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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Coordinate input would work pretty well, I think. Basically you'd need two consecutive Numeric Input domains in your script (one for x-loc, one for y-loc). Two problems would be party placement (which is a problem with any sort of teleportation) and the fact that the player would need a fair idea of their starting coordinates (it'd probably be a good idea to actually tell them the lead character's current location before the first Numeric Input.) Perhaps the coordinate input could be relative to the current characters position, and put them on the town border if it's out of range... Also, Kel: Mind putting in a pagebreak in the longer lines of the code? My browser renders this awfully...
  2. This "direction and distance" approach limits the options very much. Would a coordinate input work, just out of interest? I was thinking of using something like that in a scenario...
  3. I get the feeling that Jeff Vogel's marketing sector of choice has finally found these forums.
  4. Yes, but you'll still have to either waste hours copying and pasting all those item names, or write a program for it. Or depend on someone else to do so.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Betamax sales collapsed.: Maybe if A4 sells well it'll also see an A5. Wouldn't that get people talking? It would get people ranting, and some starting protest marches. As for A6... Jeff should start looking over his shoulder for BoE veterans out to lynch him.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Betamax sales collapsed.: Maybe if A4 sells well it'll also see an A5. Wouldn't that get people talking? It would get people ranting, and some starting protest marches. As for A6... Jeff should start looking over his shoulder for BoE veterans out to lynch him.
  7. X has a weird sense of humor, if I remember correctly.
  8. Certainly it must be something good if it was able to make up for the rest of the crap they got and allowed him to survive...
  9. Quote: Originally written by Dolphin: Maybe they would have done better had they remained a group. While on the topic of their equipment, how long did everyone carry the Xian Scull around? That thing spoke up at some really bad times. That thing could well have been their doom... *cue 4 adventurers silently sneaking through a dark tunnel* Elsner: (whispering) Don't make a noise, or the Ogres will hear us and we're dead. Xian Skull (loudly yelling): HEY FOLKS, I'M A TALKING SKULL, AIN'T THAT GREAT?! ...
  10. Quote: Originally written by Sacred ASCII Text: Vahnavoi are undead vahnatai who don't have any magical abilities. The undead spellcasters are hraithe, or maybe hraithes. I can't recall the proper pluralization. —Alorael, who would call them liches if they weren't much more common and much less powerful than ordinary liches. They're closer to souped-up spirits, except they're more fleshy. Afaik, all Vahnatai words are simultaneously singular, plural and adjective. At least that's what they look like with those vowel endings.
  11. I think Alec was hosting that already... http://alec.desperance.net/TERRAIN-E2.PNG
  12. Besides, Avernum 3 wouldn't be half as much fun with huge armies of Empire soldiers tearing apart the plagues. What would be the point of the game?
  13. Brett wrote a trilogy of scenarios, titled "Riddle of the Spheres", "Quest of the Spheres" and "Destiny of the Spheres" (hope I didn't jumble this). I don't know if there is a collective name for this series.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Mourning Account #21: It is a bit strange that the Empire is willing and able to teleport troops into hostile territory in Avernum but can't set up a similar system in Valorim, where the troops are needed and wanted and the locals are probably inclined to be helpful rather than murderous. With the tongue firmly in cheek, I might briefly explore the possibility of an allegory to real world politics. Always take into account the views of the author. After all, Avernites could be described as terrorists...
  15. Since the original topic largely served its purpose (though I must add that I find the name "Adze-Haakai" wicked cool), I guess we could get off on a tangent and discuss PDNs. I've changed mine on a regular basis in the last few months, until I started participating in the last RP. When I play an RP, I always change my name to the character's name to avoid confusion.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Dolphin: The first group could have easily been amateurs. The second group (player group) was entirely inexperienced. They recommended taking care of the Avernum’s minor problems that children with sticks could have fended off, but I was able to go to the surface whether they ware dealt with or not. Alexander probably just wanted the first group to look around and make sure the surface was still inhabited. Of course once you get out in to the sun and meet all the nice tan people there is a lot to do. There is also the possibility they just didn’t want to go back. I may be over analyzing, but how is it that no one else in the world could solve these problems but our group? The Empire was willing to send thousands of soldiers down to Avernum to avenge their king, but not to protect their surface home. If four or less of us could fix these problems surly 50 of them could have before so much death and destruction resulted. Ouch. Anaximander. Emperor, not King. Someone check it, but I'm pretty sure thousands were never sent down to Avernum. The teleporters would not have sufficed for that amount of troops. Also, the teleporters to Avernum were in the established parts of Ermarian, where a lot of soldiers can be mustered rapidly. Sending these soldiers over the mountain ranges to defend Valorim would have been very tricky. Although they have, in fact, managed to do so: A huge host of Empire soldiers is camping in a small valley southeast of Blackcrag. Well, the player group are the heros. If heros were as mortal as Non-Playing Characters, this wouldn't be called an RPG, right?
  17. Yes, a logical paradox left by the switch between Exile and Avernum and the addition of the first party. I suppose you could make up a funky conspiracy theory to fill that plothole... On the other hand, it does make sense if they really *never* reported back, not even after first reaching the surface. Which, again, would make them rather incompetent operatives. Or could there have been sabotage?
  18. I do wonder why the first party failed so miserably when the player party is, after all so successful. The only conclusion is that the first party considered of a bunch of lousy imbeciles, which makes one wonder why Unspec. Services chose them.
  19. In Avernum 3, the first party of adventurers sent to explore the surface never returned. The player's party is sent as the second one. I don't have the time right now to play all through the game and find out about these characters, so could someone please tell me what were their names, and where did they each end up? I know one was lying dead in the slime pit somewhere, but I can't remember the others...
  20. Actually, I don't turn it off on the new PC, and don't have trouble. But then again, it is a lot faster.
  21. On my old XP computer, it regularly froze the entire pc forcing me to pull the plug, or alternatively caused the pc to pretend I had pressed the reset button. But that says nothing, because it regularly did that with all games. No problems now. And I have never had any health bar failing to update for any character or creation on any machine. It sounds weird; perhaps there was some program running in the background interfering?
  22. Actually, there is one thing I noticed which is not strictly speaking a bug as such, but rather an annoyance that you can avoid if you know about it. The floor/terrain outside the town boundaries uses the last row of squares inside the town boundaries and repeats it forever in line of sight. This means that, when placing frills, you have to watch out that no frills are placed in the outermost rows, because the effect will be a long row of the same frill continued as far as the eye can see (looks highly artificial). The problem is mostly with the "Place Random Frills" option, which has to be followed by a manual sweep of the outer rows. Perhaps this effect could be modified to only affect the area two squares in from the town boundary...
  23. What is Clomipramine? Edit: This.
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