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What happened to... *POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

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You know in the old geneforge there was Andras(incorrect?, havent played it in along time)

Greta mentions him, what happened to him? I remember at the end of it, there was andras and him sitting in a throne. What happened? And why doesn't the guardian(his other friend gawsh i forget too much) talk about him? It just says he spent time adventuring with Greta.


EDIT: I just noticed, inside of Alwans journal, his name is blacked out and it says something about an item. Does anyone know why everyone is so scared to speak of his name? It's driving me mad!!

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The protagonist of G3 can't be mentioned by name because the name is chosen by the player and therefore isn't anything specific, and his or her actions can't be referenced too specifically because you can do very different things and get very different endings.


Really, the only thing that's certain is that by the end of G3 your character will be very powerful and probably have other important people scared and/or angry.


—Alorael, who thinks Jeff did a reasonable job of conveying that. He also thinks this from the perspective of never having finished G3, so he understood everything that wasn't mentioned!

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*Spoilers ?


In Geneforge 3 there are three people who can join you. There are the two main ones Greta and Alwan in the early game. I also think there is a third, a shaper who will join you if you are a loyal shaper, I think (I was pro-rebel when I found him. He wouldn't join me because of it).


He is in Geneforge 4 too. In Shaper Monarch's holding cell is a captured shaper. I think it is the same one from Geneforge 3. -It sounds like he has become Pro-Trakovite.

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You're thinking of Khyryk, he does not join you in Geneforge 3. As for your own character in that game, it is supposed to be a mystery. One theory is that he is now Shaper Monarch, which would explain why both Geta and Alwan are nervous when it comes to talking about him. But really, we will never know.

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You know, I think that there actually are some actions in GF3 dictated retroactively in GF4. And I'm not just talking about the endings.


It's mentioned (I forget by whom) that Rahul died. Perhaps Alwan? I likewise can't remember who was alleged to have done it, but I seem to remember that it might have been the GF3 PC.


Greta is the most telling about the PC, when you question her about her own history. She says she stopped adventuring with the PC, and went her own way.


P.S. Anybody feel free to contradict me. As soon as I went to post this, all my recollection flew out of my head. Similarly, my alleged info from Greta and Alwan would seem to be contradictory.

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he seems a bit old..maybe he messed up a spell that made him younger and turned him older :p (idk it's a dumb idea but it's still possible, why would he need to be younger? XD)


PS if you let him go, where does he go to, what zone, like which area, like southforge etc.


P.S.S what was the perfect belt combination?


P.S.S.S is there a website that lists all of the forge combinations?


P.S.S.S.S this is one of the longest PS's i've ever made


P.S.S.S.S.S i like applesauce

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Monarch seems a bit old? All it really says is that he is bald, plus, canisters can have unusual effects on your features in rare cases, like Master Hodge.


PS If you let Monarch go, he goes West into Shaper lands to terrorize them. You will not encounter him again if you do that, and you will piss off the Shapers.


PPS Here is a threda will all anvil recipies.


PPPS When you make additional 'PS's, you add 'P's, not 'S's.

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In this case you could write a post, a post-post, a post-post-post, and so on. Actually, better skip the post-post-post. PPP is already reserved.


—Alorael, who wouldn't go talking about post-scripts, though. Add all this garbage to your scripts and G4 won't work at all even without questionable editors tacked on.

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In GF1 one of my characters used the geneforge and built an empire,Yet in GF2 he must have had a heart attack overnight because nobody knows who he is!


Same in GF2,my barazite must have been abducted because in GF3 the shapers do not seem to know he ever existed.


Chances are in GF5 the same thing will happen and all the unbound will be gone for no reason.

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I like think G5 will be a post-nuclear war type game were the land is ruined from the unbound and the humans have almost been wiped out and forgotten about the war just to survive.


I think I saw a game that had this theme once, you could walk around, do stuff, fight post-atomic mutants and even marry a wife and rais a family.


pity it was 16+, it looked quite good.


(Mind you, Freelancer had a 15+ rating yet is only about 7+ in what it actually contains!)

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Given that G5 is supposed to be the last game in the main story arc, and given that each game has been in a new location, I'd be very surprised if the Ashen Isles were revisited -- especially since they were the site of the game with the least critical acclaim.


The only location I could realistically see being revisited would be Sucia Isle, and even that seems extremely unlikely.

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How do we know G5 will be the end? Jeff did speak at one point of G1-3 as the 'first half' of the series, but clearly he could have been rounding. And I could certainly see the plot ending soonish; but I could also see it continuing a bit longer. There might be enough interesting stuff for two games if, for instance, the Sholai came in, or the Shapers splintered into factions. Has Jeff actually said anything about winding it up with one more game?

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  • 2 months later...

I have a question. Greta seems extremely emotional when talking about ( I'll simply refer to the gf3 version of us as Mr. Jingles!)Mr. Jingles, to say the least. Isn't it somewhat safe to assume that that at least kind of lessens the chances of him being Monarch? Of course she could always simply be oblivious to this fact and her reluctance to talk about him could simply be an ignorance on the matter or just that his name reminds her of all the pain he's caused. 'Course only Jeff knows for sure. Or does he....... confused

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What really happened to the G3 PC (let's assume that the PC was a Shaper) is that rampant canister useage drove him completely mad. In his quest for more power, he slaughtered every living thing he came across for experience and loot, regardless of their alignment. Realizing the devastation the PC could have if he made it back to the mainland, the remaining Shapers and rebels made a temporary truce. The rebels sent a force led by Greta and the Shapers sent a force led by Alwan to ambush the PC at the docks, because Greta and Alwan had traveled with the PC and knew him better than anyone else. In the end, the PC and his creations were slain. Greta remained behind to help lead the rebellion while Alwan and his surviving soldiers sailed away to warn the Shapers on the mainland. Greta and Alwan don't like to talk about his rampage or his death, so that's why we don't hear much about him.


Dikiyoba doesn't remember posting this story before, but apologies if Dikiyoba has.

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if it was the pc from gf 1, where was he during gf 2,3? in 2 the hole shaping council is at peace, theres no rebellion yet (as of the begining) and in gf3 it makes it quite clear that the rebelion is the only thing bothering the shappers, though i guess they mite mistake monarch for a rebel...

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