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Chitrach Nest


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I am on my second time through and I have hit a bit of a snag. Trying to clean out the Queen's nest and find the mindwarp chitrach. Seem to be stuck in the nest. I have gone down all four available pathways and I cannot get farther into the nest. Don't remember hitting this snag the last time through.

Also, can't seem to figure out how to find this mindwarp bug. Any suggestions on either of the above?

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Talk to the Kingsley in Ahonaria..choose the last option..or the one that'll lead you to the "How to hunt a Mindwarp." section..


Go to the chitrach infestation..go to the southwest..where the recurring worms appear..then go out after you kill the worms..then return..do it again until the path to the mindwarp opens..


I'm not so sure about the kill the worms part..but heck..at least you killed something..@_@

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If you ask Kingsley in the Anama town, he gives you a hint on how to find the mindwarp bug.


The reason you can't get to the mindwarp bug is because its messing with your head, every time you re-enter the nest, the mindwarp bug's illusion changes. There are several different walls that may, or may not be present when you enter the nest.

If you explore the entire nest, check the places you've been on the map each time you re-enter the nest, if you're observant you will notice some walls missing in places you have been, check those areas to find the bug.


Good luck.

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I've also been having trouble with finding the mindwarp bug. Ive talked to kingsley (a bunch of times) and don't remember him mentioning a mindwarp bug. (might have already happened.)


I ventured into the chitrach nest a variety of ways at least twenty five times and I think I even know where the passage is that goes to the mindwarp bug. There must be something I'm overlooking. Is there some way to reset the event? How many times does it take to get him to open up?

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  • 1 month later...

Boy, this question is on about six different threads. I'm stuck, too. I can't remember if I talked to Kingsley about the mindwarp chitrach, but since I stole the Anama papers, going back to ask isn't an option. The burning question is, is the hint from Kingsley absolutely necessary? Has anyone found it without talking to Kingsley?


I wonder if it has to do with the routes I'm taking. When the opened tunnel has a ladder, I go up it, re-enter through the northwest entrance, and go back to the problem area (and of course, have to kill the three damned bugs again--god, how I hate the bugs in Avernum). When there is no ladder, I simply leave from the northwest exit and go right back down. It may be my imagination, but the various passages (four, not counting the crucial one) seem to be opening up in a consistent order. I wonder if it's because I keep following the same routes.


I've also done this at least a dozen times, and it's getting tiring. Just using healing spells after killing the Three Damned Bugs over and over again wears down my cleric's energy, which makes me worry that she won't have enough when it comes time to battle the mindwarp chitrach (assuming I ever find it), particularly since the Unshackle Mind is so important here.


(And, yes, I've done the other Lark quests in order.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Randomizer

It takes about 4 trips up and down ladders in the area. Leaving the chitrach nest zone resets most things.

Yeah, I back this statement. Can't say anything about a connection to Lark's quest, had it already, when I arrived at the mindwarp citrach nest.
Anyway, it didn't help to run around in the upper levels at all. Found open walls after passing through the already raided other nests in the lower levels several times. The larvae didn't have to do with it at all. They are just a nuisance.

Good luck for finding the mindwarp citrach. For me the fight down there was quite a lot of fun.
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  • 1 month later...

I think I can confirm that it is impossible to find the warped chitrach without first talking to Kingsley about it in Ahonaria. That means you definitely don't want to make Ahonaria hostile to you before you talk with Kingsley and get his advice. I made this mistake the first time I played the game, and never found the Warped Chitrach, even after going up and down and all around dozens of times. The second time through, I got Kingsley's advice, and found the Warped Chitrach in one shot. And if you don't get the Warped Chitrach, you can't get the remaining Lark quests, and believe me, you want to get those quests, not just because of the substantial rewards, but because they are fun. The Black Horror quest kicks derrière.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I can't seem to be able to get into the caves at all. In the chitrach nest, theres the seven ladders down, and the NE most s caved in. The SW and mid-W tunnels give me a message saying that it seems that I emerge where I entered, and that the passage seems to be warded to baffle intruders. I've tried to enter these tunnels over 20 times each, walking off screen and returning, and going back to the anama town and returning. Unless I'm really missing it, there doesn't seem to be any passage from the S, SE, NW, or center tunnels. I've gotten the quest from lark, and the hint from kingsley, but I can't find the mindwarp or the queen! This is really bugging me (haha)!




ok, so literally, 6 minutes after I post this, I go back down a tunnel, and randomly, all the walls suddenly have new holes in them! So I think I have it now.... But damn that was frustrating!

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Well, it sounds like the problem's been solved, but just in case it hasn't, there's also this thread from a while back. Of course, if this is your second run through, then perhaps that thread won't help you either, and perhaps it is some sort of bug where once in a long while the walls do not break down in order to properly allow you to enter. What I do remember (I think) is that you can only get to the Mindwarp Chitrach through other tunnels whose walls are then broken down by ambushing chitrachs, and that, once in the Mindwarp's lair, you have to spend a nearly exhaustive amount of time wandering around waiting for the passages to reveal themselves one by one until finally you get to her (him?).


I think I also remember that the southwest tunnel was not accessible because of the Mindwarp's mindwarping.

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  • 3 months later...

One more time:


1 - Get quest from Lark for Mindwarp Chitrach.

2 - Talk to Kingsley, the chitrach hunter in Ahoronia about the mindwarp chitrach.

3 - Go kill the chitrachs in the nest zone so they won't bother you.

4 - When a wall opens up to the southwest part of the lower level, go there and kill the spiny larve (worms).

5 - Go back up a ladder and down another one so you can return to the southwest area. This step will have to be repeated 3 or 4 times with each trip openning up a different wall section. Don't leave the zone because then you will have to start over.

6- Eventually a wall will open along the west part of the southwest area leading to the mindwarp chitrach.

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thats exactly what i tried for 2 hours haha and it "almost" works like ill go down and one secret section is open (ex. the paths that lead to the one way staircases) and then i go up and down and a new one is open and i do it again and the 3rd is open and then i go back down again and it just starts over again with the first secret passage that opened. so frustrating. but the good part is i think all my characters have gained a level from killing a thousand of those dumb larva.


the thing is i didnt talk to kingsley because hes dead. i killed him. oops. but still if this quest is consistent with the other lark ones u dont have to talk to the designated person to find the foe. and the other secret doors work why wont the middle oneeeeeee.


grrrr frustrated


can anyone who stole the anama scrolls confirm it is possible to still fight the chitrach?

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Originally Posted By: MRappa
the thing is i didnt talk to kingsley because hes dead. i killed him. oops. but still if this quest is consistent with the other lark ones u dont have to talk to the designated person to find the foe. and the other secret doors work why wont the middle oneeeeeee.

Actually, that's not true. For most of Lark's quests, including this one, it's 100% necessary to talk to the designated person. Read the thread you're posting in: it's been confirmed by multiple people that there is no way to get to the Mindwarp Chitrach without talking to Kingsley.
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