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Posts posted by Edgwyn

  1. I do not remember seeing anything but lizards and cows, so eggs would have to be really rare. Some of the altered mushrooms would have to have some additional properties to account for the amount of bread shown in the game. Just like the mushrooms would have to be quite altered to produce alcohol. Sugar is rare enough to be a quest item in the first two games and only found places with direct contact with the surface.

  2. Exile 1-3 are the original originals. Avernum 1-6 are the remakes (Avernum 1-3 remakes Exile 1-3, Avernum 4-6 is new material). A:EFTP is the re-remake of Exile 1, A:CS is the re-remake of Exile 2 and A:RW will be the re-remake of Exile 3 in 2-3 years. Your package is probably Avernum 1-6, so you could buy and play A:EFTP, A:CS and then play Avernum 3-6 if you wanted to maximize your time with a newer game engine, or you could get the same story and just play Avernum 1-6.

  3. I thought Star Wars VII was good and enjoyed all of the fan service (in the G/PG sense). I think that was the only move that I saw in a theater this year.

  4. You could tie the Avernums together by bookending the episodes with folks like Erika, Solberg and Micah, making them the constants and then bringing in a new group of adventurers every XX episodes as you completed one of the games.

  5. I believe that the merchants use pack lizards which based on the mentions of scars on various NPCs can probably double as fighting animals. While a pack animal would have added some realism to the game and some options when food was required (assuming that the pack animal would consume extra food) and weight was an issue, in the current games I think that it would add complexity without adding much interest.

  6. Secondly, are there secret walls as in the old Exile games where you just walk through it by walking through it, or do all of the "secret" walls require pushing bricks by clicking on them?


    I'm just not getting used to this game's environment. :/


    On the interior maps, all the of secret doors require pressing hidden switches, all of them (except for one that I can think of) are bricks that you click on. On the exterior maps you move close to/through a secret passage by moving to it which is closer to the old system, but they are pretty well marked.

  7. There is certainly more than enough material to build a movie from. It would be neat to see, but would probably be better as a TV show since a movie would end up having to leave out most of the Avernum locations that many of us know and love.

  8. I pulled up Harehunters map of Exile III and I definitely think the WA state theory is sound. I enjoy the Who and would enjoy seeing a village in Avadon 3 populated with the band and the cast of Tommy, but I do not think that Jeff has mined that source yet.

  9. —Alorael, who admits to struggling with weighing in on this topic. It's hard for him to know where to put boundaries on advising or when to butt out of threads. He's mostly sticking to matters of fact for now.


    For what little it is worth, everything that you put in this post seems perfectly appropriate to me, since you are just providing the facts and details behind items that others have mentioned. None of your statements can be interpreted as an evaluation, diagnosis, suggested treatment, etc. It is nice not being a health care provider, so I can offer my un-educated opinion whenever I want on the topics that appear routinely on these boards. Fortunately, there are never topics on these boards that intersect my professional license.

  10. My first computer had 64K RAM and two 143K floppy drives and yet it managed to run a GUI word processor that has 90+% of the features that I use in MS Word on a regular basis. I agree with Sylae's rant as to how lazy and bloated current programmers and programmers are able to be, plus the ridiculous feature creep to justify purchase decisions of the latest version of Word (or Excel or Powerpoint, etc) when 99% of the users do not use most of the features in the previous four versions. I keep thinking that Moore's law will stop and people will have to be efficient again, but so far there does not seem to be any reason to be efficient.

  11. The Vahnatai Castle quest is given by Prossis-Bok on the Olgai council. I believe that there is a very minor bug where if you visit/clear the Vahnatai Fortress prior to getting the quest it just stays open. My party that has completed the game still has the quest open, and I just had them drop by Olgai to see if I could get it closed and I could not. On the other hand, a party that I am running through the game now was able to complete the quest. Like most of the quests to advance the main plots there is not a reward for it, so you haven't missed anything.

  12. In my decidedly non-professional opinion:

    1. There is nothing wrong with never having kissed someone at 20. While society/media is pushing the age for sexual/romantic activity earlier (or back to where it was when our life expectancy was 40 years), 20 is not old. Having friends can help with the loneliness, and many people have met an attachment through their friends.

    2. There is nothing inherently wrong with having a detailed fantasy life. Many people, including plenty of people in sexual/romantic relationships do. One trick is maintaining awareness of what is fantasy and what is reality. Where I would be concerned (which is not the same thing as saying that you "need" to see a professional) is when that fantasy life is interfering with real life to much. And of course the key is figuring out what too much is.

    If your fantasy life (or computer gaming, substance use, netflix bingeing, etc) prevents you from holding a job, getting an education, eating, cleaning, etc then it may be too much.

    In your first post you indicated that your fantasy SO has eclipsed your interest in your former real life crushes and is preventing you from falling in love with real girls. I do not see this as a huge immediate problem, but it is a potential mid and long term problem. Most of us are capable of creating fantasies that far outstrip any reality that we will ever experience. If you have lost interest in people who used to interest you because you have matured or your tastes have changed (something that is occurring quickly at age 20) that is fine. If on the other hand you have lost interest in them because your fantasy girl has pick one or several of (Barbie proportions, likes exactly the same activities you do, worships the ground you walk on, etc) and none of the real girls you know do, than your fantasy may be contributing to you being alone and you (with or without professional help may, at an appropriate time) want to do something about that and reduce the amount of time spent on your fantasy.

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