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Posts posted by Edgwyn

  1. I have noticed a considerable speed increase when I have the cable plugged in. We don't really use the wii anymore and the apple TV is for watching an occasional movie, so it is nice to have the faster connection. They do both connect wirelessly as well of course. One of my long term projects is to run LAN cable through the house, but that hasn't happened yet.

  2. I do not currently have any creative names, but I have a cable router with wi-fi that provides a LAN connection to a PC and to another wi-fi router which provides LAN connections to a fairly old iMac and an XBOX 360. The XBOX lan connection can be shifted to the Wii or Apple TV as required. Using wi-fi, there are a repeater, three Dell laptops (one being a new, small, touch screen model), one Mac Book, one nook, one i-pad mini, one i-pod, another wii and five android based smart phones.

  3. The eighteen cups of coffee ought to increase the jitters enough that you end up wounding the pedestrians instead of killing them like ADOS is suggesting. And congratulations, that is an awesome achievement. Now we can see how fast we can get perma-banned for asking you annoying medical questions.

  4. There are tons of certification programs out there that will give you more alphabet soup to put after your name. Some require some experience and taking a test or two, but plenty of them are closer to financial transactions than anything else.


    Another option is to become your own micro nation, declare yourself a monarchy and grant patents of nobility and knighthoods. Or, if you want to be more "legitimate" about it, find the current pretender to a throne that no longer exists, transfer the right amount of money and you can be ennobled.

  5. 1. I fully agree that Twitter is a waste of time. I am not on it. Dr Gundy is the incoming Boston University professor who was in the news for her Tweets.


    2. I can understand the definition difference that you have explained between Racism and Prejudice though I think that more common usage is for Racism to be a subset of prejudice, with Racism being prejudice based on race, sexism being prejudice based on sex, etc. In any case, I fail to see a moral difference between Racism and Racial prejudice and it often seems to me that racial prejudice is ignored or laughed away while only Racism is punished. I believe that both should receive the same treatment.


    3. I agree, of course, that testing for say sickle cell based on race (or more accurately based on genetics) is a non-negative use of racial profiling. In a statement that I am sure will not surprise anyone, I do not agree that Affirmative Action is non-negative. To me it seems like a negative use of race with a negative impact and that some of you will tell me that it is being done in a system of oppression.


    4. Of course the next President will not be "African American" based on the current candidate pool. Secretary Clinton may or may not have shot enough holes in her own foot to prevent the next President from being a female, which is an even larger demographic that has never been President. Using the 1 of 44 presidents argument (or the CEOs or the Congressmen), while mathematically valid also completely ignores the dramatic improvements in the last 216 years that have occurred and continue to occur. Statistics are snap shots in time. Trends are far more important. If you are going to tell me that things are not improving fast enough, I will not disagree with you (though I might disagree as to why and how to fix the situation).

  6. I have yet to see how two wrongs make a right. Methods do matter. Racism, classism, sexism, etc are simply wrong no matter where you are in the power structure.


    Also, any attempt to define the power structure in terms of race maybe mildly accurate in a statistical point of view, but it is grossly inaccurate on an individual basis. We do after all have a President who happens to be African American (individually most powerful person in country) who if he were racist would be in a position to do a great deal of damage on that basis.


    Based on her tweets, I would classify Dr. Gundy as a racist. There are many who give her a pass on racism because of her skin color. I think that they are wrong. Not that it matters to my point of view, but for those who say that only those with power can be racists, as a professor, she is in a position of authority, with relatively little accountability.

  7. For one thing, not using Native American names would contribute towards erasing their memory and contributing to the genocide more than using them does. My high school had an Italian mascot, there is a college near where I live now that has a German mascot. One of the UC system colleges has a hispanic mascot. Several schools have variations on religious leaders. In the LA area, there are Sheikhs, Moors and Rajahs. It all comes down to how you use it. With the exception of the Redskins where the term is a definite problem, the issue is usually the logo tending to emphasize cultural stereotypes. I suppose that I can take the point that the team names "Indians" and "Arabs" are bad, but despite one State having Chieftains on its unacceptable names list (since as someone with Scottish ancestry I do not find it offensive) I think that Chiefs, Braves, Warriors, Sheikhs, etc are fine. One college changed their native american warrior to a roman warrior. How is that better?


    Of the Native American team names that I listed, Florida States' probably makes the most sense since the Seminole tribe was native to Florida. Also, the Seminole tribe supports the use of their name by the University, so I am not sure why anyone else is worked up about it.

  8. I would change the Redskins name. It's not like plenty of other professional sports teams haven't changed their names, especially in the DC area (e.g. Bullets/Wizards, Expos/Nationals). That said, I do not see the Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, Kansas City Chief or Cleveland Indians as a problem, as long as the logos/mascots are done in a respectful manner, which hasn't always been the case.

  9. I suppose that I did not actually provide an opinion on appropriation, because I agreed with what Kelandon wrote. In terms of creating offense, it is easy to care about an individual's feelings, harder to care about the feelings of a mass of people. That said, I try to avoid creating offense, but I know that it is impossible to completely avoid creating offense because some people are determined to be offended.


    Therefore the intent is important. Minstrel show bad due to stereotypical intent. "White" person doing rap okay 90% of the time as long as they do not use certain language.

  10. That racial classification system was pretty facial feature dependent and only had three races: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid. That essentially resulted in most of the population from Europe, North Africa and SouthWest/South Central Asia as Caucasian ("White"). While not a lot of stock is placed in that particular model anymore, a model that lumps everyone on the Asian continent together isn't really any more accurate from a culture or genetic point of view and has nothing in particular to recommend it but the fact that we are currently using it.


    A couple of days ago I stumbled on a ten year old article in African American admissions to Harvard. It seems that a fairly high proportion of "Black" students at Harvard fall into the recent immigrant category and did not have any grandparents who were born in the US and therefore could be considered victims of slavery or even much of America prior to passage of the Civil Rights Act. The article was of course anti-affirmative action, but irrespective of ones stance on affirmative action, it shows problems with enacting policies based on oversimplified criteria.

  11. I consider the basis of the US's culture to be Northern European Protestant for multiple reasons. In terms of this discussion, it helps explain the negativity that the Irish and Italians experienced despite being as "white" in terms of skin color.


    I had actually started to put in a comment about the large breadth of African culture, but cut it due to length of post.

  12. Randomizer, we may be, but every so often, usually after reading the latest stupid stunt by a college student or college professor I remind myself that while college generates maturity by exposing students (though not necessarily professors) to new ideas and increased education, it also delays maturity by putting people in an area of reduced consequences and responsibilities for an extra four years. Someday, most of the people in college will become responsible members of society, though every so often it seems unlikely.


    Slartibus, yes, lethal hate crimes still take place, and that is bad. Fortunately, they are a lot less likely now then they were 50 years ago, much less 100. There will always be lethal hate crimes, just like there will always be lethal crimes. From my limited perspective, we have done better at reducing lethal hate crimes in the past 50 years than we have in reducing lethal crimes.


    Slavery was of course far worse than what the other ethnic groups faced, or what any current group faces today. My point was that we have blended far more than just "African American" and "White (which would most accurately be Northern European Protestant)" cultures in this country but have blended in many cultures that at various times we did not value.

  13. AETFP got two play throughs, plus one of the moded version. Avadon two, Avadon 2 had one plus one moded, and then A:CS will end up with 2 play throughs.

  14. In addition to the historical progression of naming that ADOS listed, I would also think that the fact that the original inhabitants were all exiles provided for a more fluid take on names. Some of the outright rebels had probably lived under various aliases for years prior to being exiled. Some of the true criminals had probably done the same. Some of the political types had probably needed to change their names to protect the guilty.

  15. It's not. Black Americans, the indistinct group, does not own or control rock and roll or twerking just for having invented them, any more than Greeks can claim a right to control the use of written vowels or the descendants of Thomas Edison can demand you stop making light bulbs and give them all the light bulbs you have right now back to them. These are ideas and practices and artifacts that naturally spread, and they neither are nor should they be demographically copywritten, and the question of who gets credit for what is an ouroborous, especially in the case of entire cultural groups in the abstract. Either people are allowed to adopt practices that they see and like, or they're not, and one of these options is stupid. Saying to anyone that they're not allowed to do something because of their culture of origin, ethnicity, religion, or upbringing is monstrous, and while the reality is that those restrictions apply in the vast majority of cases(and almost exclusively in cases of material importance) to minorities, trying to reflect the general practice of binding allowable behavior to identity back on the majority power-holders does not really help anyone. Cultural mixing happens whenever and wherever two cultures touch, and that one of those cultures is dominated and contained by the other is an adjacent artifact, not a component or superior one. Arguments over the former on the basis of a connection to the latter are a distraction at best.


    One of the American principles is the melting pot. 98% of our population is descended from immigrants (there are just over 5M who identify as natives), and almost every single group of people who has emigrated here has faced some degree of hostility. African Americans certainly had it worst, but Italian Americans, Irish Americans, Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, etc all experienced it as well. The current "turban wearing"/"middle eastern looking" groups have far more protections and received far less discrimination than the Irish Americans or Chinese Americans did. While I agree that it should be none, I believe that some of the commentators in this forum are blowing it out of proportion.


    As to the whole cultural approbation think, I see it as the exact opposite of a problem. To me, it signifies an acceptance of a certain cultural background. The fact that I can go into a grocery store in an area with a population made up primarily of people with Northern European ancestry and buy pizza, chai, tortillas, sushi, collard greens, etc as a good sign. For those of you who are more into purity, express your solidarity with your ancestors by only eating culturally appropriate food while the rest of us enjoy being part of a modern pluralistic society.


    I remember when rap was new. The complaints then where that "white labels" wouldn't sign rappers. Now, you are complaining that "white labels" are signing rappers and making money off of them. In 30 years, rap has gone mainstream. That should be seen as a victory, not a theft.

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