. Ask here on the boards, and you will hear "A2" from just about everyone. Edit: And that's just here on the A4 board.
  13. It's been some time since A2 for me, but I seem to remember Vahnavoi and Hraithe could be hit with undead-repelling magic. Does that mean that they weren't classed as Vahnatai at all (in favor of Undead)? Anyway, I currently have this weird idea that in BoA you could set a monster to be affected by Undead spells without giving it the Undead creature type. It's probably just wishful thinking though.
  14. The only guy who can help you with that is Jeff himself, really. You could send him an email at spidweb at spiderwebsoftware dot com.
  15. Quote: PC: "Hi, wanna be my mate?" Garzahd: "I would, but I must be going. Demons to summon, wars to wage... you know, that sort of thing. You're very cute, though." The lunatics have found each other.
  16. Yes. A fugue, in C minor I believe. I uploaded it here . I never saw an option to play the music; perhaps it was never implemented on PC, or Jeff took it out long before I found the games. This file is downloaded off Motrax\'s Lair in 2001 (not sure if the site still exists, or if it still has the file; I'll check), which incidentally is totally unrelated to Sir Motrax of Exile (afaik).
  17. The registration code and the key are linked, of course. Your code is only good for the one key that is generated by the program. However, the game remembers that it is registered through a flag set in a settings file. If you back up and restore the old settings file, the game will remain unlocked. Since installing an upgrade does not overwrite the settings file (or shouldn't, I'm not sure), upgrading won't unregister the game. At least that's what I remember from the Avernum Trilogy. A4 might work differently.
  18. This is very hypothetical to me, because I haven't registered, but is it possible to kill both? Or does the other quest disappear once you fulfill one of them?
  19. We have no record of any non-vahnatai ever attaining bokhood, with or without vahnatai aid. Seeing as the ritual is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the vahnatai, I don't see it being learned (let alone mastered) by humans anytime soon...
  20. Quote: Originally written by Air: Erika cannot be a two bit mage because, according to Encyclopedia Emarian, she was possibly the only person ever to create quickfire. In A3, in her tower, there is a quickfire trap guarding some drakeskin gloves which pretty much proves it. Who wrote that article? There is some correction needed, I believe.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Tyranicus: Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Originally by Tyranicus: Quote: I discovered Avernum 4 years ago. Really? It's been out for years? I thought it was more recent than that. You'll soon be free of lice with all that nit-picking, Dikiyoba. Edit: I edited the 4 to four in an effort to at least keep some semblance of sanity around her. That's probably a lost cause though. Trust me, keeping a semblance of sanity around her is the most lost cause you will ever encounter. No sanity around Dikiyoba, no sir. (sorry. you made that too easy...) (and sorry for the double post. There is a reason. Severe technical limitations. I'll explain later if desired.) Edit: fmt
  22. I discovered Avernum on the website after finding Exile III on a shareware CD. Suffice to say that when I first saw the CD, I never thought it would affect, one way or another, the next five years of my life (as it now has). My favorite game is Avernum 4. No, wait. I'm messing with you. It's Blades of Exile. Regarding Drakey's Novah: It is invented, but "made up" is a misleading term seeing as the vocabularly is chosen in such a way as to give the names in the game a meaning. In a way, it's partly invented and partly reverse-engineered.
  23. Quote: Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Quote: Originally written by Dastal: Well, cannon says that Demons where what were found in Exile/Avernum when everyone came down, so I'm accepting cannon. I actually like the idea of accepting cannons into Avernum canon. It'd make things a bit more interesting, as I expect that some of the caves would have rather lucrative saltpeter mines. Originally written by Dikiyoba: It's not too large a stretch, either, since exploding saltpeter boxes were present in A Small Rebellion. Dikiyoba. Only on Spiderweb... Oh, and am I the only one who looked for some kind of joke in Infernal's "FYT" post? o_O
  24. That practically begs for imitation...
  25. Alo, if he feels like it.
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