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Vahnavoi in Howling Depths

Mick of Time

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Can I go ahead and take this guy out? I'm currently slogging my way through the Azure Gallery, and have received hints about some vahnatai ahead. Thus, I'm worried about this guy being the object of a future quest or something, as he's not immediately hostile. Is it safe, quest-wise, to go ahead and attack him, or should I hold off?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm presently stuck in the Howling Depths without a way out and decided to go trolling through past posts to see if I could find a clue. You guys have just solved one problem for me, so I'm going to do battle with this Spirit. Assuming I'm successful, it still leaves me stuck in the Depths or do I go back to the gates, which were locked after I entered the Depths? Thanks.....

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At the far end of the depths, after Dervish Tolmen's camp (not sure of his name) there is a dock with three boats. You can take one to sail to the Azure Gallery and Highground, where there is a pylon.

If you go back to Anama's land (via pylons) the gates would be open so you can finish exploring the Howling Depths.

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I guess I didn't explain my problem in enough detail- as I said I'm stuck in the Depths- at the end of the bridge at the three tier "village". By the way I was successful with the Spirit and next to his alcove is a rabbit hole that ends up with an unstable mass that ends up with many many unstable masses but no way past the "village", so I must be missing something....More help would be appreciated. Thanks again.

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Look, I get the message, I just can't find a way past the three tier village! Believe me, I've tried. There is no obvious passage. Am I missing a hidden switch? There is no way shown on my local map but it is shown on my world map but no detail.....Is it through the village? If not, is it via the south side that I have to find. Please be specific as I have looked!!! Thanks.

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