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Everything posted by Tonweya

  1. Initially, I see the same as you; Regild is supposed to be, "always there". Although I do remember that he has not been there at times. He will be at 41, 54 sitting at a table near the center of the 'First and Last' Tavern in Western Xancrest. I'll need to 'dump' the Nodes to see what is meant by his life being dependent upon Node 12, 8 and will get back to you as soon as I find it. Sorry to be taking a while to answer; I guess I'm getting slower in my old age. ;^} Also, if you need the exact location of the battle that Miramor refers to, say so. IMNSHO, I think a great part of a Scenario like this is to find ALL the objects that the Author has put in it, regardless of their value or purpose. me
  2. IIRC, I missed him a couple of times when I played FS, (which has been 'several'). He will be in the "First and Last" in West Xancrest in the tables in the middle of the room, north of where Dimagio is. Try leaving town and then re-entering a few times and see if that works. I think the last time I played I was looking for Dimagio and had to re-enter several times to get Dimagio to appear and Regild was there one of the times I re-entered. In the meantime I'll see if I can see/remember how I found him there. me
  3. FWIW: I've compared what I have to what True-Site has and there is nothing missing. True-Site has been a really great Archive all along and continues to be so. As to the "figure something out", aren't there some existing sites that could add the Scenarios to their site? I have no ability with web sites, but it seems that adding the Scenarios would not only be a good thing for the Community, but would bring more attention to a site.
  4. To Neimand: If you're interested in posting another BoE Archive Site, simply create the Site, download all the Scenarios and post them with your own particular 'flair'. IMNSHO several sites are a good idea and assure that new members to the Community will be able to continue as it appears you, and all of us, have. "Go for it". me
  5. Originally Posted By: Ahbleza'Traci's True Site for Blades' Isn't TrueSite hosted by Jewels? How does "Traci's" fit there? Time passes, Seasons change, names change. To quote Alcritas: "The sun rose, and set. People fell in and out of love. Men died and babies were born. And many other things." me: (Glenn, Ahbleza, Ishna, Tonweya, etc.)
  6. FWIW: A while back, just after I joined BoE, I found that Scenarios were scattered all over and that none of the Sites had a complete listing, not even the Spiderweb Site. I made comment about this and in doing so, apparently stepped on some sensitive toes. It did, however, gain some attention. 'Traci's True Site for Blades' and 'Kelandon's Archive' were established. * I try to thank them as often as I can; they've both done a commendable thing for the Community. I had/have collected everything I could find and will continue to maintain my list as long as I'm still able. To my shame, I haven't watched their Sites very often and hadn't realized that Kelandon seems to have "disappeared". I had "assumed" that both Sites had all the available Scenarios; 'my bad'. At present, I have a list of 341 Scenarios which includes Games, Utilities and even the names of the ones that are Lost, Incomplete, etc. I will go over my list and compare it with what is posted at 'True Site' and then forward any missing Scenarios there. Please realize that it may take a bit of time to accomplish, but they're on the way. In the meantime, if anyone wants a specific Scenario, just post it and I'll respond as soon as I see the post. One last comment; I've also made a few Walk-Throughs for some Scenarios. Although I originally wanted to have them posted also, I've had second thoughts and don't feel that would be appropriate to the Authors, but I will answer any requests for help as is the 'norm'. me
  7. The Site you're probably referring to is "Kelandon's BoE Archive". I just looked for it and came up with a blank page. Traci should have all the Scenarios, but I too, haven't looked at either of them in a while now. I believe I have all the Scenarios, except for the ones "Under Construction". However, I'm down a dusty country road on "Dial-Up" and don't have a Web-Site. If you're looking for a particular Scenario I'll be glad to send it to you, but I don't think sending the whole batch is practical. Let me know how you do finding Kelandon's or what Traci doesn't have and maybe I can fill in the blanks. me
  8. IMNSHO; This is "Blades of Exile", not "Tokyo Smash 'n Crash". Over the years there has been a lot of tremendous work done to create some very good scenarios and now, some tremendous work to alleviate some of the 'flaws' in the original version of the game. Work that is greatly appreciated by someone as 'basic' as I am. It seems like you'd only create a lot of 'bells and whistles' that would detract from some really great Story-Lines. Personally, I think the idea of being surprised that the Author has introduced a new SuperBad Monster on the fringe of the group, just when you thought you had them figured out, is great writing. The Community now has the ability to access the inner workings of the BoE Program which gives us a better understanding of how it works and, if or when needed, to make corrections. I agree wholeheartedly with CoIS in that re-creating the existing system is not what is needed. me
  9. I see it as simply, "You must always do what is right my children; regardless of the circumstances." What is right is as we each live and understand it. And the appreciation is much more for what you, and others, have done for those of us who get to work and play in your 'world'. tx, me
  10. me again, Having posted details several times, I realize that I probably should have been E-mailing the information as Al has been doing. Hopefully, I'll remember next time. me
  11. I tried to explain earlier that I'm not going to post the Walk-Throughs I've made. It began as a hobby and I feel it should stay that way. My original intention was to release anything I made and to encourage others to do the same so there would be a permanent resource library to cover for the Authors who had left the BoE Community, such as Tarl Kudrick. With the release of the Source Code and the subsequent OBOE, that makes posting Walk-Throughs, which are complete 'cheats', totally unnecessary. I feel that it's the Player's obligation to 'Play' the Scenario as it was meant to be, not to 'Cheat' their way through. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. Again, I only wanted to preserve information previously unavailable, but which is now readily available to anyone who wants to earn it. I hope this encourages the respect for the Authors that they so justly deserve. Isn't that what we're here for? me P.S. The 'fixed' Scenario is not one of Alcritas'. It was done by a different Author whom I have been unable to contact and it was the only one they did. It's unethical, (and hopefully, illegal), for me, or anyone other than the Original Author, to modify and release anything. I'm sure that Jeff never had that in mind when he released the Source Code.
  12. Assuming... You've spoken to McSorely the first time through and you're looking for him after the death of Renalda... He's one of the crowd hanging around after Renalda's body is found. I had to walk around and talk to the others a bit and then returned to McSorely and ask, "Job", "Found", and then, "Entered". He would have told you about the "Specail Brew" made by Helga and that there is a map on a bookshelf in his house. All this makes Helga's House now visible. If, indeed, there is a problem with the Scenario, give a whistle and I'll send you a copy of what I have. It's v1.0.0 and I'm pretty sure it worked for me. If you're using the new OBOE and are up to it, check the Nodes to see how each triggers the other.
  13. Hi, In the "Accept" Section: When you are allowed into Thasmaskon, enter the door at 22, 21 to speak with Sovash-Thinox. Cast, "Unlock" on the Magically Locked door at 25, 20 and battle two Ice Puddings. Go through a Secret Passage at 21, 18 to a Private Library. Look at the Bookcase at 29, 17 and 'Take' the Book there, it's "The Symposium". In the "Refuse" Section: Once inside the Slith Fort, you have to battle your way to the southeast corner to a door at 54, 51 to enter a Foyer. Enter the door at 46, 50 to the Office of Sovash-Thinox and battle him, a Guard and a Doomguard. At 41, 45 is a Bookcase with a Book you need to 'Take', it's "The Symposium". Hope this helps, me
  14. Firstly and most importantly answer: The Scenario I fixed was NOT MINE. It was released quite some time ago by someone else who 'apparently' didn't realize you can only use a Node for one function, not repeatedly, over and over, again. I seem to have a different set of ethics than many others. The fact that someone else wrote and released the Scenario originally makes it their property and NO ONE ELSES. Even though it was released to the BoE Community, IMNSHO, no one has the right to modify and then re-release it, or any other Scenario. Imagine if anyone had taken one of the Scenarios you've just played, modified them to a bunch of porno in the middle of the game, and then re-released it to an unknowing BoE Community. We all walk a fine line of morality here, ESPECIALLY now that OBOE is available to everyone. Nextly: You really don't need the Original BoE Editor. The thing is... Play the Scenarios straight; don't edit them and don't 'cheat' yourself. It appears that you're giving up too easily simply because you have the OBOE at your disposal. How do you think all the rest of "us" have worked through these Scenarios before the OBOE? I, for one, still have a string of Scenarios that I've never completed, not only because they were tortuous, but I simply didn't find the solution to a problem and set it aside for another day. Nextly, nextly: I came into the BoE Community 12 FEB 2003 and soon hit a problem in a Scenario. It was, "Tatterdemalion" by Tarl Kudrick. I went to the Board and asked my question only to have one of the Members tell me that Tarl had left the Community some time prevously for other pastures. That's what gave me the idea to start writing Walk-Throughs in case other Authors have departed, too. Several years have gone by and two things have happened: One is OBOE. There is no longer a need for documented Walk-Throughs as the programming is visible to everyone. The other is that releasing the information on a Scenario that someone has busted their chops to write, (and darned well usually), seems to be terribly unethical. I've watched this Board very regularly and have yet to see a posting not get answered in more than a few hours. Several of the names you'll see here have been here for a long time and it appears that they will continue to do so. I include myself in that group. If I know an answer, it will be here right then and there. But again, I feel like it's undermining the hard work that Authors have done to release all the answers to their puzzles. Lastly, (for now): Retirement isn't any different that any other stage of life. It's only that; different. There is good and bad in every stage and moment of life. For one thing, I may not be around to see what happens to the Human Race. I've been given a few 'clues' and it ain't a pretty picture. ;^{ I'm not so sure I'd like to be 13 again. In my case, it was my own particular, Hell. And that's a conversation for another day. Learn the Editor, Play the Scenarios straight and you'll enjoy the accomplishment they were meant to provide. "Cheaters never Win and Winners never Cheat". me
  15. Again, I'm, at best, only a mediocre player. Personally,I'm only interested in the Story-Line and Data Collection of the Scenarios, not the "hack-n-slash". I have both the old and new systems set up on a single computer running Windows XP. *Obviously, I'm cautious that I don't use both at the same time. Some time back, I was given the "wtf.ed" and about all I could do with it was to dump the scentext file. I still didn't understand the BoE Editor. I wanted to "correct" a Scenario that was corrupt so I could play it and in the process learn how to use the Editor. Having finally accomplished that, the new OBOE has been a dream come true for me. I can now access everything on any Scenario. If I have a problem, I just read through the Nodes to see how the Scenario is programmed until I find the missing detail I'm looking for. (You wouldn't believe the number of sheets I've made of Nodes.) (Well, actually, I'm sure that some of you Major Players would. ;^) I'm now going back over all the ones I had done previously and still am having no problems with either the old, or new, BoE Games, nor the Editor. 1.) Have you tried playing any of the 'problem' scenarios with the Original System to verify that there is/is not a problem with any particular Scenario? 2.) Are you sure you have the latest version of the new OBOE? 3.) With the "editing" you say you've been doing to the Scenarios you're describing, are you sure you haven't contaminated one, or others? Again, there's no need to edit anything, just "read" what you need to with the Editor. May I suggest that you try, (with at least one), deleting it completely from your computer, clean and defrag your computer, download a new copy of a Scenario from either Traci's True-Site, or Kelandon's Archive, and then start all over with the new Scenario; preferably with the Original BoE Game. FWIW; I'm retired, will be 70 next April and have a LOT of time on my hands, (usually), and I spend a lot of time playing with these specific Scenarios; (the ARC). I am enthralled with the over-all concept of the Historical Story-Line and specifically the many true-to-life fragments. Al seems to be someone who truly understands. I'm sorry if I haven't been any help to you, but I just don't understand how you're having a problem. ** To Stareye; as above, even if there were a problem with the programming, such as that done by someone who is just beginning, it would have shown up with other players over the years. As I said, there was a Scenario that I liked the Story-Line, but the programming was 'flawed'. Once I learned the BoE Editor, I corrected the Scenario and it played fine. I've yet to find any game-stopping flaws in any Scenarios that still exist. Any that 'didn't work' have been duly noted and pretty much fallen by the wayside. There are a few that are written in such a way that makes for a few difficult moments, but with the Editor, a Player should be able to read the Nodes and get past it. Again, any "Flaws" would have been corrected years ago and one should safely assume that there are no flaws in any of the Scenarios of "The ARC". me
  16. Me again... You may well have started with some of the more difficult, (better authored) Scenarios. Might I suggest you start with a couple of the easier rated ones, or better yet, with "On A Ship to Algiers" where Alcritas recommended. Its written in his style, but is a good 'Beginner' Scenario. me
  17. I don't want to open a can of worms here, but that seems to come naturally to me, so here goes... It sounds to me like the key word that you've written is, "Experience". I've been at these Scenarios for over eight years now, and can tell you that I learn something every time I get into one. At best, I'm only a mediocre player, and much less at the programming. I've only begun to understand the programming over the last couple of years. From what I see, the new, "OBoE Editor" will access just about anything you might need. The people who have upgraded it have done a tremendous job, IMNSHO. You DO NOT need to Edit any existing Scenario to access areas. ! Besides, you'll only contaminate what you have! If you learn what the different symbols mean, you will know if a Door cannot be opened, (I), can be magically opened, (M), or is locked, (L) and can simply be "Bashed" open. * Picking locks is unnecessary. And/or you will see where the Secret Passages, (S) are in walls, etc. If you want to use the Scenario Text, open the Editor, load a Scenario and look at the Drop Down Menu. One of the options is to do a "Full Text Dump". You can then put the "Dump" wherever you want, open and edit as you see fit with MS Word, or whatever. This will give you all the Conversations, Secret Words and Items you'll need to acquire, etc. Again, once you begin to understand the BoE Editor and its Icons, or Symbols, you should be able to read the Pictoral Display in the Editor as easy as a comic book. The hardest part yet to learn is chasing down the Nodes to see what does what to what, but that will come pretty easily if you aren't impatient. There simply aren't any short-cuts; none that I've been able to find yet. Be patient, and enjoy the journey; me
  18. Hi, I'm sorry I misunderstood your question. I thought it was a conventional "stuck in a scenario" type. I wasn't around during the early years of BoE and had no idea that these problems had occured, much less that any scenarios of that vintage were still around. A few years ago, when Traci's True-Site for Blades and Kelandon's Archive were established, I assumed that they had all the up-to-date scenarios. I have a bit of detailed data backed up and will keep an eye on the board in the hopes of compensationg for my misunderstanding. me
  19. Since I don't see an answer here to your question, 'scuse me for jumping in. "Of Good and Evil" is just what the title suggests; choices. Did you talk to the High Priestess, Sarah, in the Temple? She will tell you that you must always do what is right, regardless of the circumstances. As you play through this scenario, you are going to have to make several choices; each will have its consequences. That's the purpose of the Story-Line; for you to learn these consequences. Make saves regularly and then, once you've completed it, re'start from one of the choices to complete it again that way. Then go back to another save to complete it that way. You'll play, basically, two scenarios, each with a couple of minor variations. Most important, IMOSHO, is to 'listen' to what the Author is saying in all his scenarios about war and its consequences. me
  20. * Note that this is an edited, or cleaned-up copy from the Lyceum just before it crashed. Hope it helps to understand the Nordaker history. me The Mighty Eight Ball will answer all.... most... perhaps some... of your questions about the Arc! What? Can this be true? Yes, the Mighty Eight Ball will finally tell you what the frack is going on! There are two rules, however: 1. Only questions in this topic will be answered by the Mighty Eight Ball. 2. Only "historical" questions will be answered; historical in the sense that they can't ask about anything that occurs after the end of ‘Tomorrow’. The Mighty Eight Ball cannot see the future. 3. If & When this topic hits 100, the Mighty Eight Ball will answer no more questions. Questions & Answers. Q1: How much time elapsed between being turned to stone and reanimated in Tomorrow? (Hey, it fits the criteria, just.) A: Roughly 20 years. Q2: What are the materials Kaleb and Alcritas speak of in Signs and Portents? And what is the Codex? A: Works of Cyrantheus, including the Codex. A: A particularly powerful tome of Cyrantheus' works. Q3: Did Kaleb pull Kriken out of the Abyss? A: No. Q4: What did Sajon discover had happened to Kaleb when he returned from the shrine? A: Kaleb's death and transformation. Q5: How the heck did that inept idiot of an apprentice in Apology become so powerful? A: Forty years of war, apprenticeship to one of the greatest magi in history, enormous access to the works of Cyrantheus. Q6: What happened to the banner when Xancrest was sacked? A: The banner was not at Xancrest when it was sacked. Q7: What is actually in Kaleb's grave? A: Kaleb's Body. Q8: Is Kathy the potion seller still okay? A: No. Q9: How did Hawkslayer fall in with Kraijek? A: They met before the war. * And now for the big one, to finally put my favorite theory to the test: Q10: Was Cornell really in league with the UNL? A: No. Q11: What was Lythandra doing between the end of ‘Apology’ and the end of ‘Tomorrow’? A: Extremely Little. Q12: Are Themistocles and Gemini still alive? A: Yes. Q13: What has happened in the war while the party was stone? A: The sun rose, and set. People fell in and out of love. Men died and babies were born. And many other things. Q14: Who killed the Soothsayer, how, and why? A: Cyrantheus. A: A magical trap. A powerful one. A: Because the trap was triggered. Q15: Why does the Ettin come back to life when you kill him without Kothax Minoc? (Okay, that one's a joke. ) Q16: Why are the Eleosto sages fixated on Thaynos? A: The nature of his death, and what he said just prior. Q17: Has anyone other than Cornell used Elsewhere for time travel? A: Yes. Q18: IF the man with Kraijek is Hawkslayer, why can't Diomed recognize him? A: They didn't know each other that well. Q19: How did Protagoras betray the Vale, and why? A: He gave the location/detail of Ithikotita to Sovereign. Q20: If the Banner has any real power, why hasn't the alliance used it yet? A: Hatred/Spite. Q21: Why didn't Sage warn the party he would kill them if they tried to take Cornell's writings? A: They don't have it. Edited by: Alcritas: This question is founded upon an incorrect factual basis. Q22: Why did Sajon want to attack Nordakar? A: Nordakar attacked the UNL. Q23: Why is Sage several versions of himself? A: This question is founded upon an incorrect factual basis. Q24: In Redemtion, where did the giant wolf creature come from? A: A wolf mutated by the power of Bane/Andrus. Q25: Did Lythandra travel to the future via Elsewhere? A: Yes. Q26: Do the Rokka ever actually die? A: Yes. Q27: Where did the huge Exile-Estique cave labyrinth in Tomorrow come from? A: Most were naturally formed by geological factors. Some were created by the magical catastrophe that followed the death of Cyrantheus. Q28: Who is/was the Sage? A: The essence of Kaleb. Q29: Why did the Sage want revenge on Cornell? A: Cornell was and continued to be his enemy, and was responsible for an assassination attempt against him. Q30: What happened to the works of Cyrantheus after the party was turned to stone? A: They were recovered/relocated by agents of the UNL. Q31: What did Thaynos say just prior to his death? A: Q32: What was the important thing Thaynos said prior to his death, other than "arrrgh"? Was he dictating? (j/k) A: Q33: Who is Al, and who did he used to be? (I'm sure someone knows this already) A: A Mage who spent too much time elsewhere. Q34: Is Sage in league with the UNL? A: No. Q35: Specifically why did Cornell want Kaleb dead? A: Kaleb was a threat and rival to Cornell. Q36: Why did Cornell want to retrieve the works of Cyrantheus? A: Power. Q37: Why did Raven join Cornell? A: I don't understand your question. Q38: Why is Sajon waging war on Nordakar and Xancrest? A: Nordakar and Xancrest declared war on the UNL. Q39: Where is Themistocles at the end of Tomorrow? A: Knasses Q40: Where is Soljaire at the end of Tomorrow? A: In his hideout, deep within the Konax Caverns. Q41: What forces are opposing the UNL at the end of Tomorrow? A: Efarian and rebel forces within UNL controlled territory. Q42: Does the UNL still exist at the end of Tomorrow? A: Yes. Q43: Why did Sage stop us from getting Cyrantheus' works? A: He did not want you possessing their power. Q44: Exactly what is the trap that killed the soothsayer designed to be triggered by? A: Probing into the magics of Cyrantheus. Q45: In the soothsayer's vision, who is "the man of gold that is somehow more than a man", and who is "the man of rage that is more still"? A: An Efarian Commander. Q46: Where is the sword 'Stormseeker' at the end of Tomorrow? A: Deep within the Konax Caverns. Q47: What caused Lythandra's disappearance when she went to investigate Meletus' second ship for transporting Anytus (as reported at the end of 'An Apology')? A: Failure of Teleportal Magics. Q48: How did Cyrantheus come to be so powerful in comparison to the other Mages of his time? A: Natural affinity, intelligence, dedication, and a complete lack of scruples. Q49: Why does Sage say, in Eleosto, that Thaynos was a friend to him? A: He provided intelligence on Cornell. Q50: Why does Sage say, in Eleosto, that Thaynos betrayed him, and was no friend? A: He enabled McNemier to escape. Q51: Why did Sage allow agents of the UNL to take Cyrantheus' Research but stop the agents of Nordakar/Xancrest? A: Because of Sajon.
  21. I have a copy of 51/100 and was curious if there might be a chance to add a couple. I can certainly understand how time and memory fades. ;^{ me
  22. F.W.I.W. I still have four incompleted Scenarios in my list; one of which is Falling Stars. As I said before, I've not found "Elsewhere". I have absolutely everything else documented except for that one area and the Special Spell to be found there. I've played it numerous times, six times through completely, and have never found Elsewhere. By bringing it up, you triggered me to take a look to see why. I cannot believe that 84% of the time I should have been sent there, but never was. I'll now sort out what I have and cross the complete ARC off my list. (Kallaskagathos, not included: that's a pain in the neck to do; probably as much as the stairways in the Archives). If you're listening, Al, thanks for many, many hours, (make that months, no, years), of enjoyment. me
  23. F.W.I.W. I E-mailed this to Bain a few days ago and didn't realize that people are still "out there". If anyone else is interested, this is the list, by my records. Finding the Five Legendary Artifacts: ©CRYSTAL SWORD ‘Sword’: (17 + 9, Defend 5, Cold Protection): In Central Xancrest, first talk to Penelope in the Flower Shop. She will tell you that Natalia has a new lover, a strange fellow who hangs out around the North Gates. Search the area near the tree and you’ll encounter Nicias the Other. For a price, he will tell you to go to Oswick, then proceed due south. This takes you to The Ancient Grotto, where you must destroy a ‘Groundbeast’, (Fight). Its death leaves a collapse in the floor which takes you to the ‘Lost Cavern’. At 32, 32: is the Evil Altar, which is the embodiment of all evil in these caves. As soon as possible, cast, ‘Ritual Sanctification’ on the Altar. Once destroyed, all evil disappears and many items are left behind to be recovered by the Party, one of which is the Crystal Sword. ©DAYKON MARKE ‘Hammer’: (25 + 13, Defend 7, Undead Slayer): When you defeat the Orcs, on the way to rescue Krug, you should find a couple of secret rooms near the Leader and the Shaman. There is a chest in the Shaman’s secret room. In that chest is an unidentified key. Later, in the Wizards’ Bazaar, you’ll find that key grants access to one of the Portals in the Wizards’ Bazaar that will take you to Lockverne’s Lab. Working your way through the rooms, you’ll encounter a Mystic Guardian, blocking a door. Krug tells you that it is Invulnerable to Physical and Magical Attacks. The Spell, “Mindduel” is needed to defeat it. You should have a “Mystic Amulet” and/or Smoky Crystals acquired from a body in the Underground Lake and a Chest in Denmark’s Headquarters. You must wait until the Mystic Guardian uses up all, or most of its Spell Points, (81), or you won’t have enough Mindduel spells. Once it is down to very few, or none, start casting and you should defeat it in a couple of turns. Once it is gone, go through the door and collect the treasures. In the East Room are two Chests. Daykon Marke is in the southernmost of the two at 28, 19. ©HEARTFINDER ‘Bow’: (20 + 5, Accuracy): While in the Dusty Cavern, retrieving an Amber Heart for Marlene, a Pixie steals the Amber Heart and goes through a small Portal. You follow him to the Pixie Lair, where you must pass through three rooms, accomplishing a Puzzle in each. Assuming you do this, the value of your reward is based upon how well –and how quickly – you accomplish the Puzzles. You must do ‘extremely well’ to gain access to all four Treasure Chests. In the west Chest at 09, 18: you gain the highest reward, Heartfinder. ©KONAX MINOC ‘Axe’: (2H, 35 + 5, Giant Slayer): On a mission to retrieve an ‘Exotic Mushroom’ for Sss-Kasssisss, you must first pass through the Underground Lake to a Pit. Descend into the Pit and you will find the Mushroom Cave. Follow this Cave around the North, then to the South East where there is access to a Passage behind the Waterfall. (Remember to get the Exotic Mushroom as you pass through.) This Passage leads you down to an Underground Canyon, (a.k.a. Mushroom Cave, L2) where you find a strange group of Special Monsters, the Flayers and the Keepers. Go west to free the prisoners. One of them is a Rakshasa, named Pharijian, who will temporarily join the Party to fight these Monsters. Head back to the South East where you must defeat a Keeper Shaman at an Altar. When he is defeated, you will acquire a key. (Sanctify the Altar.) Now work your way west to a corridor. Head South to the south end of the corridor. The key will fit this door. Across the Corridor from the room is another Secret Passage at 13, 58 to their “Trophy Room”. Among the treasures is Konax Minoc. Now take the Portal directly South. It will take you back to the Mushroom Cave, where you can climb the rope to the Underground Lake, then leave. *Note: You MUST have Konax Minoc to get past the Ettin in Rokig Kodar, L3, and then rescue Krug. ©PALE BLADE ‘Sword’: (2H, 15+9, Flaming Weapon): In Castle Relaford, L1, after the initial confrontation with Selene, kill ALL the monsters on this level. Then, return to the Ballroom. Go to the North West corner and the walls will explode and you will be attacked by Lazarus, with some Minions. Once you’ve defeated them, one of the treasures left will be the Pale Blade. More specifics are available. me
  24. FWIW, viewing the BoE Program, there are already two different Icons; one for each sub-program. One is for BLADES.EXE and the other is for BLADPCED.EXE. These should work fine. me
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