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Everything posted by Aran

  1. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    I'm working as fast as I can - if I can manage to finish the homework in two of my subjects before Tuesday, I'll be able to play on that day. Unfortunately, both of them are pretty nasty...
  2. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Quote: So, as much as this puts pressure on me, the next session is TOMORROW, Saturday November 14th, 5PM CST. I do not want to make Aran miss another session. Thank you so, so much for putting up with it, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Quote: (Quick someone find a way to poke fun at the only remaining sentence of Aran's post!) No need, StudiVZ is the punchline. About the only advantage it has over Facebook is that it doesn't have user apps. (Though admittedly that's kind of a big advantage... just imagine nobody bothering you with some stupid browser game.)
  4. Almost everyone I know in real life actively uses a social network. The students are on StudiVZ and the adults on Xing. Though my entire family has stopped using instant messengers for some reason I haven't yet figured out.
  5. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Quote: Hey, now you're as intelligent as Etris! ... thanks, I feel very intelligent now. Edit: Preserves, yes. I was thinking of pickled food, not necessarily pickles. And it doesn't need to be pickled, it might just be boiled and canned.
  6. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Level 5, yay! (Also, I might have to change alignment to Introverted-Sarcastic eventually.) Quote: Character Sheet Name: Temmyn C. Backus Profession: Tinker Level: 5 Alignment: Introverted-Naive Attributes STR: 2 DEX: 3 INT: 6 (L5 +1) Hitpoints: 12/18 (L2 +2, L3 +2, L4 +2, L5 +2) Speed: 5 Stamina: 5/10 Skills Perception: 2 Artifice: 4 Martial (Wrench): 3 (L2 +1) Magic (Evocation): 3 (L3 +1) Magic (Divination): 3 (L2 +1, L3 +1) Magic (Healing): 1 (L4 +1) Inventory: - Two wrenches - A toolbag - A hammer - A sword - A mechanical mouse (yay useless) - A hand full of shark teeth - A healing potion - A hat (his own, not one of John's) - A torch that burns up-side down - A metal water bottle - Possibly sausages, a sandwich and a jar of pickles.
  7. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    10/16? Huh; that's what he was at when I left; did he take more and get healed in the meantime. Also, what's his stamina?
  8. Originally Posted By: JadeWolf I'm sure Mister Bit (whatever) didn't have illegality in ùmind when he made his Torrent in the first place. His name is Bram Cohen. So now you know. Other than the quality of the torrent (they tend to get stale over time when people stop seeding), your transfer rate can be impacted mostly by two factors. a.) NAT. If you're not sure whether you use NAT, you can run "ipconfig /all" in Windows or "ifconfig eth0" in Linux to find your local IP address. If it differs from what you see eg. on this page, particularly if it starts with "192.168" or "172" or "10", you are. In that case you do need to forward the port to get the full performance, as has been said. b.) Your ISP is throttling you. Many ISPs in the States do it, particularly the more crooked ones. Azureus provides an international list of bad providers known to interfere with the protocol.
  9. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Okay, this update is for the level I gained during the side session. I haven't decided how to spend yesterday's level yet. Surprising everyone, Temmyn has picked up a cantrip for healing. Combined with the INT bonus, it's not bad. (On that note, maybe I'll boost INT for Level 5, but I'm not sure.) Quote: Character Sheet Name: Temmyn C. Backus Profession: Tinker Level: 4 Alignment: Introverted-Naive Attributes STR: 2 DEX: 3 INT: 5 Hitpoints: 10/16 (L2 +2, L3 +2, L4 +2) Speed: 5 Stamina: 10/10 Skills Perception: 2 Artifice: 4 Martial (Wrench): 3 (L2 +1) Magic (Evocation): 3 (L3 +1) Magic (Divination): 3 (L2 +1, L3 +1) Magic (Healing): 1 (L4 +1) Inventory: - Two wrenches - A toolbag - A hammer - A sword - A mechanical mouse (yay useless) - A hand full of shark teeth - A healing potion - A hat (his own, not one of John's) - Fairly sure I have a gravity torch by virtue of picking one up and never explicitly getting rid of it. Do I? - A metal water bottle - Possibly sausages, a sandwich and a jar of pickles. Haven't kept track. - I might have forgotten something. (Also, Temmyn's metal detection is an active, directed divination, which is why he doesn't get interference from the stuff he's carrying.) ((Damn. Need to think of something foolhardy yet survivable to finally earn a perk next time.))
  10. Even without the ads, a paid host is more reliable and looks more professional. For a business site, it's definitely to be recommended. As Tyran said, a domain is included in most hosting packages. If not, it will cost between $10-12. Note that in this case, it's much more expensive to cut out the middle-man, as registrars get bulk rates. You don't want to buy straight from InterNIC. Hosting costs itself can vary wildly depending on features, but I would be skeptical of any offer significantly above $200/year. Without knowing the specifics, I don't think it's likely you will need a dedicated server, even for a highly visited site.
  11. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    I'm considering taking a level in Healing magic, if that's okay. Having a backup would be a safer in many situations (eg. the session that Lindy spent unconscious), and it would allow us to restore health faster. (And man, I'd love a perk that doesn't suck. )
  12. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Quote: Kaval "You don't have any rope, do you?" Temmyn "I'm a frayed knot." DM (Ephesos) (A glass ball rockets out of the pit and dings Temmyn in the head.) Quote: Temmyn "Shall we head back? I'm itching to see if we can fix the machine and find amazing new ways to almost die."
  13. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    I forgot to level up after Wdueck's substituting. Quote: Character Sheet Name: Temmyn C. Backus Profession: Tinker Level: 3 Alignment: Introverted-Naive Attributes STR: 2 DEX: 3 INT: 5 Hitpoints: 14/14 (L2 +2, L3 +2) Speed: 5 Stamina: 10/10 Skills Perception: 2 Artifice: 4 Martial (Wrench): 3 (L2 +1) Magic (Evocation): 3 (L3 +1) Magic (Divination): 3 (L2 +1, L3 +1)
  14. I've reached a comfortable place where I would need to post for months before moving up a place, or pretty much leave for a year before moving down. (Though with Drakefyre sadly having left, the former will happen eventually.)
  15. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    In an unsurprising turn of events, I won't be able to make that Tuesday either. Or most Tuesdays for the next few months. Sorry. Even on the Tuesdays where I'm not out late (about half of them), I have to get up about an hour after the sessions normally end. I experimented with sleep patterns last week, but it failed...
  16. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Quote: (2009-10-28 01:47:38) Will Dueck: I attack anything that comes near me. (2009-10-28 01:47:52) Will Dueck: w-dueck rolled 1 20-sided die: 1 Temmyn, guarding against nothing in particular, somehow manages to shock himself for 3 damage. What a great start, there! Thanks for substituting for me, wdueck.
  17. Not to worry. I am redundant in several ways, myself.
  18. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Aw. And just when I realized I might still come and leave early thanks to our DST ending this weekend. Until CDT ends (when is that, by the way?) 1700 CDT will be 2300 instead of 0000 for me.
  19. Aran

    Getting it wrong

    Two days ago, I snuck into a course on formal logic that is technically for the higher semesters and naturally was way out of my league. It was tricky enough trying to understand unfamiliar terminology that everyone else was familiar with, let alone grasp the concepts being explained as well. Spent the first hour trying to find out what the hell the professor was even talking about. In the following exercise session, I drew two problems on the blackboard, and made at least four mistakes in each, which the professor patiently corrected. I ended up learning more during the exercise than during the lecture. So there's my anecdotal evidence.
  20. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    Yeah, afraid I'll have to sit that one out.
  21. Originally Posted By: ΛΞΨ Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus my tattered Samsung notebook just passed its fifth anniversary ... dirt is in places that might void warranties to clean. Looks like someone fell for the extended warranty offer. Oh. Right. In my defense, the "void warranties" was meant more in the sense of "opening stuff that isn't supposed to be serviceable, and that I might not be able to put back together". Laptops are annoying that way.
  22. Originally Posted By: Master1 It seems as if I ask a lot of computer questions here, but that's only because I get good responses. So I've been thinking about upgrading the RAM on this here laptop. A few things have held be back, though. I have 512 MB, and sitting here with 4 or 5 applications open (nothing big), I'm using just about all of it. I tend to idle with 10-25 MB free. Unfortunately, I need DDR1 RAM, that ancient stuff that is fairly hard to find and costs more than the new stuff. It's about $45 for a 1GB card (and yes, I shopped around). Also, my processor is kind of slow. I idle with 30-50% used out of 1.25GHz. When I actually do stuff, it's not uncommon for the processor to spike at 100%, especially when I do things like switch desktop windows (I'm using virtue desktop). Given my slow processor, which can't be replaced without buying a new logic board (7 year old Mac FTW), I don't know how much more RAM will help. And yes, it's a 7 year old PowerBook G4. It'll get replaced in 2 and a half years when I go off to college. Is it worth the investment? Thank you all! I have a quite similar situation in that my tattered Samsung notebook just passed its fifth anniversary. I've upgraded the memory and HD already, but 512 MB is indeed way too little. Three factors in my case help me decide to get a new one entirely: 1.) It's very worn. Last year it fell off a desk (HD miraculously survived) and knocked its display loose. Several keys are broken, and dirt is in places that might void warranties to clean. 2.) No integrated peripherals (WLAN? Webcam? More than two USB ports? SD card reader? Forget it.) which means carrying a bag of USB gear around. 3.) A netbook is supposed to cost around €300-400, which is half what this one cost back in the day.
  23. Aran

    The Labyrinth RP

    College has started again, and I'll have less time free on most week nights. Tuesday's worst as Wednesday starts early, Monday's best as Tuesday starts at noon. I'll fill it in liberally since we've had problems finding even a single good date, but on pretty much anything apart from Friday/Saturday I'll have to cut short after around four hours.
  24. Wow. I stop reading for just a month or two and suddenly it turns into crapsack world? Also, ouch. My head.
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