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Everything posted by Tonweya

  1. You received the appropriate message, but not the additional sentence that gives you the map. I'll see if I can figure out why. It may take me a little while, but I wlll get back here A.S.A.P. In the meantime... there must be something you didn't yet do, although I don't know what. me
  2. As to the different gems = different locations; You could also say that some locations may be reached by a second combination of gems. It seems to me that Al gives the Player an alternate option in case they're having a problem finding Gems, or if they're trying all possible combinations as soon as they find a new Gem. The Major Locations are accessible by two combinations and only a few Locations can be accessed by a single combination. me
  3. I assume you've tried each possible combination of Gems, no? I believe there are ten locations. You should be able to find at least 2 Amber Hearts, 4 Azure Sapphires, 7 Crimson Rubies and 4 Sylvan Emeralds. Have you accomplished the requirements of the "Hall of Fame" in the Welcome Center? Although "Winning" Redemption is a Key to the overall Story-Line, these type Quests make the Scenario a more satisfying experience for Puzzle Solvers. me
  4. In the Stridor Cave, when you "Look" at the Body, you should get a Message: "Uh! This corpse has been badly disfigured and dismembered, and not much of it remains. Much of the skin has been ripped off and most of the limbs have been torn away, presumably to be eaten. This is the Stridors’ nest and it doesn’t take a genius to discover what their food source is – you. The Stridors seem to have tunneled all over the region, to wherever they could find a food source. The mine was just one of their targets and this is just one of their enclaves. There are bound to be more of them around somewhere, but you’re just not up for suicide today. Perhaps you should think about leaving while you still can... A bit of good luck shines your way, however, while searching this corpse. A small parchment lies attached to one of the rags still on the body, which, when you pick it up, reveals itself to be a small map. (You just got a special item.)" me
  5. FWIW; This Scenario is another of those "Endurance Trials". You'll probably need to make a "Save" here; return all the way back to the surface, sell everything necessary to load, (I mean LOAD), up on Energy Potions. Suffer the debilitations all the way back down. Before you enter, Heal and Restore Hit and Spell Points and then rely on Anti-Magic Cloud, Major Blessing and Cure Dumbfound Until the Booger dies. Al not only writes really quality Stories, but some really dastardly duels. If you'll remember, he always starts a Scenario with something that would drive a lesser Player right out of the thing. ;^{ Be patient, be strong, be merciless! me
  6. Hope you won't forget us; we certainly won't forget you. So many thanks for so many things, me
  7. You said you played, "Refuse", but didn't mention, "Accept". Although the Story-Line takes place in the Vale, much of the adventure takes place in completely different locations. Al has literally put two Storys in one Scenario. I'd suggest you play the other half. After that, 'Heirs of Thesius' is a short and relatively easy "spin-off" from OG&E and should be played. 'Staff of Kayolith' is a rather difficult Scenario, but will give you a lot of the history of Al's "World". Further, because one Author has written this Series, all the characters and events flow together in the overall view. Some will appear in other Scenarios, as good writing will often do, and you will gain a better and deeper understanding of what Al is trying to tell us. I find it difficult to not go into detail about what will or will not happen in these Scenarios, so I guess I'll just say again; play them all, in the order Al suggests and keep notes of people, places and things. Not only are these Scenarios all well made, but you should find even greater satisfaction once you put the entire history together, including Al's subliminal message about social conflict. IMNSHO, these Scenarios are equivalent to reading a really good major novel, as that's what they truly are. ;^} me
  8. There are numerous "Range" Weapons, including many of the Spells. Archery was a dominant weapon during the time period these sort of weapons were "Common" and it still is today. Check the historical records of the French and English battles; I belive Againcourt was one, although my history isn't all it should be. I think that once you get used to Archery, you'll find it to be an almost necessary part of your armament. me
  9. Have you played both sides through, including each time there is a decision? I'd have to look up how many variations there are, but there are several alternatives even after the "Accept" and "Refuse" although they aren't as Major. me
  10. One last comment; if you follow the sequence recommended by Al, you'll not only enjoy a great set of Game Scenarios, but will come away with the same admiration for his work and insight that so many of the rest of us have. Just be sure to keep plenty of notepads nearby. ;^} me
  11. Generally speaking... If you're new to these games, I'd recommend a full, 6-member Party with two Fighters, two Priests and two Mages. There are many other opinions, but this combination allows you to have an "extra" in case one gets disabled. Also, "Save" before entering a new area and then when you do enter, try different spells to see what works on which types of Monsters and then write it down so you'll know the next time you encounter the same type Monster. If you're just beginning and starting with this Scenario, I'd STRONGLY recommend you leave this and start with something else. Alcritas has written a series of Scenarios that encompass a long period of history and he has recommended a sequence in which to play them; Redemption is further along in that sequence. Assuming you haven't tried his recommendation and that you want to play his Scenarios, make your first Scenario attempt with "On a Ship to Algiers". There are numerous other, easier Scenarios, too. me
  12. Assuming you've found Theatetus' Home and learned what has happened there, leave and go west-northwest through the trees to: O-(0,1)-019, 050. Don't hesitate to ask if you hit any more snags. me
  13. Found the waskely wabbit. I was just looking in the wrong place. If you think it's not easy being green, wait until you find yourself old and "out of touch". tx, me
  14. Helps a bunch. I'm off to find some sautéed Lapin. ;^} tx, me
  15. Then, "with Class" indicates the specific Item Number?
  16. I thought I was all right with languages in general, but the Editor has me stumped with a term. When one calls a Node that states, "Have Item With Class", and extra 1a states, "if has item of this special class", then in the window, one puts a number for the item. My question is; what does "of this special class" mean? I presume that "special" means it is in the "Special Items" Group and one puts the Item Number in the window. I just can't understand the term, "class". Any help? tx, me
  17. Rally notes that you should ask around about "News, Rumors and Advice". FS is a really well made Scenario in that you need to, literally, talk to everyone and be sure to ask these three items. Obviously, you're going to get a lot of nothing, but Al has put quite a few leads to Side Quests via these questions. It's worth the effort. me
  18. Religious differences and excessive breaking and entering will cause NPC's to leave the Party. Ajax's Club and Byrne's Axe was just a 'quip' about why I chose Byrne over Ajax. If you don't know about the importance of Raven and Krug, then I have to assume that you haven't experienced Denmark. When I referred to the "Head and Feet" I was speaking of the concept to "strike at the head" of the enemy, not where to hit the Seraphim. You should first remove the greatest enemy and then work your way down the pecking order. I often cover the enemy Spell Casters as a first shot so I have a better chance of placing my Party for the Battle. I don't rely as much on Spell Casting as I do on good old fashioned blood letting. But then, I'm not a very good "Player". Lastly, I wouldn't use any of the additional NPC's as "decoys". There's a battle in a Castle that I'd call out the Marines and Blackhawk Helicopters if I could find them. ;^} tx for the chat, me
  19. The only thing I did different from Al was to choose Byrne instead of Ajax. I felt that Ajax was too set on religion and would disrupt the Party. Also, he uses a Club vs Byrne uses an axe and no matter the given stats, an axe cuts wood. ;^} Raven and Krug are necessary for a couple of specific tasks and Diomed and Byrne were my preferred Warriors. Maintain Anti-Magic Fields on the Seraphim and start killing from the Head to the Feet. IIRC you'll gain some spell casting by the time you have to do the "Big One". me
  20. Just a tad bit more... I downloaded the updated patch and everything works as I had hoped it would. I didn't notice that the update had been posted, so I appologize for missing it. F.W.I.W. again; I was an industrial electricain for well over 40 years and a great deal of that time was spent in control panels, some were pretty complex. I have some idea of what you(all) have accomplished and would like to make sure that you know how much I appreciate all that you've done for this Community. Many, many thanks. me
  21. F.W.I.W. to Chokboyz: The 'bladbase.exe' file in the version I'm using is dated: 15 Jun 09 and is 99kb. I took a Party into a dungeon and walked into a web. I clicked on the Party icon to 'pause' and received the message that each Party member 'cleans webs'. I did this 300 times and no webs were cleaned. I left the dungeon and the webs all disappeared. I presume that this is what you referred to as the critical bug in 1.1. I also presume that the latest patch, (Win_CBoE_build_27.09.2010.zip) will correct this, y/n? I'll download it, overwrite what I have and see it this corrects what I'm experiencing. It would appear that I hadn't noticed the updated 'patch', so it must be 'my bad'. tx, me
  22. If the NPC's you've added to your Party go off-screen, don't worry about them. They may kill a few of the Bad Guys and will still be around somewhere. FWIW, if your Party is strong enough, "Use" each of the NPC's in your Special Items list and they'll be brought back to your group, but won't be in the battle. In much the same way as Summoning NPC's, the Special NPC's are probably absorbing some of the Skill Points that are won in a battle, so if you don't need them, pull them back into your list and keep all the Skill Points for your Party. There will be at least one or two battles that you'll prefer to have every durned Special NPC you can beg, borrow, or steal. ;^} me
  23. I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but just keep forgetting; it's a geriatric thing. ;^{ The "Wait 40 moves" is now "Wait 80 moves" and although that doesn't bother me, I've noticed that when the Party is in a Dungeon, things like Webs, or Spells cast by the Bad Guys, like Curse, etc. seem to last a very long time, to the point the Party needs to leave the Dungeon for them to go away. The same happens with Combative Spells cast by the Party, such as Bless, Haste, etc. Since it all balances out in the long run, I don't really mind, but I was wondering if I have an earlier, beta-type version of the Program or if this is the new "norm". tx, me
  24. Just noticed the P.S. Check your E-mail. me
  25. It looks like 12, 8 only removes Regild once the Ft. Contemplation Confrontation is completed. I'll have to read them all to be sure, but it would appear that, as above, Regild is supposed to always be in the First and Last until after the Contemplation Battle. And as you stated originally, that's all that there is to it. me
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