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Is it possible to create NPC boundaries?

Neptúnus Hirt

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- By which I mean, "Is it possible to designate an area that an NPC can walk around in, but which he will not leave?"


I'd use it to contain a trainer within an outside training area, a citizen to his house, et-cetera. I'm certain I've seen this behavior in various scenarios.


If this is possible, could some kind denizen of these forums impart his* knowledge upon me?



* I refrain from saying this as "his/hers", not because I do not think there are no females in this community, but because I find such workarounds to break the flow of sentences. Of course, explaining this takes more time, and is a bit off-topic, but in today's PC society, one can never be too careful.

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Ah! So that's what the floor with the "B" on it does. Again you answer my question, quickly and accurately. I thank you once again, my friend!


One additional question: Is it possible to modify an existing tile to have the "B" property?


Never-mind that. I found out. What I don't understand is how to define a new terrain type, instead of simply editing an existing one.

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Ach, I see.


I suppose some of the terrain types are quite useless to me.


I hope to see some of the limitations of the editor done away with in the future.


Thanks again! On a side-note, I'm having a lot of fun learning how to use the editor. Exile III was a game I grew up with as a child, and this is like being the God of that realm.

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Originally Posted By: Ahbleza
Instead of a male or female pronoun, use 'They', 'Their', 'Them', etc. These words cover for unknowns, also. ;^}
Actually, that's more a matter of personal opinion. It's somewhat accepted, but plenty of people do not accept it.

I personally like it. If you don't like it, your options are the male pronoun "he/him/his/etc" or simple "one". Unfortunately the latter fails in some contexts.
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