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Everything posted by Aran

  1. At the first glance, I thought the topic starter was composing a poem...
  2. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Quote: Originally written by Thralni, chicken god prophet: I usualy put 0 at the run_dialog, because most of the time t isn't really necessary to let the party record a certain thing. I like to record things a lot more often than a designer might expect, so please, for my sake, always put in a 1. Ditto. I usually have to delete stuff from my journal by the middle of the scenario... and it's immensely annoying to have a huge dialogue box with about five long paragraphs appear with no possibility to store it.
  3. I, too, feel elevated when playing Nethergate or Avernum. Pun intended.
  4. Ah, but the question really is: Is it a way of life to be condoned, a state of being to be attained?
  5. Yes, go to your character stat screen. In the bottom right corner should be an option to display special items. I don't remember exactly where, but it's there.
  6. Quote: Originally written by *i: I think this topic getting posted every month or two is due to some sort of spacetime anomoly where this topic gets stuck in some loop of the continuum. Thoughts? Lock on sight. That's the only cure. Optionally, post Sailor Moon.
  7. Mh. I'm certain that there was one continent that either sunk or rose (or sunk and reappeared) during some kind of cataclysm, in the Arena timeline. Was that Aizo?
  8. There's a discrepancy in whether Doston exists, yes. Fortunately, this is made a bit more easy by Doston's rise from the seas (if I remember correctly) being set into the far future of Ermarian (game-wise). You don't need to bother with the continent as long as your scenario is set at least somewhat close to the time period in the game. Edit: Grammar.
  9. Aran


    The ironic part of it all, of course, is that these boards appear to be accessible without problem.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Kingy: Notye but Neyse - Quit your *****ing. You need to rinse your mouth with soap.
  11. I am expecting to see a surge in new members by the time the January stats come around, too. Happens whenever a new game gets out - look at GF3, the joining and post rates almost doubled in a month. These forums are going to be a little less quiet and peaceful for some time... :-/
  12. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Eh, close enough. They're both smallish nations in the middle of the ocean. There's a significant difference in their height above sea level. Also, for the sake of a modship, I would be ready to post pictures of myself covered by blue war paint and to a far lesser extent by clothes if nobody here knew my real name. As it is, I don't feel anonymous enough. So you'll be spared that sight.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: Mac OSX is pretty much what Linux might be one day. A finely tuned highly polished user friendly *NIX based OS. Linux is what Max OSX will never be: Free. Plus, the penguin is cuter.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Zoso: First off, use caps and punctuation. YOU MEAN LIKE THIS???????!!!!!!!1111
  15. As long as you attempt to define Linux in terms of Windows, you cannot understand it. Google will tell you: Quote: Linux is: Linux is a free open-source operating system based on Unix. Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers from around the globe. Unix is: An operating system co-created by AT&T researchers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Unix is well known for its relative hardware independence and portable application interfaces. Lots of big companies are using Unix servers for its reliability and scalability. Some of the popular Unix flavours are: Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc. An Operating System is: The software that the rest of the software depends on to make the computer functional. On most PCs this is Windows or the Macintosh OS. Unix and Linux are other operating systems often found in scientific and technical environments. There are many key differences between Linux and other Operating Systems, but one of the most important ones (besides it being free and developed by volunteers) is that it is based on a command line system. There is very little you can do in the graphical interface of Linux that you could not do in the command line mode.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Quote: Originally written by Synergy67: Hey, Juneau what the capital of Alaska is? Al-askya later. Ow, ow, ow, ow... that caliber of joke was outlawed by the Geneva Convention. It wasn't even especially funny. Alo: Maryland?
  17. Quote: Originally written by *i: if someone found out Alorael is really none other than...eeek! Motrax? Well, that's an old conspiracy theory, but I have also heard rumors he does not live in Alaska at all.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Icshi: Hmmm… I see that Forum 20 has made its appearance— All gloom and doom aside, though: Congrats, Delicious Vlish! You're a great asset to these boards, and I'm delighted that you're going to be one of this forum's moderators. I'm sure you'll do an excellent job! We still have plenty of forums to go before the apocalypse...
  19. Quote: Originally written by Kasumetoru Sai: I nominate me as well. Not that it wouldn't be one of the most profoundly stupid measures the administration would have done in years... It's done worse, as you'd be among the first to admit (the administration of SW, not the board, that is). --- Putting Kel and TM in joint charge of a forum would prove... interesting.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Jumpin' Salmon: No mods? I nominate Alorael, TM, Thralni, and ADoS *this message sponsored by Clint Eastwood * I object to 2 of your nominations, but I'm not saying which. I like Alorael and TM.
  21. Thuryl, how the hell do you arrive at the wild guess that by "Cretecs" he means "Celts"? Also, a bonus for consistency in "questoins". Write it wrong once, write it wrong forever.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: I'm tempted just to lock this topic since it's been done so many times before, but I'll be good and let it go. No, Exile III should not be multiplayer, because turn-based games don't translate well into multiplayer mode, especially not the Exile engine. The GF engine could make a reasonable multiplayer game, but it probably never will. Does it bother anyone else when people write "yea" and mean "yeah"? "Yea" is a different (albeit archaic) word with a different pronunciation and meaning. I like it when people say "Yea" instead of Yeah. I can pretend to myself they share my liking for archaic English, rather than, you know, being unable to type properly.
  23. Yes, I'd figured as much. To have a wall around it, you need this kind of square as the smallest unit: Code: .....BB..BB.....(B=blackness) What does the script do when it finds a smaller pit? Wall it improperly, return an error, or just leave it alone?
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