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Everything posted by alhoon

  1. True but you leave aside the fact that she has changed the set of principle's she was fanatical of three times. It is "my current way or the high way and that includes people I worked with and trained in my previous ways"
  2. Madwoman, psychopath, mass murderer that was more interested in killing than holding a set of principles. Her personality doesn't really evolve, the side in the name of which she commits every atrocity imaginable changes. Killed kids with her own hands? She did it. Used terror as a weapon? She did it. Genocide? She did it (three times, two of which on her previous allies). Bioterrorism? She did it. Betray allies? She did it. I'm pretty sure she had a thing for Ghaldring from what I saw in the finale of GF5. I totally consider her the best character of the series, but she's a psychotic madwoman. Blxz, I consider the Trakovite path of GF5 the most interesting.
  3. Episode 78: You put a remarkable fight to save the loyal brains. You even mention that in the episode. If I may ask, why? You've from day one went in the game with the declaration: "My character thinks that Creations are expendable" and have played that ever since, losing creations that could be saved etc. I know that's a futile question 4 months after the episode was uploaded, but I can't help to wonder what made you think these particular three creations, brains that are beyond Shaper-Law and should be destroyed according to it, required such efforts to save. I was playing a life-crafter, sympathetic to Creations plight etc... and I went directly for the Synthesis mind IIRC leaving a couple of creations to delay the waves. I don't remember whether any of the brains were lost or not. On another note: Alwan is one of the Shapers most usually breaking Shaper law. The very existance of Control Core B, after Control Core A failed spectacularly for the same reasons that CC B failed, and his insistence to ally with geneforged individuals (as he did in GF4) shows a remarkable stubborness and refusal to see the flaws in his plans. All in all, he makes a good high-rank officer because of his tenacity but bad top-rank officer. He made the Line. We broke it. I would bet 2 cannisters and a wand of inferno he would try to re-establish it again, finding and neutralizing the Secret Access hidden path. Oh, and he trusts the wrong people! Shaper Mazdan, the guy that designed the Flawed Core A, designed the second. He trusted a guardian to make the brains and lo-and-behold, the guardian had a cannister in the lab. Shaper Alexie "studies" drayks and teaches people how to make them if they ask nicely. Not to mention: He trusted me and I put poison in his wine. I didn't even fight him decently. I felt dirty after killing him so cowardly, but it was the fast route. PS. When fighting Shaping foes, it's customary to go after the Shaper sooner than later. I don't recall whether Synthesis mind sends endless forces, but a pool of essence could well mean that. PS2. A pity that the boss "fight" wasn't saved. I had to fight it properly, not have the others cook it nicely to become a nice roast. I didn't even know it was possible. A pity. In any case, inspired by this, I think I'll put the "Shaper-friendly" mini-lab here in my mod once I go back to implementing the changes Alberich suggested.
  4. The cannisters are tricky things. Alberich manages to finish the games without them, so I guess they're not needed. No, it's not needed to have some AWESOME creations or ultra-powerful spells above and beyond what normal people would do. I admire Alberich's purity, but I really don't think I can go canister-free. Don't forget to watch that in your re-watching. Don't skip it. After watching the discussion with Khresia, the three words you added to Ghaldring's response were probably the funnier of the series. One has to watch the segments with Khresia to appreciate the joke though.
  5. Episode 76: I think I spotted some crudeness in Ghaldring's way of thought that shouldn't have been there. You told him when he said he would test you further that you would remember this insult. And he was happy with your reply. Frankly, I was pro-rebel and did remember this insult. You apparently didn't forget this insult either, despite Ghaldring not testing you further. I would bet that the vast majority of people would remember this insult and not forgive it just because Ghaldring decided to not push it further. As of the "some of the rebels here have been good to me" comment... they belong to a different rebel faction. I won't spoil in case you align with Astoria and the sane rebels. But there are surprises. If you recall, Greta is none too pleased with Ghaldring and he admits to you that the rebel factions have tense relations. And another thing: You can't say that you're a cannister junky and a Shaper. Shapers avoid cannisters like the plague. At the point where you ask: "What made Khresia such a pest" at 8'29" and the reply you add to Ghaldring's answer. OMG. I had to stop the video because I couldn't follow cause I was laughing hard and loudly. And here it is! At around minute 11 you first relay your thoughts that would doom every creation in Terrestia, down to living tools and doors... I heard some of your thoughts about how wiping out creations would correct things, but I still don't understand what led you down to choosing such drastic measure. I would change the series name from "Let's Play GF5" to "GF5: Descent into madness" (no offense I hope, it's a game. You say yourself that "you had your share of madmen in this game so far" when Alwan calls him madman Taygen). Another thing: You said the Drakons wanted to buy 5 years of peace to finish their superweapons. I disagree. I believe they never planned to buy the peace, they wanted to confuse the Shapers and sap their spirit, create tensions and create the illusion that there is a way out. While Shapers were arguing among themselves telling loyalists to stop, and leaving Alwan alone to dry... the Drakons would swoop in and take more land. They wanted the SUGGESTION of peace out, not peace itself. I am very honored that you chose Alhoon to be your first gazer! Much appreciated. And OMG... 45 level gazer?! Even without the good artifacts Alhoon 4 could probably take an Unbound by himself. Quality: About middle of the video there are issues with the colors. Episode 77: A wasted opportunity here... you could have called it "A beautiful mind" easily. Ahhh... control core B. Another example that the Shapers are not the proper care-takers of Shaping nor as responsible with it as they pretend to be. Bunch of powerhoarding mages really. Hmm... the quest seems quite different than I remember it. I haven't figured even half of what you did I think. It occurs to me that... I may have killed the wrong mind! Not sure if it's possible, but I decided that the first mind I met was the rogue and killed it, or... I killed everything. I don't recall. Alwan seemed fine by the decision. As a note, I couldn't help but notice that there is no food for the Control minds. If you recall in other games or perhaps even in GF5, there was food you could give to the control minds when they started becoming weak from famine. That is again, inexplicable negligence that makes creations suffer. Howdy... the Synthesis mind is right here. Born to servitude, forced to suffer and smart enough to realize it. It's fate is worse than a serville that spends long hours mining in dangerous caves. I didn't recall having much trouble with the Alwan quest-chain, but I would be hard-pressed to attack this creature. Probably made a deal with it, and destroyed the others. Not sure. Oh... I remember now! I made full party of creations, kept 3-4 with me I think and sent the rest to protect the brains. Not even sure if I managed to save them all.
  6. Meh... I won't watch GF1 or GF2. I haven't touched them since I wait them to be brought up to GF5 era by Jeff. He said he will do the GF series remakes eventually.
  7. After a MONTH of doing other stuff, I found the energy to return to this nice video series. Episode 75: You are right that this is the only time one sleeps during the game! Haven't thought of that. Since you didn't have the honor to meet Salassar in the incident described by Khressia the Scot drakon, you should return to GF4 in my humble opinion. I don't know at which point you dropped it, but it was a very nice game. Can't decide if I like GF5 more than GF4. Although I guess that if you go pro-Shaper in GF4, you are locked out of a lot of content. Having played GF4, and with everyone warning me about treachery and the "Do you want to rest? It could be dangerous!" thing I pretty much expected a fight. The fight with Salassar in GF4 was more difficult. I was disappointed that Khresia was so weak. I don't think I've met any drakon or shaper as weak. In any case, I just noticed one thing watching the episode. In about minute 13 you go to a room after the fight with Khresia, in the guest quarters. There's magic scorches on the floor. Probably someone else have found the niceties of Drakon hospitality. You figured pretty quickly how to find him. It took me a lot of time to figure it out, I thought at a point it must be a glitch or bug in the game until I thought to try that passage. However, 5 living tools for Purifying rain (battle magic 9) seemed a bit of waste. As a note, I ratted out the Rebels to Alwan about the Unbound mk2.
  8. I would heavily suggest against +5 strength, cause if you forget you have the mod in place, you can quickly get to +25 strength accidentally. Go for +2 and after you're satisfied, remove the code. PS. Welcome to modding, both of you. Now that you know the basics, start making content mods. Remember that dialogue is done in text1, text2,... text8, each text line ends with a ; and each text entry has a maximum size of like 4 lines. Go over this and the script is broken. begintalknode ??? Tells the game which talk node (dialogue) you are at. "state" tells the game which "dialogue category" so to speak you are at and "next state" tells the game which talk nodes are available at your state. I.e. if you're at talknode 20 with state 7, "next state" is 8 and talk nodes 22, 30, 31 and 32 have state 8, then while in the game you are at talknode 20, the talk nodes 22, 30, 31 and 32 are available... if you meet the conditions. Conditions are... conditions for the talknode to be available. gf(22,3)==1 tells the game to look if flag 22,3 (usually zone 22, flag 3) equals 1. gf(15,2)>4 tells the game to look if flag (15,2) which usually is the 2nd flag in zone 15 is greater than 4. etc within the code, sf(22,3,2) sets the flag (22,3) to 2. Which means it would not satisfy the condition gf(22,3)==1 anymore. There are also some other bizzare limits and limitations like too large text and the script breaks, too much code and the script breaks etc. I haven't found them all. Seriously, it's not too hard. Time consuming to catch bugs and playtest yes. But not hard. Start making mods. You could semi-safely steal the first flag of each zone since it usually corresponds to whether you would get the introductory text. Of course if you miscalculate and hijack a flag the game will need in the future... you've broken that quest line.
  9. Well, you could try editing the script. Open the script of a zone you've already been to, the one ending with "dlg" (i.e. "z13????dlg" with ???? representing the name of z13). Find the dialogue of an NPC that doesn't end in code. Add the following there: code = alter_stat(0,2); break; Now go talk to this NPC and chose that dialogue option you altered. You will get 2 strength each time you choose it.
  10. I won't going to spoil. You find out. It's worth the road.
  11. Until the day rebels win and justice is served (even against the bad rebels) and sanity returns. Horrors that could have been avoided if the Shapers weren't so authoritarian and they upheld their own laws.
  12. Thank you for the kind words Alberich, and for the beta-testing.
  13. Is that a problem? The guardian has creations too after all. Perhaps not as good or as many, but still it shouldn't be a problem. I don't know of course, never played a missile guy.
  14. What classes do you have left? I'm making a mod for GF5 guardians to establish a fort and train people and other side-quests, which would give you new things to do. It would need another month or more though.
  15. I wasn't basing it in D&D. All I was trying to say was: go for it, having creations is like hiring help.
  16. Yeah, I do that very often; I group them together in squads and play them as one equivalent megamonster and all. And even as squads, I mostly put "baddies" at one or two different initiatives and play them in a bunch. Also, even at table, I use dice generators to handle multiple dice. I guess it just boils down to: I don't like combat that much.
  17. You make some EXCELLENT points. I 100% agree with the assessment that not all games scale well. Something comes to mind: "The game is balanced for 3-5 players" is a stapple on many products. A few considerations: - Everything you said about battle balance would apply to Creations \ Hired help. A henchman can also get caught in a fireball, or hold a choke point. As such, I don't see a particular reason to block Shaper characters. - Creations are (in a way) an extension of the Shaper so it's actually better than giving the hired help to the player. But OK, you convinced me: Party size affects game balance in a way. (Still wouldn't stop me from using Shapers IMC, and nobody complains) A few other considerations: - OK it may affect game balance, but as heck I'm not running 4 extra NPCs in combat. I play games to have fun, not to get a headache. I am comfortable with 3-4 NPCs\monsters in a fight. More than 6 and it becomes bothersome. One of the absolute worse battles I've played had me running 12 enemies. - Increased party size IMO just needs a bit more experience by the DM.
  18. As I said: Does not affect the game balance at all; it's like hiring extra help or having more PCs on the table. EDIT: I've been shown the error of my ways. The above statement proved to be wrong.
  19. Yes, but it's not affected by number of characters or character controlled NPCs. The extra party power can be ratified very easily: stack more numbers on the other side. When I prepare encounters for my PCs I take into account NPCs they hire\control\summon. The only slight problems I may encounter with a Shaper PC? If they start complaining about having to run their creations. And it hasn't happened so far. At one current campaign, we have 4 characters, 2 creations. Nice and smooth, no hiccups at all, nobody complains. There was some interest when the Shaper dropped two creations out of the blue, and that's it. She's more life-crafter mentality BTW. Actually far more; on the other side of Life-crafters. She doesn't plan to ever absorb her creations, she will release them (creating an ecological situation by inserting new things in the Fauna) if she finds a way to make more powerful ones and she says her character will be very upset if they ever turn against her. If anyone's interested to know more: We play Curse of Strahd. Yes. Creations in Ravenloft; It would be really uncomfortable for the Shaper once she people see her "pets". So far, she explains them as "something like wizard familiars; don't mind them".
  20. Exactly the same way that adding more characters doesn't affect the game's balance. It doesn't make the character class stronger. It makes a bigger party. Most TTRPGs will have a guide of "if you have X chars in the game put Y enemies of this difficulty." etc. It's exactly the same as if the party hired some help to increase their numbers. Would that make a character class better than others? Would that affect game balance?
  21. X2 may seem good... but it produces too smart serviles! Frakly, the amount of servilles that could be considered smart (let alone geniouses like Moseh, Taygen, Rawal, the lads that made the geneforge...) is very limited. Which of course can't be easily determined since a "would-have-been-smart" servile that is not even taught to speak correctly and only learns to sweep floors will have learned to sweep floors faster and that is it. PS. Avoid using many degrees of freedom. PS2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution That's what we should be looking at.
  22. Nah, I just use "essence slots" that are completely separate. Shapers are IMC (IMC= In my campaign) a wizard path, Guardians\warriors a fighter path, Agents are (unlike the game) a rogue path. Spell list is a modified druid list: No spells that summon things, very few necromancy stuff + some wizard spells. Having creations does not affect the game's balance. Creations do not make the character stronger, they make the party stronger. That's not the same thing. Effectively, creations make the party bigger, like more players do.
  23. I've already moved GF to D&D next rules without a hassle. The MAIN problem is that if you use Shaper PCs, you end up with a huge number of combatants.
  24. Well... you asked me a question. I based my answer on stuff, including longevity and the impressiveness of Servile's magic. You can disagree with me, apparently you do, but to say "hey! I didn't mention longevity!" won't disqualify it from my assessment. Perhaps we should... ask Blxz that knows biology and some sociologist or something what ACTUALLY counts as "this create > that creature" Does longevity count? Does adaptability? How important is reason anyway? What about procreational abilities? How about resistant to the elements and how good the creature is in surviving in its environment? Unless we find a semi-legit answer to that... I'll keep mention longevity as an important factor, reason and intellect as another one, magic-impressiveness as a third one... and consider adaptability and lack of ability to procreate effectively not that important. Another factor: Serviles have a greater tendecy to become tribal and wild. Even smart serviles fall to that often. Like Footracer in GF5 but also others that I forget. But I agree that the ability of the Serviles to learn magic, even unimpressive, through scarification was very very good. But still... not that impressive magic. We already established that Serviles are adaptable creatures. I'm not convinced that this is as important as their deficient intelligence or lack of ability to survive without help. PS. I'm a teaching assistant in the University and one of the subjects I assist my professor with is statistics. I love them. Keep them coming. HOWEVER, I'm not sure everyone else loves statistics. So... I'll use spoilers. NOTE TO PEOPLE: read the spoilers, I don't get too technical. Even less than Unbound Servile.
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