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Posts posted by Edgwyn

  1. 474. Overcoming Slyness -- Grace Jones is compelled to retry until she gets what she wants

    Grace Jones dated Dolph Lungren who battled Sylvester Stalone (Sly) in Rocky IV

    she was also roomates with Jerry Hall -- who was later in a long term relationship with Mick Jagger who was co-writer and performer on You can't always get what you want

  2. Thank you.


    I have added a note to the Places page. The number in the quest column is intended to indicate that those locations give quests and the others do not.


    I have fixed the info page, the reference to a dungeons page was an artifact. When I started, I had cities and dungeons separate, then later on I combined them into one.


    I should probably add a note below the logo explaining that you need to click it to return, but since I need to do that on 150 different pages, I will tackle that later.

  3. 414. Ungraspable Offensive Nature--Divine magic at the heart of an underground storm

    Divine and magic are both rather ungraspable and a storm is a form of nature being offensive. The storm being underground would also be offensive to nature since storms occur above ground

  4. 446. Phonological Awareness Campaign -- Segmenting words into excessive administrative overhead

    Phonological Awareness involves breaking up words into individual sounds or segments. Any campaign involves excessive administrative overhead. There have been various campaigns in education to push phonological awareness

  5. YES +2 -- the other reference here is to Sonia Sotomayor, who, as a justice, writes opinions when she disagrees with her colleagues (who usually have seniority over her, since only Kagan was appointed after her). This name was prompted specifically by her dissent in _Utah_ (which I'm guessing Edgwyn and I have very different opinions about).


    You are correct, I do not particularly like her dissent, but you might be surprised to know that I dissent from the court majority's position in this case also.

  6. There is a Tolstoy science fiction book that in English is titled Aelita, or the Decline of Mars. There are english translations of it, though obviously it was written in Russian. I realize I am sending you in a circle, but . . .


    Many years ago, I was in a summer program at a college that had a copy of a collection of Russian Science Fiction that had been translated via computer into English. This was long enough ago that the translation algorithms were really poor and so I ended up not reading it.

  7. 3. Evil Panamaya -- Sauron with a hat

    Sauron represented evil in the Lord of the Rings series (though I believe he was the evil understudy in the broader mythology of the series) and a Panama hat is a form of head wear.


    22. Merlin Manson -- Round Table made of metal

    Marilyn Manson is an industrial/alternative metal performer, and Merlin was a key advisor and court wizard to King Arthur and the Round Table

  8. 1. Trois-Guilbert -- Maybe a sexual reference to Scot's Britain after the third crusade

    Sir Walter Scot is the author of Ivanhoe which takes place in Britain after the third crusade. Trois can be translated into three-way and in some sets of slang refers to sex involving three individuals and Brian Bois Guilbert was a Knight Templer in Ivanhoe and one of the main antagonists.


    9. Egyptian Goddess Expansionism -- Cause of Recent Humanitarian Crisis

    ISIS was an Egyptian Goddess and is the most common abbreviation in the US media for the organization also known as ISIL or Daesh which has of course caused a recent humanitarian crisis by creating horrible conditions in parts of Iraq and Syria causing people to choose to flee to more stable countries.

  9. I am not a min/maxer, so this is not a very objective post, but:

    1. Dual wield is very effective

    2. Warrior/Priest is fine, Level 8 in priest would get you all of the critical spells as far as I am concerned. In my opinion, there are enough good swords that this can be another dual wielder, but my second character has a pole arm.

    3. Yes

    4. I never used my pure priest to melee, because I would rather put the points in the various cave/arcane/tool use requirements


    If you really like potion ingredients, then having cave lore 6 before you enter Dark Waters (Chapter 2) will get you a few more potion ingredients. I believe you can get almost everything out of Chapter 2 with tool use 5, with tool use 6 giving you the last remaining item

  10. 398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks -- Make PDNs great again

    I try to limit politics on here, but . . .

    Trump is a salesman and like many salesmen, Cons may creep up, he has a lease for a massive clock (the old post office and clock tower in DC) and his campaign slogan is make America great again


    that leaves

    378. Characters not permitted -- A reference to long departed cartoonists

    All I have on this one is cartoon characters

  11. 397 Rake Low Urn -- Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

    BReak, BLow, BUrn was a 2005 publication by CAmille PAglia, and in RPGs you tend to earn money by breaking, striking blow or burning your opponent.

  12. 382. Panopticodpiece -- BDSM Implement, presumably

    The panopticon was a prison design and a codpiece is clothing for covering the crotch area and is often sexualized or fetishized.


    396. Beards -- Your nostalgia for the sub rosa culture you were never a part of is showing, dear

    ​Beard is a slang term for a female friend that a male homosexual uses to conceal his belonging to what was in Western Europe a hidden (sub-rosa) culture


    ​380. Public display of Anomia -- Make PDNs great again

    Anomia is the inability to make words come out for the things that you want to talk about and PDNs are publicly displayed names


    394. <><> -- Operator Overload

    The mathematical symbols < and > are operators and there are to many of them so they are overloaded

  13. I don't really know what to do about that. I could give a head's up the day before, I guess, but some people will still get to it before others. I am definitely not switching to a "first round of guesses via PM" system. And I don't want to discourage anyone who is having fun with it. Perhaps I'll post a heads up in this topic the day before posting the next set, whenever that is. That way, you can subscribe to this topic after it's over and you'll get an email notification (well, if you have those turned on) when the next one is about to start. How does that sound?


    I wouldn't do anything. Trying to adjust to the schedules of a bunch of different people who live in a multitude of time zones is nearly impossible as the various attempts to have games on the forums have shown. In general, I am only on in the evening, and I skipped yesterday because I was traveling so even had you given notice, I still would of missed it.

  14. I seem to find these topics late, so here is my first try


    400. Finger of Avadon -- Another attempt to live up to that first "psychosexual" proclamation, maybe


    There were some posts about the psychosexual nature of Avadon including RedBeard and his wives. Adding to that is the body part imagery of Avadon with the "Hands", "Hearts", "Eyes" or in this case "Finger" which with the addition of -ing is slang for a sexual act, expanding even more on the psychosexual imagery of Avadon.

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