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The Titan.

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Monarch is more powerful than people give him credit for. People assume he can't be the PC because he isn't strong enough, which, looking at the Titan, is ridiculous. He probably isn't that tough when you fight him because he concentrating on making all those creations with which he is attacking, what, four or five zones? He is powerful, he made the Titan, and I still think he is a PC. I'm not sure which Geneforge he is the PC from, though. I'd say #3, given Greta and Alwans feelings towards him.

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Originally by -silver-:


if the PC were a continuation of my game, he'd be married to Greta and a rebel agent/infiltrator right along with her. Duh.
So that explains why Greta doesn't want to talk about him. He must have been killed in an earlier battle. Or run off with a younger and prettier infiltrator. :p



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Yes, well, you have fun with Greta, Silver. At any rate, Monarch is the PC from Geneforge 1. He fits the "I used the Geneforge and destroyed it" ending perfectly. He also has an abundance of control batons, which were in abundance on Sucia island, and he most likely learned how to make them. He was also quite obviously self-shaped, from the Geneforge or the canisters, and the canisters were just left lying around on Sucia, while the Geneforge there was the only one that deserves the title.


And, just so you know, The Doctor had the idea first!

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first, don't mistake me for my character.


second, Shaper Monarch may be the guy from GF1 if you like, but that means he wasn't the "third shaper from Greta and Alwan's group" since Greta and Alwan were introduced in GF3 at the beginnings of their career, starting in school with the "third shaper" (being the PC). which might not be anything like contradiction to you, but does contradict some other theories that have gone around.

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