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Everything posted by alhoon

  1. Thanks to the zone editor that some nice persons made here and thanks to matlab, I managed to create code that helps me turn a 64x64 image to a decent zone and assist me mightly in the placement of objects and creatures by creating a "placeholder" object \ creature in the correct coordinates, so that I have only have to change the type of creature \ object and add any relevant thing. The program also automatically and correctly places (unlocked) doors. I have tested the zone I made today and everything works. Now that I have this tool I am able to do in a new zone everything I can do in an already developed one.
  2. OK, my code works. Not without hic-ups, but it does work. I have a matlab file that helps me convert 64x64 images to ... zones. Walls, trees, ground, water, pathways, floor with a few variations. It needs some finetuning to be more independent from me (for example, apparently 1% of open ground as dirt-with-bones turns the whole place to a graveyard looking place. Add in it that the zone is empty and it's a creepy feelin). I added it to the West of Dera Bridge, under the mountain. Here is the map I use to develop the image-to-GF5 editor code: https://ibb.co/f1Kk5a Yes, it is very small. 64x64.
  3. I entered the storm plains. Without creations, I could beat a War trall in one-v-one with the baton drinking just 1-2 pods. With the sword, which does more DoT I would have probably not need the 2 pods. But more or less we say the same: You didn't have a reason to change your sword most of the time. Till the end of the game. That in my opinion, invalidates future weapons if you have your finale weapon by early game.
  4. 60/turn for Mera and Early storm plains is still a lot. I'm steamrolling through most encounters even after changing the energy dot to curse. The baton itself in my character's hands deals reliably 100-120 damage.
  5. I don't know about hilarious but it is helpful. You see, there are some pics in there G1606.bmp for example. They show how the walls go. 1-15 is for walls, the normal short ones. 22-36 is for walls, the big ones. But those are exactly like the small ones+21. Stone walls? +35 So, I draw a sketch of an area's terrain in black and white. I read it in matlab and then I tell matlab to look at the resulting 0/1 matrix and put 1 if there is a | line, a 2 if there's a - line, a 6 if there's a L line etc. And it works. If I want a forest map? I will tell matlab to add the correct number to those 1-15 and get the right walls. It works like a charm and took me less than 1 hour to make. So now I'm moving to grounds. I'll make the same using the various floor numbers to "paint" randomly the ground to put mushrooms, patches of grass etc. Of course, the "real thing" would require me to manually change some cells. Terrain and floor. For examples, for buildings I would go to the xcel part of the editor and change the 1-15 to 36-50. (Ruined blacked walls are 51+) I am fine with that.
  6. Acid and poison dots do like 20-30 damage over time. The energy dot deals ~100-120 each turn for level 12 item. Perhaps I did something wrong, because despite changing it to lower and lower damage, I couldn't get it below ~60 damage with status damage per level = 1 and base = 0.
  7. Well, I'm making matlab code to help me make zones. I found some veeeeery convenient little icons in geneforge graphics that show the general orientation of the walls, roads and floors. Now, I'm writing code to translate a black and white 64x64 image to the right matrix. Then, I'll make something that puts different grounds, like the mushrooms etc.
  8. Then why it's called draining blade? Meh.
  9. I was referring to the Batons and sword (energized sword) that gives after striking that lighting aura (Kyshaak attack) that does easily a good 100-110 damage per round for a lot of rounds. Assuming 2 rounds + the hit, that's a weapon dealing 300-400 damage in the hands of a 20 lvl warrior\Guardian. Any such weapon blows everything else out of the water. What I mean is that after you get the channeler or Physician baton or th Energized sword, you will probably never change them. They are so much better than anything else that the other weapons are nearly pointless. You may say "OK, put the recipes near the end!" I did that for the chaneler Baton, but the Energized sword comes very early (since you get the flaming sword by Makar) and I have added the recipe in Helf ruins. In the case of your mod, that the player can make the items without need of a recipe, it's not a big problem. But for the warrior Mod, I want the player having an eye out in ruins to find recipes. After they get their first baton\weapon...they won't have to. As such, instead of changing the order of the recipes I took the Searing Lighting out of the "early" weapons.
  10. Buddy, this is not a job interview. You had me at the "I am willing to help..." part. Randomizer: Jeff takes 2 years to make an 80-zone game with the tools and experience he has? Working full time? I think it's more like "makes 2-3 games every 2 years" since I think he works on other things except the "running" game. If what you say is correct and Jeff requires 300+ work-days to make 80 zones, then I am in deep trouble... Cause now that I managed to make a zone, I'm not leaving the idea behind.
  11. I am in the process of adding a new zone (more to see how I can implement it for another mod). I started easily: With a cave! It's also a squeaky clean cave, cause if there was litter, I would have to add every broken baton piece and towel and skull by hand. It is in the game and I have tested it. It's connected to another zone properly. Now, I have to fill it with creations, items, etc.
  12. Good to know. Before you get too invested in it, keep in mind the following: - I have to finish the Warrior mod first. It was in the final stretch... but I got an idea that I want to implement there. - I have to make a couple of zones first to see how long it takes and what I can actually do zone-wise; there are things in the zones that I have not figured how to do. - It will be a long effort. Even with your help, it would take like 3-4 weeks/zone just in order to add rough stuff. Then add like +50% time for beta-testing and adding more content. I.e a couple of years for 20-25 zones. You may say "Hey! Jeff could make a whole new game with 80-zones in that time!" Jeff worked full time with better tools.
  13. For those Supporting the tyrannical genocidical evil regime of the Shapers: During my GF5 warrior-mod making I discovered some "gem" I have forgotten about. General Alwan prohibits talk of the Storm Plains tribes. "Talk of times that the Shapers were not in control is not allowed" Bartol the crystal trader in Perikalia says. That's the first step to forced assimilation and cultural genocide. Rebellions have been fueled in the past just for that. Ask the Carthaginians... oh wait, you can't because the Romans forbid their language, history and tradition to be discussed so the died away within a couple generations.
  14. There are a few mistakes in that post. Not at all. For many Drakons yes, but Ghaldring aggressively stops any talk of killing Litalia, hence the Drakon researcher asks you to do it in secret because even hinting at it makes Ghaldring angry. It is in his dialogue for the quest. From what I got from her dialogue, Litalia has connections to Ghaldring's part of the Rebellion more than Astoria's but that is not as clearly stated as the part that Ghaldring threatens everyone hinting to take action against Litalia. Probably Ghaldring thinks he can get her back. Also, the Trakovites don't act against the Rebels till suddenly Litalia goes Berserk and sends her agents to kill Ghaldring, that trusted and protected her and shielded her from the wrath of his underlings. Not any more. Litalia was the Rebel leader that was as opposed to the Trakovites as the Shapers. Not the rest of the Rebels. They don't like them very much, but they tolerate them and give them refuge according to the dialogue in the game. And I was let to believe the majority of the Rebels didn't know that Litalia (that was spending energy in GF4 to hunt Trakovite Drayks as the rebellion was close to collapse) leads the Trakovites.
  15. Searing lighting does insane amounts of damage... With my warrior I can kill a wartrall after clearing part of Mera-Tev (level 20). I removed it from one of the batons the player can find early on.
  16. I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but the "Frozen Blade", that still uses the changed ability 94, doesn't drain hp anymore, it acts like the Energized Sword.
  17. That's not how military operates BUT, I can could see it happening as Alwan gets to trust you more and more. However, give a fort to an illegal abomination? That's getting it too far even for a bend-the-law approach of Alwan. What could be more realistic is the character becoming the leader-behind-the-throne in Rockfall. An attached mercenary\councilor that is calling the shots without alerting the whole Shaper Empire that Alwan gave part of the Line to geneforged individuals that worked(?) for Rawal.
  18. Dear all, I would like to request some help. My Warrior\Guardian mod (+Gamerman's artifacts mod) is going well enough meaning that I have to just add a couple of things more, alpha-test it, find someone to beta-test it and release. It is much more ambitious than the Shaper\Lifecrafter mod and I have improved a lot in scripting and editing the files. Which brings me to the next project which I would require some help at: I plan a total conversion mod within the world of Geneforge. Probably taking place between GF3 and 4 but using GF5 engine. What does this mean? It means I will delete everything and make 10-20 zones from scratch, add scripts and dialogue etc. Consider it a free "expansion" of GF5. Now, this may seem difficult and a large undertaking. It is very difficult and a huge undertaking. Frankly, so far it takes me like a year to add 5-10 hours of gameplay in already existing zones. Thank every entity you worship for Gamerman's help that "easily" (i.e. easy for me) added depth and gameplay time to the Warrior mod. So... I would require help if this is to see the light of day before we all die from old age. Don't be intimidated by the scope of the undertaking! Even someone that can't find the time to write dialogue can help by providing quest ideas! Since I am pre-planning stage, here's what would help: The "easy, non coding at all parts". - Help for the first step: Ideas for Storylines \ quests \ interesting people. Yes. Even "Hey, I thought of this Lifecrafter!" would help. - Help for the Second step: After we choose what will go in the mod: Dialogue and description writers. All you need is notepad; I can incorporate description and dialogue into the code. Frankly those are what I require the most help at! The "not so easy" parts. - Scripting the dialogue\descriptions. If, after we decide what will go in the mod, we have to put it in. Also, we need the generic script for areas (the making it hostile etc). - Lore. I don't know much about the world. Many people here know way more. Advice of "No, in X game it is mentioned doors work that way!" is not only welcome, it is required! The "quite hard" parts. - Scripting the quests, flags, behavior of bosses in a fight and the complicated stuff. The "actually hard and boring" parts. - Using the Geneforge editor to make - remake zones. That means adding in every creation, broken piece of furniture, wall, rock, chest etc and make sure they are connected to the right scripts. That's long, boring and complicated. The mod will get the get go for volunteers after I have managed to make 2 zones to be sure, to be absolutely sure, that I can do it and know what I can do before wasting anyone's time. The mod will be free. Completely free and with no "this is my account if you want to support me!" things attached. If you agree to put some time to help me in this mod, that would be our mod, I would request you do it out of your free time and from the goodness of your heart.
  19. I brought a friend of mine to the fold, told him to get the demos (they're enough to get one hooked) and he tells me he can't run them because of the screen resolution.
  20. What do we know about this place? It is the island next to the Mera Tev in GF5.
  21. Well, I can't make all the mods. Someone else has to do that. If you do, I'll happily incorporate it in mine.
  22. That's what I'm talking about. it would make finding the Trakovites more impactful even if we get a "I can't spare the resources now" or "We will wait to round their friends too." or something. I mean, the moment you tell Alwan\Taygen and perhaps even Rawal or Astoria that Litalia hit the grass, there should be a Terrestia-size celebration with Shaper cities throwing big balloon-like creations and fireworks and cities of the Rebels holding solemn memorials (and a few fireworks) Someone should make a mod about that; checking that Litalia died and then being the talk in taverns in the random bubbles or random people, with big rewards from Shapers. And by big rewards I don't mean 600 gp, a gem, 2 crystals and a wand you don't need. I mean something really big. Rawal is Shaping-others-prone but the rest should offer LOTS of money at least.
  23. You can always join and then get out of his faction... Also the Shapers don't know probably that Litalia leads the Trakovites. And given Alwan's kinda insane obsession that turned pacifist Philosophy to Litalia's playground fanatics, I believe it's an omission that you don't get to say the line "Guess WHO leads the Trakovites! I infiltrated the sect making them trust me. I am ready to betray them for money now, since they can't train me in Shaping."
  24. A variation of the following for the zones you're interested at: Go to zXXname.txt variables; sort num=9 //////// LATER AT THE INIT STATE, give the bonus based on a "do I have a PC made Vlish in the party? flag beginstate INIT_STATE; While (num<9) { if (creature_type(num) == 90) { sf(95,0,1); // Just a random unused flag. } num=num+1; } if (gf(95,0)==1) { While (num<9) { set_attack_bonus(num,1); num=num+1; } } //////// LATER AT THE EXIT STATE, revert to 0 bonuses beginstate EXIT_STATE; if (gf(95,0)==1) { While (num<9) { set_attack_bonus(num,0); sf(95,0,0); num=num+1; } }
  25. I'll reply to that in the script thread. Let's keep that to bash Litalia, which I agree is attracted to raw power and canister abuse.
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